Chapter 13: Zero VS Akane

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The Arena shook as the two Mons dueled to no end, their battle far from finished, and it's spectacle far too great to simply stop, as much as Zero wanted it to.

Akane dashed forwards again, enacting a Leaf Blade as a shadowy impression of the attack sprouted from his elbows. Zero saw this and once again braced for another onslaught. Akane rushed past him, stunning Zero, he looked back and saw a voided out Inferno Blaze, ready to engulf him in fire. Zero however was able to jump over the darkened flames just in the nick of time, and countered using a Night Slash on Akane. However using his Leaf Blades, he was able to also counter this, and responded with a Discharge, sending both Mons backwards. Zero despite recieving most of the impact, was relatively unharmed. Akane crackled once again with electricity, before dashing forwards at break neck speeds, aiming for Zero. However simply parried the accelerated Leaf Blade attack as Akane stumbled forwards. The Absol then turned tail and sent forth a Water Pulse, which Zero dodged once again. By now Zero's Dark and wispy aura was already dissipating, reflecting at just how much Zero had calmed down. Against Lucius, Zero's "Embrace Darkness" aura was active and on full power the entire fight, with Akane? He needed nothing less but his instincts and skill, as he once again parried another flurry of attacks, parrying, blocking and evading each one with little to no effort.

Akane on the other hand was growing impatient. He has thrown everything in his arsenal against Zero, yet still the Umbreon lay unbothered, not even having retaliated yet. Every Mon he's fought never lasted this long before, so he was growing slightly concerned. He was also getting tired, not just from Zero's conservatism, but from how much energy he was dishing out. Still he continued his onslaught, and Zero continued to counter it without breaking a sweat

Whilst their duel continued to seemingly no end, Crystal and the others had another problem on their hands

Crystal: L-Look, I-I'm sorry I lied, I'm sorry I lied about being a Wild Pokémon, t-that I was from the A-...A-Arctic...but please...don't...d-don't make me leave...


Azure: Bree...I know we just met her, but you're not just gonna...a-are you actually?

Bree: I-It's just...

Azure: Bree..

Suddenly another deafening explosion erupted from the battlefield, and parting the smoke was Zero, who was still defending against Akane's onslaught, as the Absol blitzed around the Arena, sending forth wave after wave of attack, doing nothing to even phase the Umbreon.

Azure looked back at Bree, who was deep in her thoughts, trying to weigh every possible scenario, then to Crystal who looked to be on the verge of tears, then finally back to Zero, before he then spoke once more, abandoning his comedic persona in favour of a more serious one.

Azure: Look...I know Wild Mons are HEAVILY restricted from entering school grounds, but...Crystal...she hasn't hurt anyone yet hasn't she?

Bree: I...I suppose so...

Azure: Okay Crystal...answer me this...are you truly a Wild Pokémon, specifically from the Arctic?

Crystal: I...I am

Azure: Then by telling the truth, you're already better than most Wild Mons, hell, better than some students here even...

Bree: But...

Azure: Zero's done all sorts of shit for us when we needed him, and this is just one secret we can keep, is that too much for him to ask for?

Bree: It's just not that simple okay?! Keeping this kind of secret is risky, and the school finding out about it could get us suspended, or worse!

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