Chapter 1: In The Cold

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Cold and barren, devoid of life, empty of light. A near perfect description of the vast and freezing environment of the Arctic. Temperatures were below zero, snow was so thick it was near impossible to see more than 5 feet in front of you, and the Pokémon there were one of the more dangerous ones, but one Mon stood out among her brutal kind.

As the snow befell the icy land, a Glaceon could be seen walking as if it was a clear sunny day, with no visible struggle trudging through the icy frontier. She wore a long, white and flowing scarf, a pair of goggles with blue rims surrounding the glass, a pair of boots with modified spikes on the bottom to have better grip on the ice, a backpack, and 2 ice axes hanging off of her waist. She continued walking and murmuring to herself before eventually finding a cave that hopefully shielded her from the snow. She made her way to it and finally sat down, allowing her a moment to remember the sensation of resting.

Glaceon: Arceus almighty that was brutal...I was lucky to find this cave otherwise I probably would've died from exhaustion...well...atleast I can rest now

She then took off her goggles and suspended them on her forehead, revealing her different coloured eyes, one blue, one gray. She removed her boots and scarf and started dozing off, before eventually she heard something fall on the ice.

Her first instinct was to grip her ice axes and prepare for a fight, as she removed them from their holster, she made her way out and looked outside, there she saw what seemed to be an unconscious Pokémon, black in colour with glowing blue rings all around his body. She slowly made her way over to the body, before realising the implications of what happened. She hurriedly took him back to the cave and quickly got a fire going, she put the body close to the flame and waited by the entrance in case other Pokémon were in need of help, she stood guard for a long while until the unconscious Pokémon began to awaken. She quickly ran over to him, but before that she prepared to fight him in case he gets the wrong idea. The Pokémon wakes up and immediately began trying to stand up unsuccessfully and fell down. Before he could hit the icy floor, the Glaceon stopped him and slung his arm around her back. The Pokémon looked at this and seemed surprise and stared at the Glaceon, allowing her to have a better look at his face. Red eyes with black as night pupils, a bleeding mouth and a massive gash across his face, though that seemed to be an old wound. The Glaceon gestured for him to settle down and take a seat while she grabbed whatever she could to remedy his wounds, the Pokémon nodded and began to sit down. The Glaceon slowly but surely patched up the injured Mon and at the same time made sure the fire was still ablaze. As she finished fixing up the Pokémon, she began to speak to him.

Glaceon: So....what's someone like you doing around these parts? Never seen you or your kind before...

The unknown Pokémon looked at her before talking in a deep and accented voice, monotone in their tone

Umbreon: I'm an Umbreon, and I'm lost, I wasn't supposed to be here, but I am and I have no idea how get back

As the Umbreon finished speaking, the Glaceon replied with an answer that the Umbreon was not expecting to hear so fast

Glaceon: I think I might know a way you can get back to...wherever you need to go

Umbreon: Really? Where?

Glaceon: North of here, a good distance down, there's a big ol' doohickey, I sometimes see folks coming out of there when I pass it, and sometimes I seem go into it, been sitting there for Dialga knows knows how long...but maybe it'll get you to where you need to go

The Umbreon nodded and thanked the Glaceon before asking her

Umbreon: What's your name anyways?

The Glaceon was surprised at this question but answered it happily "

Crystal: Crystal...Crystal the Glaceon, you?

The Umbreon seemed to hesitate before replying

Zero: Zero...the Umbreon

Crystal:That's a cool name Zero

Zero: Much appreciated

The Umbreon ever so slightly blushed at the compliment before it eventually faded away as he looked outside. Snow was still pouring down like an icy rainstorm, limiting the Umbreon's ability to mobilise. He then started to close his eyes and slowly but surely, he dozed off. Crystal looked at the sleeping Mon and made sure the both of the them would make it past the nigh. Before she herself took a nap, she made sure to seal the entrance of the cave with her ice, knowing she could just open it up later. After giving the fire enough food to continue burning through the night, much to the uncomfortableness of Crystal, but if it helped Zero stay alive, she would be fine with it and began to sleep.

Morning came and Crystal slowly awoke to see Zero no longer in his sleeping spot. She worriedly got up and began to look for him, before finding him near the entrance, which was now broken, with a dark and wispy sword in his left hand and a dead Beartic below him. That blade...was a Type Weapon, the physical extension of a Pokémon's very own typing, with each type having a different weapon, this one in particular belongs to the Dark Types...the Dark Blade. They were powerful...VERY powerful tools of combat, yet Crystal seemed to be...relatively unbothered by it, and was more or less shocked about the current condition of her acquaintance. Just a few hours ago the Umbreon could barely stand, now he could fight a fully grown Beartic with ease? As Crystal continued gazing at the events that had transpired before her, Zero called out to her, which startled her just a bit

Zero: You can come out now Crystal s

How did he know she right there? She couldn't find an answer so instead of using even more of her brain power, she instead slowly came out of the shadows and pointed at the Beartic, before asking

Crystal: Mind explaining?

Zero looked at the Glaceon before allowing his sword to dissipate into thin air, before at last he replied

Zero: Beartic attacked us, you were sleeping, I dealt with him and ended his life

Crystal: Okay, but how were you able to fight? You could barely even stand up a few hours ago, now you could fight a Beartic all on your own? What if you got hurt? Or worse!

Worry started appearing in Crystal's face, prompting Zero to apologise. Crystal accepted the apology and looked at the dead Beartic, eventually she just sighed and created a hole underneath the Beartic, then covered it. Zero saw this and complimented Crystal

Zero: You have quite a fair amount of control over your element don't you?

Crystal smiled at Zero, before replying happily, though with a tad bit of pride

Crystal: Yeah I do, thanks for noticing Z~


Crystal: Oh it's nothing, just a nickname I thought of just now hehe

Crystal chuckled, thinking it was a harmless joke, unbeknownst to her, Zero started panicking when he heard the name Z, he only calmed down after Crystal said she thought of it just now. As Zero eased up, Crystal playfully punched his shoulder, complimenting on his combat prowess, causing Zero to blush and get quite flustered.

For 4 days the duo lived in the cave, surviving together and just trying to make it to their next tomorrow, finally Zero was able to regain his strength and prepared to embark on his journey back home. Though he would finally be home again in his hometown, in Kanto, he felt a bit sad to leave. Despite only knowing Crystal for a short amount of time, he grew attached to her, and didn't want to leave just yet, but knowing the state of his...mission, he needed to be back immediately. As he prepared his stuff, he noticed Crystal was nowhere to be found in the cave, then noticed her equipment was missing from their respective spot. When he went outside, he saw Crystal patiently waiting for him by the entrance, Zero then called out to her

Zero: Crystal! What are you doing out here?

Crystal then looked at him and smirked mischievously before putting on her goggles and replying to Zero

Crystal: I'm coming with you dummy, last time you were outside in the ice alone you almost died!

A Dark Winter (Umbreon X Glaceon)Where stories live. Discover now