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to: CMOM99

from: orange_bob

I'm glad you're the same age, almost. It had crossed my mind you could be a lonely housewife and that would be creepy.

I am not going to tell you what I do, its top secret (for now) but I might disclose it to you if you're worthy :P

I'm not going to lie, I googled that quote but I searched her up afterwards and her poems are good. Believe it or not, I'm not great with words. I think I've only read two or three books outside of school.

Maybe if we become real friends, we could visit Italy together

What else can you tell me about yourself? Without revealing too much, I understand

sent 7:22am

to: orange_bob

from: CMOM99

If I am worthy? and how would you know that?
A lonely housewife? haha! I thought you were a lonely old man at the beginning but I think we can both be relieved. You said before you were just looking for your place in this world, but to me you seem to have a great job, one that lets you travel at our age. Sounds pretty good to me. 

More about me? let me see, are you worthy? lol

I work in a bookshop at the weekends. I have a week left of college, I study English. Part of the reason for me travelling is that I want to use my course, and love of words to write a travel blog. I want to find the hidden gems of Europe and beyond but I am realistic enough to know that can't be a career so I still have to work that part out

ps. why are you up so early on a Saturday? Surely you don't work weekends.

sent 7:55am

Caitlyn closed her laptop and left it on her desk. She packed her bag for work and set off on her familiar route to the bookshop. Mr Anderson greeted  her with his warm smile and hugs as she entered the backroom. Not long after, Mrs Anderson came from the kitchen area with a coffee for herself and Caitlyn. She felt at home with these people, they took an interest in her week and were always begging her to show them some of her poems she had written. But Caitlyn didn't share her writing with anyone, to her it was like a diary that she wanted to keep to herself.

There was a steady flow customers during the morning. Sometimes working in a picturesque English village brought coach trips into the shop but today it was mainly locals. During the quiet lulls, Caitlyn found herself thinking about Bob and what he might be like. Bob, or even Robert, was quite a random name for a 22 year old and she was sure if he had been at her school she would remember a name like that. Michelle had even searched through their school year books when Caitlyn had filled her in on the email conversation on her lunch break.  The afternoon was much quieter and Mr Anderson let her leave early. She felt bad accepting wages from them when it was quiet but they always insisted, they wanted  to help her travelling fund.

After hugging them both goodbye, Caitlyn took a walk along the canal and sat down at her new favourite bench. She watched some ducks floating along and scrolled on her phone, hoping she would find a job advert that interested her. Some dog walkers passed by nodding polite hellos and soon the sun was starting to dip behind the far away hills. She walked along the path and back to her house in a daydream but sighed when she reached the front gate. As usual it was in darkness, meaning her mum was out again and she would be cooking for one. In the hallway was a note confirming that her mum was going to London with Paul, her latest boyfriend, and wouldn't be home until Monday. To bring her mood down further, Bob hadn't replied to her email. 

She huffed around the house in a mood before eating some instant noodles and going  to bed. She picked up her notepad and wrote down her thoughts from the day, finishing with a quote;

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. - Eleanor Roosevelt

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