Ch4:Constellation Gallore! Cure Stella Is Here!

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A other beautiful morning for the people of Miracle Town , starting their day at work, school, exercise , shop to get some groceries, study and whatsoever.

Zooming closely to a residence and inside a bedroom of a 18 year old girl, her room was definitely decorated with stars, constellations, crescent moons and zodiac signs.

You'll probably think that's a theme for a space lover child but the difference is... the owner of this bedroom is a eighteen year old girl , no child. Get over it and focus on other things, okay?

Back to the story, the girl is now having a peaceful dream until the beeping sound of her alarm rudely  interrupted her dream  , much to her dismay.

"Sister!" A banging sound banged upon the door, causing the girl to stir and frown her brows since the beeping sound of her alarm and the bang on her door isn't a good combination anyways.

"Yeah yeah! I'm up! I'm up..."The girl yelled and groaned as she turned off her alarm and got off of her bed , stretching her body .

"Chinami! Stop with the banging on my door! You're gonna break it and you'll have to pay for it!" She raised her voice a bit annoyed, walking over to the door and opened up to see her little middle school sister, Chinami.

"I don't even  have a job! How do you expect me to pay for it if the door will break?"She crossed her arms.

"Hmm i don't know... Get a part time job to earn money! If it gets broken, you owe me money. Big ones." The older sister replied and clicking her tongue irritated.

"Anyways, what do you want? You need to get ready for school. Don't come crying to me later from school if you get punished by the teacher. "

"You're lucky that you already graduated ... shouldn't you be all ready to go to the Observatory? And i want breakfast, now." Chinami said.

"I know time, thank you very much! Besides, you need to learn how to make breakfast by yourself. What if I'm not available for a moment?"

"Um remember the last time i tried to make breakfast?"Chinami deadpanned, the older sister had to jog her memory of the time Chinami tried to make breakfast and let's just say... it's for the best if she let her older sister take over for now and maybe take some cooking lessons to prevent the kitchen burning.

"Oh right... well you did almost burn the house down. Fine, wait at the table and I'll make breakfast in a jiffy."Chinami watched her older sister close the door behind her and walked over to the bathroom.

"At least i attempted to make it. My cooking skills might be even better than you..."She mumbled under her breath and stomped back to the table.

After showering, brushing her teeth, putting her causal outfit on and combing her hair neatly before tying into two worn low pigtails ,held by portions of her hair .

"All set for the day!" She smiled, checking herself out at her length mirror and grabbed her purse before leaving her room.

"Here, eat quickly. You really don't want to have a earful lecture from the teacher." A place of a delicious breakfast meal was placed in front of Chinami.

"Hey, it isn't my fault that i come sometimes late for school, Mika! They are being overdramatic. I'd sued the school anyways if i had the chance."She huffed and started digging in on her breakfast.

The older sister now named Mika, rolled her eyes and drank her cup of hot chocolate milk and ate her toast with apricot jam.

"That doesn't matter as long me or mom and dad dont want  or receive any problems from you with the school."

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