I dated one dude in high school to try and get my mind off cam. But, once we broke up, cam helped me get through it. That's when I knew I was in love. So, with what happened with colby, I don't know how to feel. With cam back in my life and being on the road with him for two months. I just hope either, evan stops cam from doing anything, or colby doesn't catch feelings or ask me out. Because I love cam, and, I wouldn't hate myself if anything happened between us. But if colby asked me out, I would probably say yes, then nothing can happen with cam. “hayden?” cam asked breaking me out of my thoughts. “what?” I asked looking up at him. God, he looked good with the sun beaming on his bleached hair. “We are gonna go to chick fil a, come on” he said and reached a hand out for me. “Ok” I said and used his hand to help me up. I let go once i got up. But cam didn't, he held onto my hand until we met evan outside. What's his deal, I mean, I'm not complaining, but he has showed me no attraction since we met. Or maybe that's why he always immediately answered the phone. I don't know, but, it's just to confusing. Once we got into the car, I texted colby.
Me: hey
Colby: hey, what's up?
Me: I just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna be hanging out with evan and cam for a few more hours, but I will text you once I'm heading out
Colby: ok, be safe
Me: I will
I shut my phone off. Evan was being the passenger princess he is. And cam was driving. I was sitting behind evan in the back. I was looking at cam when everything went black. I woke up to cam yelling. “HAYDEN! HAYDEN! WAKE UP! PLEASE!” cam yelled while crying. “Whats going on?” I asked sitting up. “OH MY GOD! YOUR OK!” cam said, he hugged me very tight. “Whats going on? Where's evan?” I asked cam. He looked up at me. “He thought you were sleeping, so he went in to get the food, but when I tried to wake you up, you didn't, and I know your a very light sleeper, so I got panicked and tried to wake you up, I'm guessing you fainted, but I don't know why. I'm just so glad your ok, I thought I lost you,” cam said hugging me again. “I'm sorry I scared you, are you ok?” I asked him. “Yeah, just, don't be mad at me for what I'm about to do,” he said looking at me. “What ar-” I got cut off by cam kissing me. I kissed him back. We pulled apart. “What was that about?” Evan said from behind us. We both looked at him. I was embarrassed and was blushing hard. Cam said, “she just had something on her face so I got it for her,” “ok, I don't believe you but, here's some food” evan said handing us our food. “Thank you” I said to evan. “No problem, but we are gonna have a talk about that later,” he said to me. He looked happy, not mad or angry like I thought he would be. Fuck. What about colby?! Once we got back to the house, evan brought me to his room and locked it. He sat on the couch. He patted the seat next to him. I sat down next to him. He turned his body to face me. “Spill,” he said. “So, I guess I fainted in the back of the car. I woke up to cam yelling. He hugged me tightly and said he was glad I woke up and how he thought he lost me. After he stopped hugging me, he said ‘just, don't be mad at what I'm about to do’. I was about to ask him what he was gonna do but then he kissed me.” I explained to evan. He has always been easy to talk to. “Hmm, ok, he's never gave you signs he liked you?” He asked. “No, not unless you consider him picking up instantly, always asking how I am, and likes to have long conversations with me counts.” I explained. “And, do you like him?” Evan asked. He was so invested in this, it was funny. “I mean, can I do a little venting?” I asked. “Yeah, of course.” Evan said. “Well, I have had a crush on him since we met, but, I knew he didn't like me back. So to get my mind off him, I dated this horrible guy. He cheated on me many times, but I loved him so much. Once he dumped me, I was a mess. I didn't want to go to school. But, the only person by my side was cam. Thats when I knew I had fallen for him, but I never told him. He moved here with you and you guys started tx2. So, when I saw that you guys were gonna be playing in iowa, I knew i had to get the VIP to meet you guys. That's when I saw how much cam changed. He didn't look like my cam anymore. But, he was still the sweetest person from like when we were in high-school. That's when I started to call him more and I knew I had fallen for him again. But then, I met sam and colby, me and colby kissed a couple times, and did more than kiss, you know. But, I don't know how to approach colby after this, he's gonna be pissed. I'm scared evan, the one time I meet my celebrity crush, I ruin it.” I said starting to cry. Evan pulled me into a hug. “Shhhh, it's OK, if you want, I can go with you. Just in case he starts getting out of hand?” Evan said. “No, it's fine. I just won't tell him. It's not like we are dating or anything. So it's none of his business. But if you want to meet them, you can come with me.” I said smiling at him. “Please” he pleaded with me. “Of course, come on, let's go hang out with cam.” I said getting up. We went out to find cam laying on the ground with blood all over him. I ran to him. “CAM! CAM! WAKE UP! CAMERON!” I screamed shaking him. He sat up straight. “GET PRANKED!” cam yelled. “Bro, you scared us to death,” evan says, starting to shake. Fuck, I know what this means. “Evan, calm down, come on, let's go sit down,” I said as I wrapped my arms around him, helping him to the couch. Evan started crying heavily. “Shhhhh, it's OK, come here,” I said opening my arms. Evan fell into my arms. I hugged him, rubbing his back. “Cam, go get cleaned up while I take care of him,” I told cam looking at him. He walked to the bathroom. “Evan, evan look at me” I said calmly. Evan looked up to me, tears still streaming down his face. “It's OK, cam is ok, you are ok, I'm ok, alright, calm down and breathe,”I spoke calmly. He followed my instructions and calmed down. “I'm so so sorry hayden, for acting like this,” he said sitting up. “It's OK, cam is your everything, I can understand how you reacted.” I said calmly. Cam walked out. Evan walked up to him and hugged him. Cam hugged back. “I'm sorry guys, I thought it would be a harmless prank, but, I guess it wasn't.” Cam said then looked at me. I just sat up then walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water. I heard someone come into the room. “hayden…” cam trailed off. “Yes?” I asked. “I'm sorry, I know your mad, but please forgive me?” He said. I turned to face him, he was to cute to be mad at. “Fine, you know I can't stay mad at you,” I said smiling. He walked over to me, he got close to me. He looked at my lips then to my eyes. He closed the gap between us and kissed me. I kissed him back. “Ewwwww, no PDA!” evan yelled. We pulled apart and laughed. I was five foot, evan was five foot 4, and cam was five foot 7. So cam towered over me, evan was only a little bit taller than me. Me and evan decided to go to sam and colbys house. I texted colby.
Me: hey Colby
Colby:whats up?
Me:whats you address? Evan's gonna be taking me over there
Colby: it's __________________
Me: thanks
I shut my phone off. I put the address into the GPS. Evan put on ‘Black Wedding’, we both sang along and rocked out until we arrived at sam and colbys house. I could tell evan was excited. We walked up to sam and colby s door and knocked on it. Sam opened the door. “Hey hayden, who's this?” Sam asked. “Hey, sam this is evan, evan this is sam” I said. “HI, I'm a big fan of you guys,” evan said. “I appreciate it man, nice to meet you” sam said and shook his hand. “It was nice meeting you sam, but I have to get going to make sure cam doesn't die again, bye hayden” evan said. I laughed, “bye evan” I said then walked in. “What does he mean by cam dieing again?” Sam asked then shut the door. “It's a long story” I said, “Where's my room?” I asked sam. “Follow me” sam asked then went up stairs, I followed him. “Here it is, get cozy,” sam said. “Thank you sam” I said. I laid down on my bed and instantly fell asleep. I woke up to someone opening my door. I looked over to see who it was. It was colby. “Whats up?” I asked Colby. “Sam said that you were home so I decided to come up here and say hi,” he said. “So, what have you been up to all day?” I asked him. “I've been hanging out with amber, we filmed a couple videos.” He said nervously. “Nice, I hope you had fun, my day was something” I laughed. “Oh really, like what?” He said as he plopped on my bed next to me. “Well, we are going on tour with magnolia park, I fainted in the back of cam's car, cam played a prank on me and evan, which was him laying on the floor with blood all over him, that caused evan to have a really bad panic attack, and, yeah” I explained, leaving out the parts of where me and cam kissed. “That was very eventful, by the way, where is evan? I want to meet him,” Colby said. “He had to go back to their house to make sure cam doesn't die, I can bring you over there tomorrow if you want?” I asked. “Sure, what do you wanna do?” Colby asked. “I don't know, what time is it?” I asked. “10:30, so I'm guessing just sleep?” Colby laughed. “Yeah, probably, I have to go take a shower, I'll be right back” I told colby, I got up and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed. Colby was laying on my bed on his phone. When I laid down, I took a quick look at his phone. He was texting amber about how fun today was. I guess they are good friends. But when I looked at her contact name, It was surrounded by hearts. So I guess he is dating amber, so I can date cam. “Get up” I told him. “Why,” he asked looking over to me. “Because I'm going to sleep, you should go back to your room,” I said sternly. “If that's what you want” he said getting up and walking towards me. He tried to kiss me but I pushed him away. “What was that for?” Colby asked looking a mixture of confused, mad, and sad. “Because your dating someone, so we should just stop and be friends,” I said and looked away. “I'm not, why do you think I would do that stuff with you if I was with someone? Who would I be with?” Colby asked starting to get mad. “I don't know, you could be with amber, based off of her contact name in your phone it seems like you love her,” I said looking at colby. “Did you go through my phone?! That's another level of messed up!” He said yelling at me. “I didn't go through your fucking phone! When I laid down I saw the texts!” I said starting to get mad. Colby stormed out and slammed my door. I called cam.
Cam: hey hayden, you do know it's 11
Me: I know, but, can I stay with you and evan? Please?
Cam: yeah, just give me the address and I will go pick you up
Me: ok, thank you, see you soon
Cam: see you soon
I hung up and sent the address to cam. I packed a bag of clothes. I got a text that cam was here. I walked out of my room and went downstairs. Colby was downstairs on the couch. “Where are you going?” Colby asked getting up. “None of your business” I said opening the door. “Nope, tell me” he said closing the door. “I'm going to cam's, he's outside so I have to go” I said opening the door. “Seriously, we get into one fight, and you go off to your boy toy?! Your such a slut!” Colby yelled at me. “We aren't even dating! Ok! So just leave me alone!” I said then slapped him. I walked out to cams car. But colby grabbed my arm right before I got to his car. “You think you can just slap me like that!” Colby yelled. “You called me a fucking slut!” yelled trying to get out of his grip. He threw me to the ground. I got up and quickly got into cam's car. He quickly backed out and sped to their house. “Ow, fuck, I think he sprained my wrist,” I said quietly. Cam pulled over and got out of the car. He went over to my side and opened the door. “Let me see” he said then crouched down. I let him look at my wrist. “Definitely sprained, maybe a fracture at most. Let's get you to the house, then we can check it out more.” He said panicked. He got up and closed my door. He ran to his side and got in. He started to drive, we arrived at their house. He parked his car and got out. He went over to my side and gently picked me up. Once he brought me inside, he brought me to the kitchen and set me down on the counter. He turned on the light to get a better look. Evan came out looking tired. “Oh my God, hayden, what happened?” Evan said rushing towards me. “Too much to, explain, right, now, ow” I said trying to keep calm. Cam was moving my wrist trying to figure out what it is. “Evan, ice” he said to evan and held his hand out. Evan ran to get the ice. He handed cam the ice. “Paper towels” cam ordered Evan and stuck out his hand again. Evan came back with paper towels and handed them to cam. Once cam finished up getting my wrist iced up, he grabbed a paper towel and cleaned up the cut on my face. “Are you ok?” Cam asked worried. “Yeah, thank you” I told him. “No problem,” he said and looked into my eyes. He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed. “I fucking knew it,” we heard someone say from behind us. It was colby, how did he get here? “What the fuck do you want?” I hissed at him.”I felt bad about what happened, but I guess you moved on, with this piece of shit!” Colby yelled, referring to cam. “We weren't even dating, and cam is not a piece of shit! He was there when my life fell apart, he was there for everything! All because we kissed doesn't mean that me and you are dating!” I yelled at him. “I'll be at the house tomorrow to get my stuff, I'm moving in with cam and evan” I said and turned around. “Don't fucking look away from me! I'm talking to you!” Colby yelled, getting closer to me. Cam got in between me and colby. “Bro, calm down” he said, trying to calm colby down. Colby didn't take that advice and punched cam in the face. “ Colby get the fuck out!” I yelled, getting off the counter to help cam. “Whatever, have fun with your boy toy you slut!” Colby yelled and walked out. “Evan! Get over here!” I yelled for evan. But he didn't come. I got cam to the couch. “Stay here, I will be right back” I said to cam as I went looking for evan.

Long chapter with quite a bit of action. I don't really know how to feel about this chapter. So looks like Team Cam is winning. But Team Colby might not be out of the question yet. Love ya🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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