Chapter 12: Purity Against Diversity

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Empty, vacant, devoid of life, an apt description of the current state of the hallways of Moonwood High. Throughout the corridors, where not a shred of life could be seen, footsteps could be heard, rushing, as if trying to catch up to something. A figure bursted from a corner, carrying all manner of documents, struggling to keep them off the floor, yet despite the struggle they found themself in, they still continued rushing forwards. After a while of running, they were able to catch a glimpse of a room, on the door was a label, "Research Laboratory". As soon they saw it, the figure immediately bolted to it, however, their rushing would soon come to bite him, as they realised the floor was now in contact with their head, and the papers they held were strewn across the floor, scattered, and a very tedious mess to clean up. As the figure looked up, they could see their face on a pair of graded glasses, their reflection reminding them of who they are, as their top cream coloured floof drooped over their head, their orange fur messy and in disarray, overall, the Flareon looked terrible.

He slowly stood up, groaning all the way, and afterwards picked up his glasses and set them on his eyes, allowing him to see farther than the length of his arms. He then immediately began painstakingly picking the pieces of paper one by one, each arranged in the way they were before. As he picked up his papers, he slightly hesitated as he reached one that mattered to him most, with the words "Berserkers: Latest Breakthroughs!" inscribed atop it, he then picked it up and looked at it longingly, before eventually sighing and placing it back on his pile. As he continued picking up pieces of paper, he heard a pair of footsteps approaching, he deduced it was probably another Eeveelution due to the sound their footstep made, but either way, he cared not of who it was, only caring about the task at hand. Unexpectedly though, he heard the Eeveelution crouch down near him, then he heard some paper shuffling about, and as he reached forwards to grab another one of his documents, a tan, leaf and greenery covered hand touched his.

He looked up and saw the face of a familiar member of his species, one that is known for it's affinity for nature, peacefulness and serenity, though the Flareon knew well this particular Leafeon was far, FAR from the regular stereotypes. The Leafeon in front of him wore a lanyard, on it were the words "Battle Club Overseer", while also wearing gloves that reached all the way up to their elbow, embroidered with Battle Club logos, texts and symbols, all emphasizing who it was the Flareon was looking at. After a moment of staring, the Flareon looking on in awe, and the Leafeon looking mildly amused, the Leafeon then raised its hand and smashed the Flar Jineon's in return, prompting him to reel back and yell out in pain.


The Leafeon then scoffed and snatched the paper they held together, before then handing it over to him, turning away from his gaze, every so slightly reddened. The Leafeon then spoke, feminine in nature, yet undeniably dominant and intimidating, with her Galarian (Scottish) accent adding more to her overall tough demeanor.

Leafeon: Oh shut yer yap ya fucken crybaby, I know it wasn't that painful


Leafeon: Oh please, as if ye even fucken felt it ya daft cunt, yer fur wouldn't let that happen wouldn't it?

Flareon: I...I-I guess so...

Leafeon: Fantastic, now get yer shit off the floor

Flareon: Yes "miss" Forrest...

The Leafeon now known as Forrest stood up and stared sternly at the Flareon as he continued cleaning up his mess. She then sighed and spoke with ever so slightly noticeable sympathy

Forrest: You don't got to keep callin' me miss ye know...we're the same age ya fucken dumbarse...

Flareon: And disrespect the oh so legendary Forrest Collins? Why would anymon think of such a thing?!

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