Chapter 5 - Womb

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Tim and Shane get back to the pack grounds as the sun began to set, Because of the state of the world and the void slowly taking over, it's darkness blocked out the sun much earlier then normal.

Shane then puts on spare clothes as Tim takes his phone to call Dane, Seb, and Jacob. Eventually they all arrive as Tim explains to them everything about what the oracle enlightened him about.

Seb then tells Tim "you should tell your fiancé, he'd probably know what to do." Tim then nods, that's the plan, I should do it as soon as possible so I'm gonna head back to the house, Shane I'll have a demon give you your belongings. Shane then nods as Tim jumps up into the sky flying off back to his house.

On arrival Tim goes up into his room preparing to summon Dee, saying his true name as a black tear trickles down his face, Dee appears instantly embracing Tim upon sight.

Dee then asks "how have you been my love?" Tim then smiles feeling the warmth of Dee's body and finally feeling safe in his arms.

"Well first of all I missed you.. and second of all..." Dee then smiles "And? Don't go chicken on me now."

Tim then sighs "we're having a baby." Dee then laughs "a baby, last time I checked you didn't have a uterus." Tim then rolls his eyes "well I obviously don't have a uterus, my womb is in the void."

Dee then laughs even harder "Tim what the hell are you talking about!?" Almost unable to get the words together.

Tim then takes Dee's hand and places it on his cheek "you can search my memories, this is real." Dee then would say reluctantly "this feels a bit invasive." Tim then looks deeply into Dee's eyes "you have my permission."

Dee then went serious as his sclera turned a dark coat of black and his iris turned red, Tim's mind went elsewhere as Dee searched through his most recent memories as Dee realized that tim wasn't joking.

When Dee finished searching his memories shock filled his face as for the first time, Tim saw tears fill his eyes. Tim then got close to Dee "babe are you crying? Don't you have hundreds of children?" Dee then shook his head "none, this is my first child.. my first baby!"

Tim realizing the tears of shock coming down Dee's face were real the raw emotion took Tim by surprise making him cry to, Tim and Dee instantly hugged each other realizing that not only were they gonna get married, that they were going to be parents to.

Dee then says "since our child is growing in the void, closing it would be a bad idea as we wouldn't be able to have passage into it if it's fully sealed." Tim agrees "Come to the pack grounds with me, we need to tell the group we need to halt on trying to close the void for now." Dee then nods as he holds out his hands and a crimson portal opens as we walk into it going to the pack grounds.

On arrival, fortunately the full group was already there. Dee and Tim approached them.

On sight, Jacob and Seb fanboyed over Dee because they've never actually seen Dee face to face, while the others were more so uninterested. Tim then says "while I would love to introduce him to all of you, I'm kind of having a baby, and the baby is growing.. in there." Tim points towards the rip in the sky.

Dane then gives Tim a really confused look "in the void?" Tim nods "I know it sounds crazy, Shane can back me up here."

Shane then tells them "it's true, he really does have a kid in the void." Ded then says "so before we close it, we have to get our baby out of there first.." Dee then places his arms around Tim placing his palms on Tim's stomach and closing his eyes. "The babies growth rate is faster than a mortal baby, fortunately for us he's about ready to pop."

Then suddenly, a letter burned itself into existence, it seemed to be from a coven of witches, as Dee picked it up and read it to everyone, basically consisting of the witches inviting the group to there coven as they have info about the void.

Jacob and Michele were suspicious but were all on board, Dee opened his palms creating a portal to the location listed on the letter.

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