Chapter Nine

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The rest of the week passed by quickly and quietly.  I sat with the guys every day at lunch, and I successfully survived my first few weeks at a new school.  Finally, Friday night came, and it was time to go to the club.  At ten o’clock I was brushing my hair and getting ready to put it into a high ponytail when the door rang.  I answered it and saw Ryder (looking grumpy as usual), River, Seth, Cameron and Jason standing on my small front porch. 

“Hey,” I said.  “Come on in.”

“Why aren’t you dressed?” River asked.  He and Ryder were visions in black.  Black jeans, black boots, black jackets and black shirts.  “Are you backing out?”

“Nope,” I said.  “I just haven’t put on my dress yet.”

“Remember,” Cameron said in a patronizing tone, “it’s a club.  Wear a club dress.”  Cameron and Jason looked pretty much the same; both were in jeans and a t-shirt.

“I know, Cameron.  I have been to a club before.” I smiled and walked to my bedroom.  I pulled my hair up, slipped on the dress I had worn when I went hunting, and strapped on my black heels.  I brushed on the tiniest bit of the shimmer powder before I left the room and found the guys in various positions in my living room.

 Jason was sitting on the couch, looking proper and slightly uncomfortable.  Ryder and River leaned against the wall near the window, and Cameron sat by Jason, but was sprawled out all over the place.  Seth was perched on the arm of the sofa nearby Cameron.  Seth was dressed like he usually was, in a dark green dress shirt and tan slacks, his black glasses resting on his nose. 

When I walked in, I saw each and every jaw drop.  Some of them had the deer in headlights look, and then there was Cameron, who just looked me over with a gaze so heavy I could practically feel his eyeballs rolling over my body. 

I snorted before I spoke, “You guys are acting like you’ve never seen a female before.”

Seth swallowed hard and said, “This is the first time we have seen you dressed up.”

Cameron cleared his throat, “Yeah.  You look nice.”

“Thank you very much,” I said.  “Shall we get this show on the road?”

We left my house and I paused to lock the door behind us.  In my driveway I saw a black Aston Martin, and a silver Toyota.  No black Harleys today apparently.

“No Harleys today?” I asked.

“It’s a bit of a drive, so we’re going to ride with Jason.  Cameron and Seth apparently called dibs on driving you.” River walked toward the silver car, and Seth went to the driver’s side of the black one.  Cameron gently tugged on my hand to lead me toward the car before he let go as he opened the passenger door.  With him poking at my back I got into the car, careful not to flash my panties at anyone. 

I buckled up and Seth started the car.  When the car turned on, music started playing and almost immediately I recognized it.

“Is this Lorde?” I asked, barely containing my excitement.  I loved her music!

“Yeah.  You know her?” Seth looked at me with some confusion in his gaze.

“Oh please, she is awesome.” I reached forward and turned the volume up.  “Is this okay?” I asked him as I turned the dial.

“It’s fine,” he said.  He smiled as I leaned back onto the seat and started humming along.  After a few minutes I started singing along quietly.  Looking in the rearview mirror, I saw that Cameron had this goofy smile on his face as I sang along to the music.  The ride didn’t seem very long as we all listened to the music.  When we arrived I was able to easily hear the pounding bass coming from the club.  We stood in line and waited to get in.  The bouncer didn’t look twice at us, and I was mildly surprised.  I at least expected a no alcohol stamp or wristband or something.  We walked in and were instantly surrounded by a mass of dancing, writhing bodies.  I went up to the bar and asked for water, being closely followed by five guys.  We found a table to sit at and claimed it by setting down out drinks.  After a few minutes of watching everybody, Cameron asked me to dance.  I was very careful to avoid contact with him and I stayed several inches away at all times.

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