Ch5:Along With The Waves! Cure Ocean Is Awake!

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"Yes mother and father, I'm positively fine and well.. no nothing's wrong with me. I've been eating well and took great care of myself."A gentle voice spoke up from a nineteen year old bluenette girl who is speaking with her mother and father on the phone.

Letting a soft smile spread on her face, despite her parents are a bit worried for their daughter , she reassured them that she'll be fine and handle things on her own.

"I'll let you guys know if something's bothering me... okay, I'll call you both some time soon enough. Bye."With that she hung up the phone and let a sigh escape from her mouth.

"Sometimes i wish that they could stop worrying about me. I'm used being alone in the house... ever since middle school." She muttered under her breath and eyed on a photo album  beside her on top of the desk.

"One look at the photo wouldn't hurt me. Besides, it's nice to go down the memory lane."Opening the album and turns through the pages before she stopped at one picture of her and Midori wearing their school uniforms  in their middle school days .

"Midori... it has been a long time since I've seen her for the last time after our graduation. Wonder how she's doing right now? Or... should i pay her a visit?"Staring at the photo for a bit, the bluenette closes the album and placed back on the shelf before making her way to leave the house.

Meanwhile at the beach, where nobody was around yet and the water glisten with sparkles while the seagulls flew above of it. A water-like humanoid creature fairy admired the view and made a happy sound.

A Myth Spirit in shape of a teardrop who appeared out of the nowhere, flew over to the fairy and watched in curiosity as it caught an interest something down beneath the sand.

The Spirit gasped in utter astonishment when the water-like humanoid creature fairy held up a shiny shell, feeling happy and proud at the same time finding it.

Searching for pearls and another shells, the fairy decided to create a sea necklace by using its magic.

The teardrop fairy let out a happy sound, as if it was saying:'That's a wonderful necklace you have made!'

The fairy creature nodded in response, having the urge to explore and experience more in this newfound place.

It motioned the Myth Spirit to come along, while wearing the necklace around the neck and the two fairies flew away from the beach, excited for what kind of a adventure they will experience.

"Ta-da! I made super duper delicious freshly homemade sandwiches!"Mika presented sandwiches to Hanon and Midori as the three were at the park having a picnic.

Dreami, Lymphea and Astri were playing tag with each other.

"Wow, Mika-chan! Those are looking good! Such a pity to eat them.. i have brought some fruit skewers and onigiri with me."Hanon showed perfectly made fruit skewers and onigiri(rice balls) .

"They are shining like stars upon the sky!"Mika praised, her eyes twinkled with stars.

"Hehehe thank you. Honestly, i didn't know what type of food i should go with untill i decided to go ahead with fruit skewers and onigiri. Hope you don't mind it with me choosing this option."

"Oh not at all, Hanon-chan. I've prepared Taiyaki and cookies. My grandmother used to make this delicious recipe all the time."Midori was the last one to show Hanon and Mika what she has made.

"Both me and the whole family love it till this day. Mother and Auntie had to master it after the passing of my grandparents in order to keeping their legacy alive."

The mention of the word:'grandparents' triggered a memory inside of Hanon's head as she  remembers a flashback of her being a toddler baking some cookies with her grandmother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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