Chapter 9 - The One Beneath

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The Final Battle.

They all would then spawn inside the void for the first time, it was very dark bleak and empty with above have glimmers of dark purple and the ground beneath a pit of darkness.

The light within Tim quickly dissipated as light didn't last long in the pits of the void. Dee and the group quickly went to Tim's aid as Tim laid there on the floor on all floors Jae dropped and eyes squinted tight, there were no screams, just silence.

Dee sat down and picked Tim up laying him on his lap as Tim clenched his chest fighting the waves and waves of pain he felt. Dee then would say "your okay Tim, your okay we're immortals pain is only temporary."

And after a little bit the pain then went away as time reoriented himself. "I'm fine now.. I'm okay." Tim then would strut off into the direction most of the purple light came from, assuming that's where the one beneath would be as the others would follow behind.

Sebastian being his usual self had a bit of banter on the way there "so when you both have that baby, are the rest of us gonna be like there uncles or something?"

Tim then shrugged "you can be whatever you want to be to them."

Seb then laughed "alright sure."

Eventually they made it to the womb, finally.

It looked exactly as it did in the void, the fleshy sacs surrounding it were transparent allowing them to see the baby developing, the womb was surrounding by roses and vines protecting it from the monsters.

Jacob then got closer to the womb and ran his fingers across the sac. Instantly Tim felt a sensation in his stomach. Tim then puckered his limos "ooh do not do that, it almost tickles."

Dee then would shout "One Beneath, if you're real you should come out before I take my baby and just get out of here!?"

Then suddenly of voice coming from nowhere would speak "your baby?.. your b-baby?" Dee would then look around "yep, ya need a DNA test or something?"

Then suddenly a loud angry yell was heard as her form manifested before us, she was big, her body looked like the void just took pieces of itself and formed it into a barely humanoid like shape, she didn't have a face, or really any detail to her besides her shape, and that's all she needed.

She then descended downward grabbing Dee by his neck and creating a wall smashing him against it "You destroy, I Dissipate!" She then plunged her nails into his neck as darkness started to slowly take over his being "You are old and powerful but nothing there's nothing The Creator made that I can't remove!"

Tim then let out his wings flying toward trying to use his heaven fire to incinerate her but it all proved futile as soon as the fire came in contact with her it turned to nothing, it became part of the void itself.

Shane and Michele transformed into there hellhound forms but there strength proved absolutely useless, Shane didn't have access to his moonlight abilities in the void so that even more so.

The one beneath would them blast Shane and Michele away instantly removing them as obstacles for her. Jacob would then charge us his ice gift trying to freeze her but that also instantly became nothingness, but they were starting to agitate her so she teleported over to Jacob, and ran her entire hand through Jacob's body, destroying him as he explodes into a mass of red ash that became nothing seconds after being created.

Tim let out a scream of sheer and utter terror and anger, Dee's body then would begin to burn in hellfire, as his skin fell of his body and horns burst from his head rows and rows of sharp fangs came out of his mouth as his eyes turned black and his body began to grow larger and taller as big huge black wings manifested on his back that burned in fire as well.

Dee then let out a roar flying toward the one beneath, creating two burning swords out of nothing attempting to slice her up, proving effective slicing off her arms.

She then asked "h-how do you harm me!?" The creator gave me these swords when I was but a child.

She then screamed as a shockwave blasted the creator back as her arms grew instantly as Shane and Adam tried to do something with their own gifts proving useless.

To put it bluntly, Mere vampires and werewolves her not going to do absolutely anything against The One Beneath, this is a fight for Tim and The Destroyer. And they understood that too.

The one beneath them made her way over to the womb wrapping her arms around it scratching open the womb as the baby was down developing, instantly the baby began to cry.

The crying of the baby echoed to Tim's distraught mind, his friend just died and his baby is going to be taken away, he's come so far just to lose so utterly badly, he wouldn't let that happen.

Tim's body then began to ascend as his whole body began to turn black as his eyes turned white as white tar dripped out of his eyes and eyes all around his body began to open up as Tim's entire body including his wings lit up with angel fire and another set of arms manifest on Tim's sides as he held up the sign of the over heaven symbol.

The destroyer met him by his side as with both the powers of heaven and hell they struck her with all there strength as the blast of was powerful that it was too much for her to be able to turn into nothing, her body would then explode bringing down the void and everything within it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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