Ch1:Sprout Your Fluttering Wings! Cure Fairy Is Born!

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"Hanon? What is it my lovely child?"

In an aisle of books, a kind elderly woman smiled down at her little grandchild. She was a toddler ; with well worn sandals with flower accessories attached on it and a rosy dress with patterns of fairy wings that swamped her tiny frame.

The girl pointed at a colorful pink book , as if she wanted to reach out to it but couldn't due to the height of the shelf.

"Grandmother, I want to grab this book but..." she slightly frowned. "I'm too small... can't reach it."

The elderly woman chuckled at that. Seeing her grandchild frowning all because she couldn't reach out the book she wanted and was pouting.

Lowering herself as gracefully she could despite being in a bit of an old age, she and the girl met each other at their eye level.

Her soft words came out slowly. "My dear Hanon, frowning and pouting sadly because you can't reach out to a book? My dear, you'll eventually grow up as time goes by. Fairies also need time and patience to grow up if they want to be big and strong am i right?"

The girl nodded, still frowning and pouting but soon softened her expression as she met with her grandmother's soft smiling gaze.

"Then, with a sprinkle of magical fairy dust... turn this frown upside down and smile your heart out." The grandmother did a motion move as if she sprinkling fairy dust on top of the girl.

The frown and pout the girl worn seconds ago now replaced with a small laugh and grin.

"There we go. The fairy dust has worked its magic again." The grandmother smiled again and straighten herself up , reaching her hand to the book.

"You want to have this book right? Well then, shall we head to the counter?" Handing the book over to the grandchild.

"Hai, grandmother! I can't wait for Grandfather to read the book! I'm excited for the story!"

The child reached her hand and a small yet firm grip connected with the grandmother.

She found herself laughing as the two went to the counter and the scene became slowly a memory and fades away into the light.


"Are you sure that you can take care of yourself while we are gone?" A voice spoke from the other line of the phone as we see a graduation picture of a sandy blonde haired girl with magenta eyes. In her Miracle Star High School uniform, wearing a smile on her face, holding her degree with both of her parents standing beside her both sides as the picture was taken on that day as we see in the frame.

"Yes, mama. I can take care of myself, I'm clearly a adult now so I'm capable to have responsibilities of cook my own food, clean the house, wash the clothes, getting groceries and such. But... I'm appreciate your concern , mama." The sandy blonde haired girl now an eighteen year old girl , no longer a child but a young adult were having a conversation on the phone .

"I know... it's just... our little baby is all grown up after her high school graduation!" The girl had to wince and pull the phone away from her slightly as her mother dramatically cried.

The girl playfully rolled her eyes, losing the urge to giggle.

"Mama, i just graduated from Miracle Star High School. That hasn't been a long time ago. I even haven't gotten or search a job yet so I better get started on that."

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