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Obviously this is the last chapter of In Plain Sight.  Hard to believe that it's finished.  The first thing I want to say is that I'm not really happy with how the story ended up, and I'm already working on re-writing it instead of starting the next portion of Rose's journey.  Also, I really want to work on Not Falling Fast Enough, which I have been slacking on.  But seriously, thank you all for reading this, commenting and voting!!  You have no idea how much it means to me.


I was curled up on the sofa when I felt Liam sit down beside me.

"Don't try and say anything to make it better," I said without looking up. "No matter what way you try and spin this, right now, being a vampire sucks. I just lost people who were probably the best friends I ever had because of me being a stupid vampire. And yeah, I realize it was my fault because I didn't tell them, but let me ask you this Liam. Would you have told them?"

He sighed, but ignored the fact that I was taking out my anger and hurt on him. "No, I wouldn't have trusted them, but Rosie-girl, that's me. I don't trust easily."

"You trusted me," I said into the blanket in a small voice.

"You were bleeding and abandoned in an alley. You were also curled into a ball against the gut-wrenching pain I know comes with the transition. You were in no way to cause me harm, so I decided to help you. That's different than trusting you."

"Do you trust me now?" I couldn't help but ask.

"With my life."

"Why?" I asked.

"The same reason you trust me with yours," he said. "I love you, and you love me." He put an arm around me and pulled me in for a hug, clutching me tightly to his torso.

"We're a happy family," I sang in my teary voice, ruining the tender moment by quoting the Barney song.

Liam chuckled and squeezed me tighter. "That we are. We're crazy, dysfunctional, and more than slightly homicidal, but we're family Rosie-girl. I love you."

"I love you too, Li."

Liam picked me up and carried me into my bedroom, where he set me carefully down on the bed. I wrapped myself in the blankets, and Liam pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Get some sleep, Rosie-girl." He started to pull away and leave the room to let me have some peace, but I snapped my arm out to grab onto his wrist before he got too far away.

"Don't leave," I said. "I've had too many people leave tonight. Right now, I just need to know that you're going to stay."

Liam gave me a sad smile and then sat on the edge of the bed. I moved over to give him some room, and he settled in next to me. He did not ask for any of the blankets and I did not offer any of them. All I wanted at the moment was to know that he was still there. He didn't move the entire night.

The next morning I felt kind of comatose. I didn't move very much, and I don't think I said anything to Liam. He eventually just gave me another kiss on the forehead and then left the house to give me some space. This time, I did not mind being left alone, in fact, I wanted it. I was like a tornado, spinning around the house, except I was packing things up. I only shoved the bare necessities in a bag – as much cash as I had lying around, a few clothes, some pictures...

I gave one last look around the room; it seemed empty, even though almost nothing had changed. I hoisted my bag over my shoulder and then did the only thing I seemed to know how to do. I ran.

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