Chapter 7 - The Final Ritual

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They get transported to the witches coven, they were met by many different types of ancient tunes and should with rows and rows of different spell books with candles set every which way with big stone walls.

There were three witches sitting on thrones in black gowns on as the one on the most grand throne and in the middle greeted the group.

"Hello, we are the Witch-Kind who summoned you, the magic tells us that the heavens are crumbling and the pits of hell the same and you all are our only hope for the original peace of this plain."

Dane then says "let's get straight to the point, how do we inside the void and close it permanently."

The witch man got up in approached Tim telling them that the only way to get to the void is through an anchor, that being Tim's womb. Once they get in they would have to destroy The One Beneath.

They all looked a Dee expecting him to know who he was, but Dee was just as confused as the rest of them. Tim then looked at the witch "who is The One Beneath?"

The witch then told them "She is extremely powerful, her age predates that off all the archangels and seraphim's the only one older then her being The Creator, She was so powerful that the creator couldn't allow her to be part of this dimension so he casted her out creating what we call now, the void. She is the ruler of the dimension and now she seeks an heir, The offspring of The Destroyer and Tim Rose."

Tim then started to panic a bit and freak out "No!" He then looked at Dee saying "We can't let her take our baby from us! We can't!" Dee then says "and we won't we will figure this out okay?!" Tim then would nod looking towards the witch "so how exactly do we do this?"

The witch takes a deep breath, "of all my years of doing some of the most powerful spells knows the man, this will be the most powerful yet, this spell was found in The Creators shrine.."

Dee then cuts him off quickly "The Creators shrine? That was destroyed a millennia ago, doesn't exist anymore."

The witch then say "While the shrine itself was destroyed some of the incantations were left, one being the prophesied incantation of tearing down the veil of this plain and accessing the void in one big cataclysmic ritual. Are you all prepared for this, especially you Tim."

Tim then nervously nodded "I will do anything to get my baby out of there." The witch then would say "this spell required the power of all the witches covens in the state, we all sing our chants in harmony gathering up all of our power for this ritual." Tim then took a deep breath "this sounds intense."

The witch then continues "all of your transformations, preparing your body for everything this point, you can handle this. Now if you would please follow me."

They all follow the coven leader up to the top of the coven tower, that was up on a high mountain over the entire city.

Michele seemed to be really shaken up Shane would ask "you good?" Michele would nod "yeah, just pretty scared of heights like this." Shane then said "you'll be fine, trust me."

The sky was now a reddish purplish tint, signifying that the end was truly upon them.

The rooftop looked very ritualistic, it was this silver plated circular platform on the roof, with these pillars surrounding it that had these sharp as knife, glass like stricter things facing the center of it, the center that Tim had to stand in the middle of.

Tim walked to the center upon instruction as the other stood in there instructed positions, the witch them informed them that the ritual was about to begin as the coven leader took out the incantation from the creators shrine that was golden and glowing with the purest of angelic holiness.

He then started to read off of it as his eyes burned with the stars and magic started to fill his hands, there was so witches on the rooftop surrounding Tim, as with his seraphim powered enhanced ears he could hear all the other witches in the state chanting along with them, the first sign of the ritual was when it began to rain, and then it started to thunder and then lighting, lighting that Tim has never seen before, the wind picked up, it was so powerful that Tim could hardly stand in place, the chanting was so powerful, that he could feel it rippling across reality itself, then suddenly the ground began and and crack, and earthquake was beginning, volcanos from all around the world began to erupt with powerful masses of lava pouring down upon the world.

The magic within all the witches hands begin to fill with a primordial type of magic, beams of pure arcane energy began to blast out of there palms aiming towards the pillars surrounding Tim, beams from all around the state focusing right into the pillars as well, filling up the glass points as it began to shoot the beam onto Tim, as he began to scream and shout as as the light was so powerful you could see it through his body as it was shooting out of his eyes and his mouth as his seraphim form began to manifest with six black wings penetrating from his back and as his fingertips turned a dark black.

The bursts of light were so utterly powerful that it started to create massive rifts tearing open the veil separating the physical realm from the boundless expanse from the beyond, the void.

Tim's body began to levitate into the sky as the clouds above began to swirl very fast with lighting brewing inside of it, Tim being so bright that he was like a beacon of light from far, far away, Tim then faces forward breathing a huge puff of air before screaming one last final cataclysmic shout that tore open reality itself, opening a large portal into the void, as Tim and the groups body turned into shadows being sucked inside of it.

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