Chapter 12 Sun god vs Songstress

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At a meeting room Henry was with Brunhilde and Goll as the two talked.

"Next one will be Apollo." Brunhilde said.

"Yes, well I got the one needed for this match." He said.

"It's making my nerves go around, since the gods might do something." Goll said.

"Well Brunhilde, Goll, I had one potential fighter, should he even be needed, but he's such a pain." Henry grunts.

"Who could it be to cause you trouble?" She asked.

"I would watch with how you speak mongrel."

They saw a golden light appear as a portal opened, from it came the King of Heroes Gilgamesh.

They saw a golden light appear as a portal opened, from it came the King of Heroes Gilgamesh

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"G-G-Gilgamesh!" exclaimed Goll.

"The King of Uruk!" said Brunhilde in shocked.

"Of course, do you think I wouldn't hear about this Valkyries." He grins.

"O-Of course you do, King Gilgamesh!" said Brunhilde bowing rapidly.

"He's a 14th fighter should we need his help." Henry told them.

"I see, if we have someone powerful like King Gilgamesh, he can easily win this." said Goll.

"But don't expect me to replace that last fighter so you can save your lover." Gilgamesh told her.

Brunhilde flinched hearing that, as she had a look of shame.

"Well it's not something we should be worrying about. In fact it's time to fight again." Henry said.

Later at the match

Heimdall makes his announcement. "It is time for the 9th round of Ragnarok!"

Many cheered for it with humans holding hope for they're champions to win.

"Humanity has shown they're strenght by defeating the gods in the previous matches, now it's time for them to try it again."

"Fighting for the gods... is this god! Why does this god shine with such beautiful light? And why do the other gods love him so dearly? Is it because he killed the great serpent Python with his silver bow and arrow? Or it perhaps because of the gorgeous notes he produced with his lyre? No. No! No! It is because of his overwhelming beauty and strength! This beautiful sun god, who shines throughout the heavens... Both humanity and the gods alike call him: 'Phoebus', the Bright One! He is... APOLLO!"

Apollo comes out with a light shinning out from the entrance as all the women from the gods side cheered and squeel for him.

He gives a pose as he smiles looking foward waiting for his opponent.

"And now for the champion of humanity, she is a explosive warrior, those that hear her sond will perish from her might as she destroys them from her path! Facing hordes of monsters to save humanity risking her own life! Chris Yukine!"

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