Chapter 7: Recollections and Rematches

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Crystal looked at Zero with a sense of confusion in her eyes, wondering why the mention of Volts name seemed to instill such a reaction from the stoic Umbreon.

Crystal: You seem...kinda annoyed? What's up with Volt?

Zero: Oh nothing really, just the fact that he's the most cocky, overconfident, annoying and bothersome Pokémon I've ever had the dishonour Ponour to meet

Crystal: Woah you do not like that dude at all don't you? I mean he's full of himself sure but he seems nice, unless he's SECRETLY weak and pretending to be strong, like...all bark no bite was it?

Zero: You are correct in that analogy, but unfortunately, Voltrunner is all bark, ALL bite. He's one of, if not the strongest rogue in Pokémon history, level 237, with nearly 500+ completed missions under his name, and he's the world record holder for strongest bolt of lightning at 750,500,000,010 volts.

As Volt's feats were laid down in front of her, Crystal simply stared in amazement, mouth agape, shocked at just how powerful Volt truly was.

Crystal: Holy shit...and you knew this guy?

Zero: He was my closest friend...

Crystal: "Was"? Did you two...not get along after a while?

Zero: No, we're still fully willing to help eachother if we need to, it's just that I just cannot even begin to welcome his arrogance, and it seems he seemingly cannot stand my minimalistic and modest nature, as opposed to his more outward and extroverted personality.

Crystal: Ohhhh, I get it. Still can't believe you were friends with like, one of the strongest Mons ever. What was he like anyways? What did you guys do?

Zero: I assume you want the full story of our past?

Crystal: Abso-fucking-lutely yes

Zero: Very well...
It was a calm and serene day in the bristling town of Ironforge, atleast by the standards of the inhabitants. Through every inch of the town, numerous inhabitants could be seen dueling, fighting, sparring and all manner of difficult and brutal training. In the far reaches of the town, on the edge of it all, a hut could be seen, smoke rising from it's chimney, and commands could be heard from it's yard, as well as loud thuds and impacts.

Lucario: Again...

The Lucario repeats as an especially large and bulky Eevee reeled back his arm and launched another fist towards an already damaged tree, blood oozing from their knuckles. At the time, this Eevee did not go by Zero, instead, fresh from trauma, it was a tired, angry and annoyed 13 year old Zachary Ashen.

Zachary: I have punched this fucking tree...FOR 3 HOURS!

Lucario: And you will continue to punch it until you either learn Bullet Punch or cut the damn tree down, now again

Zachary growled in anger as he once again punched the tree with all his might, the blood from his hands painting the brown bark of the tree a radiant blood red colour, panting heavily as oceans of sweat continued to drip from his body.

Lucario: Again


The Lucario now known as Ezio responded with cold certainty

Ezio: For as long as I need to

Zachary: Fucking Giratina....I've already lost my fucking family now you're making me punch a tree until my goddamn arms break

Ezio: Correct, now again

Zach then yelled in rage as he once again reeled back and punched the tree with such ferocity, a crack could be heard emanating from his hand, as well as cursing.

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