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** sorry it has taken me so long to write again, I am struggling with where this story is going so please bear with me. Thanks **

Lando pulled into the pit lane after the race, delighted with P4. He couldn't wait to see Caitlyn's face waiting for him. Her smile, her everything, had gotten him through the race and helped him finish so well. He had decided he was going to tell her just that when he saw her. But as he climbed out of the car and made his way to his team, he couldn't see her anywhere. He checked his drivers room but was quickly pulled away for post race interviews. As he came back to get changed he met Jon.

L- Hey, have you seen Caitlyn anywhere?

J- I've not seen her for a while. She was in hospitality then someone said they saw her running through the paddock and getting into a taxi. I'm sorry mate

Lando was really confused. Had she used him? Had he done something wrong? Was this all too much for her? He was pacing around the garage when Charlotte appeared again with his watch and phone. And then he saw it, her message. He knew she would probably be in the air right now and he wouldn't be able to speak to her so he collected the rest of his belongings and headed back to the hotel. The other drivers were heading out to a club to celebrate their free week ahead but he didn't feel like speaking to anyone. He sent Caitlyn a message and turned his phone off.

Lando- I hope everything is okay at home. If you need anything, let me know. Any time of day or night x

Caitlyn had landed back in England a few hours ago and the taxi was nearly back to her house. Michelle hadn't told her anything more but assured her she would be there when Caitlyn got back. Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw as she climbed out of the car at her front gate. The whole house was black, windows smashed, the roof collapsed in on itself. As she stood their frozen to the spot she felt Michelle's arms wrap her into an embrace. She couldn't take it in. It felt like she was hovering above the scene, an outer body experience and she had lost all ability to talk. Eventually words came to her.

C- What happened? Where is my mum?

M- I'm so sorry babe....by the time the fire brigade got here it was too late.

C- What do you mean??

Then realisation hit her like a ton of bricks. Her house was gone. Her mum was gone. Everything was gone. She fell to the ground, unable to hold herself up any longer. After that, everything was black.

Caitlyn woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar bed. As she looked around, she tried to remember what had happened. She could see the house. Everything burnt and black with soot. Her mum.... Just then a knock on the bedroom door woke her from her trance. It was Mrs Cunningham, from the bookshop. She must be at their house, but how did she get here?

Mrs C- Morning sweetheart. I've brought you some sweet tea and toast.

C- I don't understand, how am I here?

Mrs C- Your lovely friend brought you to us. After you collapsed at the house, probably out of shock, apparently you were asking for us, so she brought you over. I am so sorry about your mum and your house darling, but you can be here for as long as you need. You know you are like family to us.

Caitlyn gave her a thankful smile before the elderly lady left the room again. The next few days were terrible, she was arranging her mums funeral and dealing with the insurance company. They were doing some kind of investigation to see how the fire had started. Thankfully Mr and Mrs Cunningham had been amazing helping her with everything but they were worried because she still seemed to be in shock. She hadn't cried once and seemed to be doing too well with the whole situation. Michelle had come over every morning and was trying her best to be supportive but she was also worried about Caitlyn's state of mind. She had brought Lando up a few times in conversation but Caitlyn didn't say anything about him in return so she decided to leave it. She had enough to deal with at the moment.

Lando had been back at home for a couple of days and had tried to reach out to Caitlyn a few times but she hadn't responded to any of his messages. When he phoned, it went straight to voicemail. He had been going out for his morning runs past the bench in the hope that she would be there but he never found her. Then one morning as he passed, he noticed something sitting against the back of the bench. He knew he shouldn't look but he was too curious not to. As he opened the piece of paper, his heart broke into a million pieces.

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