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The next morning Caitlyn woke up dazed and confused by her surroundings. As she tried to gather herself into a more woken state, she heard soft snoring coming from the floor at the side of the bed. A little scared at first, she eventually moved over to the edge of the mattress and looked down to see Lando curled up in a ball, sound asleep and fully clothed. Then she remembered the previous day, her mums funeral, him turning up and saving her like a knight in shining armour. 

C- Lando....Lando, wake up

L- Are you okay? Has something happened?

C- No, I'm okay but you're sleeping on the floor. You must be cold and sore.

L- Oh I must have dozed off. I sat here to look out for you last night in case you needed anything. How are you feeling today?

C- I'm not really sure how I feel to be honest. Would you mind getting in beside me? I don't want to get up just yet

At first he was a little hesitant but to climb into a warm comfortable bed was too inviting to give up. As he felt the warmth hit his body, he was taken back by Caitlyn who moved over from her position, and cuddled into him. He wrapped his arm around her, just like the first time back in Amsterdam. Instantly he felt a wave of something hit his body. He had never felt drawn to someone like he did with Caitlyn. He wanted to do this everyday for the rest of his life and he had an overwhelming need to protect her from the world. They lay like that for most of the morning with both of them dozing back to sleep before being woken up by Max coming into the room.

M- Muppet, your phone has been going crazy this morning. I didn't want to wake you but I thought it might be important.

Max handed the phone over and glanced to Caitlyn who had her back to him. After mouthing to Lando if she was okay he left the room again. Lando checked his phone and had some messages from Jon regarding the training plan for the week and meal plans, nothing else was important. He also realised his mum had phoned him, so he snuck out of the bed and into the bathroom to check in with her.

L- Hey mum, is everything okay?

Cis- Hi darling! Yes everything is fine, I was just checking if you are remembering the family dinner tomorrow night for Flo's birthday?

L- Of course I remember mum (he lied). I will probably drive down early afternoon if that's okay? Also Max can't make it, he is flying out to meet Pietra in Monaco but I might be bringing my friend Caitlyn if that's okay?

Cis- Oh a girl?! Yes that would be lovely darling

L- Mum its not like that. She is just a friend, she is having a bit of a tough time so she is staying with me just now.

Cis- If you say so darling. I'll see you tomorrow

L- Bye mum, love you.

As Lando walked back into the bedroom he could see Caitlyn was up and sitting on the edge of the bed. She blushed slightly at him, feeling awkward about the whole situation but that soon disappeared when he pulled her to her feet and wrapped her in his arms. 

C- Lando, I need to go soon. I need to head back to the Cunninghams and get into some clean clothes then I need to phone the insurance company. They are trying to sort out somewhere for me to stay. The last I heard from them, they wanted to put me up in a random hotel.

L- Sure I can take you back but don't feel like you need to rush off. You can have a shower here and borrow some clothes, I don't mind. And.....you are welcome to stay here with me....and Max of course. This place is big enough, we have a whole floor upstairs that's not used. 

C- I wouldn't expect that from you, you have already done so much for me Lando

L- Its completely up to you but I honestly would love you to stay here. And plus, it would be better than staying in a hotel on your own right?

C- If you really don't mind, it would honestly make my life so much easier right now if I didn't have to worry about where I'm staying. 

L- Right, then it's settled. Come, I'll introduce you to Max and we can grab something to eat. Then you can have a shower

Lando held out his hand and Caitlyn gladly placed her hand in his as he led them downstairs to the kitchen. It was not awkward at all and she really liked Max. He seemed fun and chilled like Lando and he was excited to have her come stay for a while as well. After they finished their toasties, she went back to Lando's room stripping off and stepping under the hot water from the shower. After washing her hair and body, she wrapped herself in a towel and lay down on the bed. Soon after letting her body relax, the tears started to fall once again. As she looked around Lando's room, she was hit again with another wave of grief and the realisation that she had lost everything in the last week. All her possessions, memories and her mum. The one and only family member she had. She was unaware of how long she had been lying like that when once again, she was pulled back from the edge by her unexpected knight in shining armour.....Lando Norris.

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