Chapter 8: Brewing Storm

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Lucius yelled out as he ducked underneath Zero's Dark Blade, retaliating with a Bullet Punch, launching Zero back into a building. He then heard footsteps behind him as Crystal approached, scythe in hand, ready to hit it's mark. He then easily side stepped out of the way, glaring at Crystal with a sadistic sneer on his face, responding with a High Jump Kick to the chest, launching Crystal backwards as she landed on her back, sliding backwards, before swiftly turning back to Zero who was in the process of landing a hit on his Dark Blade, knocking him back again with a Drain Punch, stealing Zero's energy and converting into his own. Zero skidded to a stop, panting heavily, the normal response to a Drain Punch, especially one that was amped up due to Mega Evolution, but even then, he could already feel his energy returning back to him, well what remained of it anyways, despite being trained in fighting battles back to back without jeopardizing much of his energy, that last duel still took a heavy toll on him. He slowly stood up, clenching his blade, before suddenly his face was in direct contact with Lucius's Bullet Punch, sending him flying him to a wall, almost knocking him unconscious, yet he was able to cling on just a little more, atleast long enough to see Crystal running towards Lucius, before eventually, fading into black.

Lucius watched as Zero began fading into unconsciousness, before suddenly he felt a wave of cool air hit him, and before he knew it, his fur suddenly solidified into ice, as he slowly came to realise he was struck by Crystal's Ice Wind. Lucius growled in anger at the sight, cursing at Crystal, before suddenly he was launched back by Double Kick, hitting the asphalt with a hefty thud as he skidded to a stop beside a lamp post. Crystal kept her sight on Lucius, waiting for the opportunity she was waiting for, ever patient. Lucius slowly stood up and gripped the lamp post as support, before ripping it out it's place and blindly swinging it towards Crystal, of which she ducked easily, then dashing forward with her scythe in hand, ready to unleash her wrath, for Lucius had just fallen into her trap.

Crystal sprinted towards the Lucario with a speed unlike that of Glaceons, she was fast, not as fast as Zero or Lucius for sure, but she was still faster than a lot of other Mons, especially for her species. She then side stepped to the right of her, swinging her scythe upwards to the left, launching the lamp post high and above, leaving Lucius open for attack. Crystal then brought down her scythe on the Lucario, sending him back as a large gash was now visible on his chest area, however it would not linger long, as it began to slowly start to knit itself, forming only a red mark where it once was. Crystal realised this and cursed under breath, but still she wore her smug smile.

Crystal: Looks like all I'll need to do is keep the heat on ya if I want you dead...that can be perfectly arranged~

Crystal charged at Lucius again, scythe ready and her strategy already falling into place like pieces on a jigsaw puzzle. She slid underneath Lucius's Aura Sphere, before rolling forwards and back up on her feet, turning heel and slashing the back of the Lucario, before slicing back down and adding inflicting another wound on Lucius. Lucius yelled in pain and turned to face Crystal, an Aura Sphere already charged and ready, only to be met with a point blank Ice Claw to the face, blinding his left eye as a nasty gash on his face began to bleed profusely. Crystal then followed up with a Quick Attack to his abdomen, then with a brutal Ice imbued uppercut to the chin, finishing it off with another sideways slash of her scythe. Lucius stumbled and yelled in agony, rage coursing through his veins as his injuries slowly started to heal, but it was given no time, another flurry of attacks were already on their way.

Crystal ran towards Lucius again, with the Lucario trying to strike her back with a Bullet Punch, of which Crystal evaded easily, side stepping it and once again retaliating with an Ice Shard to the chest, detonating it in a controlled explosion of shrapnel, before summoning her Ice Scythe and slashing it upwards, launching Lucius into the sky, Crystal then kneeled, her hands touching the gray asphalt, before eventually it started to freeze. As ice extended from her fingertips and out towards the road, she then took a shark breath, before quickly standing up and sending an icy spike upwards towards Lucius.

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