Chapter 3 - Monsters

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Tim then descends and makes his way into his house alongside his visitor, Shane.

They then sit down and relax on the couch and relax. Shane then looks around in awe "you have a really nice place, and the destroyer built this for you?"

Tim then smiles "well, yeah." Shane then says "Well he's a keeper."

Tim then says chuckling "and you'd think that the destroyer would be a horrible fiancé."

Shane then chuckles "you said it not me."

For the night, Tim an Shane chat it up and talk about secrets and gossip as they both drift on asleep off to a deep sleep.

As they rest peacefully, suddenly, strange growls and glass shattering on the floor is heard as Tim jumps awake looking around in the pitch black.

Tim then gets up as his fingertips turn black and as golden angel fire ignited in his palm as a light.

Tim then follows the strange noise to the kitchen to see a demented monster straight out of a horror film with dark eyes scattered all over its flesh and a dark pigmented stature and boney frame eating the raw meat within his refrigerator.

It's then turns around quickly as the presence on Tim as it starts to erratically crawl towards Tim as Tim quickly stomps a hole through its back as it screams, Shane wakes up and runs over to the scene.

Shane is shocked to see Tim pulling his leg out of the whole of a monsters back with tar dripping from his leg.

Shane then points as he quakes in fear "I-is that one of the monsters from the void Tim then nods with fear on his face "he promised he killed them all after I closed them."

Shane then shrugs "a lot of monsters came out of that place, I'm not surprised some of them slipped through his fingers."

The monster then starts to melt into a pool of Tar as Tim uses the over heaven rune to exorcise the demonic fluids.

Then suddenly, banging is heard at the door with strange zombie like noises Tim then opens it telekinetically as Shane jumps into action as white hairs grow on his arm and dark claws emerge alongside a flame that can only be described as a sort of moon fire burns on his fur.

Shane then leaps onto the monster growling as his eyes would glow of moonlight, he scratched the head off the best.

Tim then steps out of his house and looks up into the sky to see that the colors have intensified and seal over the void is getting weaker.

Tim then proposes, "Shane, we should go see an oracle, perhaps they could give us knowledge on what to do and how to close the void for good."

Shane nods "that's a good idea, you know where to find one?"

Tim then shakes his head no and clarifies that he could find out.

Tim then hovers his hand over the ground beneath as dark tears drip down his face and his eyes go black, a burning wormhole to hell forms as a demon with a veil over her face crawls out of it almost elegantly, she then bows before Tim "I am yours to command." The demon says.

Tim then asks "where's the nearest oracle around here?"

She then wiggles her fingers as a map burns into the real out of midair into her palm as she hands it to Tim, "follow the map, there you will find the oracle, remember.. only one may speak to the oracle at a time if multiple enter the oracle will not show herself."

Tim then smiles "thank you!" The woman then nods jumping back into the wormhole as it closes.

Shane then gets close to Tim as they analyze the map Shane then says "it's not too far from here." Tim agrees "time for yet another adventure."

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