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A little while later Lando text Caitlyn he was just picking up the food. She responded telling him what hotel she was staying in and that she would meet him in reception. She quickly glanced over her room to make sure everything was tidied away and went down to meet her mystery man. Her stomach was churning with anticipation, what if he wasn't how he had come across? would it be awkward? She didn't have much time to wonder because as the doors of the lift opened, she saw him walking in through the front doors. Here goes nothing!

His eyes caught her attention straight away, the prettiest green that sparkled under the lights. He smiled when he noticed her and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

L- Hey!

C- Hey! Lets go up to my room before anyone sees you.

L- Hiding me already? I'm not that bad am I?

Lando laughed as his comment made Caitlyn's cheeks flush with embarrassment.

L- Don't worry, I'm just teasing you. I know what you meant.

They walked into the room and Lando placed the food on the small table. Caitlyn got comfortable on the couch, with him opposite her on a chair. They ate in silence for a while but it didn't feel strange at all. Soon the awkwardness disappeared and they began chatting. He discussed his upcoming race for the weekend and tried to explain a little about formula 1 to her. Caitlyn couldn't help but be distracted by his eyes, and the way they crinkled slightly every time he smiled. He was so passionate about his job, something she admired in people. She then spoke about her blog and feelings on travelling. She had found it harder than expected being away from home, even though she never really saw her mum, she liked the comfort of having familiar people around her. She hadn't told Michelle or her mum but she was thinking about dropping her plans to a month and heading home. She really needed to start thinking about a job.

After a while, Caitlyn could see Lando was getting uncomfortable on the chair, he had shuffled around, legs up, legs down and was now sitting on the floor so she suggested they sit on the bed and watch a film. She knew he wouldn't be able to stay much longer as he had to drive back to Zandvoort tonight and she didn't want him driving when he was too tired.

C- I am going to stick some pj's on, you choose a film.

When she came back from the bathroom, he had taken his hoodie off and was lying on the bed with a wall of pillows behind him. Caitlyn was releaved to see he had chosen an action film as she hated scary movies. As the film went on, she moved a little closer to him to be comfortable and with that, he moved his arm around her shoulders. Everything felt so natural, even though Caitlyn had  never been this close to a guy in her life. Her heart was beginning to race as he started tracing gentle patterns on her arm. She didn't want the film to end because she knew that would be his sign to head back to the track but soon enough, it was reality.

L- I should probably head back to my hotel before it gets too much later.

C- Oh, okay. Thanks for driving through to see me, I had a really good night. 

L- Me too! It was nice to chill with someone and not on my own for a change. Don't worry about coming down to reception with me, your in your pj's.

C- message me when you get back so I know your safe

L- Will do

and with that Lando gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading out the door. Caitlyn lay on her bed for a while replaying the evening in her head. She couldn't believe she had just spent the evening with Lando Norris. He wasn't any different to the person she had been emailing, texting or phoning. He was just a really nice guy and she was so happy she had left her book on the bench that day. It was then she noticed he had left his hoodie. She picked it up, it smelt so good. She pulled it over her head and cuddled under the covers. 

Lando- Hey darling, I'm back in my room. Thanks for tonight, I had a really good time.

Caitlyn- I'm glad you're safe. It was really nice, thanks again for coming over. Sleep well x

Lando- Night darling x

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