Chapter 2: Beyond the veil

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As the two walked side by side, Zero was still in shock at Crystal's decision to tag along with him, despite she herself warning him of the many dangers that lie in the northern region of the Arctic. Zero looked over to his right, he saw Crystal walking modestly and calmly, which made sense considering she was a Glaceon, and was not affected in anyway by colder temperatures, while Zero himself was shivering from the subzero weather. They passed by all manner of different icy fauna, but eventually, after a gruelling 2 day walk, with numerous obstacles on the way there, they finally reached their destination. The platform lied beneath a thick blanket of snow, its surface pristine and untouched, save for the occasional footprint. The control panels encircled the perimeter in a semi-circle. At the center of this frozen tableau, the main teleporter device rose like a monolith, its sleek lines contrasting sharply with the rugged edges of the crater that cradled it, tendrils of frost clung to its surface as if it were trying to climb it. Zero then realised exactly what it was. An IDC teleporter, it was an older model, but no doubt it would work. Zero realised he actually had a chance to return.

Throughout their journey, they persevered through many challenges, from battling with Wild Pokémon, to carefully crossing a frozen sea, to navigating a labyrinthine cave system, now they had finally reached their intended goal, but it will not come easy. Amidst the metal platform of the run down teleporter, a singular Abomasnow with red crimson eyes patrolled the location. This sparked concern in Zero who attempted to ask Crystal as she was his only way to get information regarding their location's fauna and inhabitants

Zero: Hmmmm...that Abomasnow...could it be?

Then out of nowhere  a Froslass tried to ambush the titanic beast. Bravery? Foolishness? Or desperateness? Whatever the reason for the Froslass suddenly attacking the Abomasnow did not matter, because of course it was easily defeated, but the sight that beheld them afterwards was what shocked Zero to his core. After the Abomasnow knocked the Pokémon out, it then proceeded to devour and cannibalise it, leaving the Umbreon disturbed. Zero looked to Crystal for answers but all she did was look at Zero and say in a cold and direct tone

Crystal: It's a berserker

Zero: So...what's the plan?

Crystal: Well since you have the higher stamina, try to get the Abomasnow's attention, after which immobilise it, I can't hit him while he's still moving since he has higher stamina, but with him disabled, I can strike from behind

Zero: How would you strike him?

Crystal: With this!

Crystal stuck out her hand, when suddenly a large icy Scythe started forming, stunning Zero. Now he had understood how Crystal had survived all these years alone, despite other Ice Type Mons clearly being more than enough to overpower her. She was good at fighting...VERY good at fighting. Zero spoke with a mixture of disbelief and admiration

Zero: I did not know you knew how to summon your Type Weapon...especially in these conditions...

Crystal then mischievously grinned before replying smugly

Crystal: There's lots of things you don't know about me Zero~

Zero blushed a bit before looking at the Glaceon almost sadly. She too didn't know a lot of things about Zero, some good, some bad. As the duo slowly made their way to the platform, making sure not to alarm the Berserker, they took one last look at eachother, before Crystal put up her hand showing her 5 fingers. A second later she brings down her thumb, 4 fingers left. Then her pinky as another second passed, only 3 left. Then her ring finger, 2 fingers left. 1 finger remained as she brought down her middle finger. Zero patiently anticipated when the final second would pass. When the final finger fell, the battle soon begun.

Zero leapt out of his hiding spot, attracting the attention of the Abomasnow, who in turn roared before charging the Umbreon. Zero however wasn't going to let a simple attack like that best him, he easily slid under the Abomasnow as it pounced on him, crashing onto the ground behind him, before stopping himself and turning to the dazed Abomasnow. Zero readied a Dark Pulse but before he could use it, the Abomasnow used Razor Leaf, forcing Zero to cancel his attack and take cover while dozens of leaf projectiles trailed behind him. He dove to a nearby rock which ceased the attack.

When the attack stopped, Zero could feel the snow around him start to shift. Oh no He thought to himself, It's about to use Blizzard. As Zero stood up and looked at the Abomasnow, his suspicions raised true, a fully charged Blizzard was about to critically damage and weaken Zero. Before the attack could hit however, Zero backed into the a shadow of a tall structure and glared, before seamlessly melding into the darkness, as he used what was called an "Advanced Move", an ability greater than that of the basics, but significantly harder to learn, let alone master. As the blizzard hit it's mark, a massive cloud of snow and debris rose up. Then as the dust cleared, Zero ambushed from the shadows and cut the tendons of the Abomasnow using his Dark Blade, permanently immobilising the beast. Zero then backed away slowly preparing to fight again if he needed to. The Abomasnow slowly tried pushing itself up with its last remaining bit of strength, when suddenly a shadow blocked the sun, as the two Mons look up, only one was able to realise what happened. Crystal had jumped from the highest point of the teleporter platform and rammed the sharp end of her scythe directly into the cranium of the Abomasnow, ending its life. Zero was about to approach Crystal, before he felt vibrations from below his feet. He tensed up and readied for another battle before he heard another squelch coming from the body. Zero looked up to see 5 ice spikes rise from the ground impaling the already dead Abomasnow, all while Crystal wore a sadistic smile on her face. Crystal removed her Scythe and dropped it, causing it shatter. As she drops down from the brutally mutilated body, she notices Zero being slightly concerned and cautionary to her. Crystal was confused at first then understood what was going on, stuttering over her words, realising the mistake she made.

Crystal: Right...y-you're probably disturbed at w-what I did...but p-please believe me when I say fighting like that is the only way to survive out here. S-Sure I got carried away b-but...we got him didn't we?

Crystal reasoned but she thought deep down she lost Zero's trust. That thought would not come to fruition as Zero patted her head while she was looking down. Crystal looked up to see Zero with a stern yet understanding and warm emotion on his face.

Zero: I am aware that we indeed got him, and I'm thankful we did, and I greatly appreciate your assistance in the battle...but do not let yourself become driven by your emotions like that again alright? can bring you to do things you...would sooner or later come to regret...but otherwise, damn good job Crystal

Crystal smiled greatly and hugged Zero, causing the dark type to blush and look around for help. She finally pulled away after a good while and gestured to the teleporter

Crystal: Well let's get that rust bucket running shall we?

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