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Caitlyn hardly slept with nerves of seeing Lando again. And she was worried she would sleep through her alarm and miss the coach but she made it all fine and was now settled in her seat watching out the window. Not long after departure, she fell asleep and woke up as the bus pulled into the station. She collected her bags and made her way to the airport to meet Lando. The arrival board told her his flight was on time and due to land in 10 minutes. The butterflies in her stomach felt like a whirlwind and it was making her nauseous. Every two seconds she glanced at the arrival doors as they slid open, people meeting loved ones or going on holiday. She took her phone out to make sure he hadn't messaged her when she felt two warm hands covering her eyes from behind.

She knew instantly that it was him, she recognised his scent. Now she didn't feel the nerves, just excitement. She stood up and turned around to see his beautiful face grinning back at her. Without thinking, she threw her arms around his neck to hug him. Before her brain had caught up to her actions, thankfully he hugged her back like they had been apart for months. 

L- Hey darling

C- Hey! I'm so happy you're here. How was your flight?

L- It was pretty good, I slept most of the way. The perks of the job meant I was upgraded to first class so it was pretty comfortable.

Instantly Lando's face flushed with embarrassment at the thought of his luxury travel whilst Caitlyn had been sitting on a coach for hours but thankfully she didn't seem to react.

L- I hope you don't mind but I have booked a small chalet for the few days, I didn't really want to spend the time being with strangers.

C- Oh...erm...yeah that's fine. Will you be staying near me?

L- Caitlyn! You are staying in the chalet with me, if you want of course. I wasn't really expecting you to stay at the other place on your own.

It was Caitlyn's turn to blush this time. Lando chuckled to himself as they headed out of the airport. He had also rented a car to get around which made life a little easier. After a long detour thanks to Caitlyn's terrible navigating skills, they arrived at the AirBnB and made their way in. It was beautiful, with a huge wood fire already roaring for their arrival and floor to ceiling windows. Caitlyn ran from room to room like a little child on Christmas morning, Lando just admiring her every move. Then she noticed the slight problem.

L- So as you will probably have noticed by now, there is only one bedroom but I am happy to sleep on the couch. The fire is really cosy

C- Don't be silly Lando, we slept in the same bed in my hotel the other night. As long as you don't try any funny business we will be fine. 

Caitlyn winked as she pulled her bag into the bedroom then appeared a short while later wearing joggers and Lando's hoodie. He could not stop smiling and she returned the grin as he pulled her into a hug in front of the windows. The owners had left a welcome hamper so Caitlyn got to making them brunch before they left to sort out their ski gear rental. It had been a while since she had skied but as they got off the chair lift it was like muscle memory kicked in. She could not be any happier in that moment and she took out her phone to document it all, Lando of course showing off a little.

 She could not be any happier in that moment and she took out her phone to document it all, Lando of course showing off a little

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As they left the chair lift for another run, he grabbed her hand before she could set off down the hill

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As they left the chair lift for another run, he grabbed her hand before she could set off down the hill. He manoeuvred himself so he was facing her and brushed some of the hair out of her face. Then he leant in, kissing her. It was tender but passionate and the world seemed to fade away around them. She was in the most beautiful place, with the person she was rapidly falling for. It was too good to be true....or was it?

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