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5 years later....

"We are all gathered here today, to celebrate the life of Cameron Rostami. Cam was loved by many...... "

I was too into thought to process what he was saying. I couldn't believe it still, he was gone.


It was the first show of their world wide tour. Evan and Cam got really big a year prior. They were singing one of their older songs called 'Burn'. Cam was crowd surfing when BANG BANG. Cam dropped to the floor, screams of terror filled the arena. I pushed past many people to try and get to him.

When I finally got to him, he was laying on his back, unconscious.

"Cam! Cam! Wake up! Please!" I yelled while shaking him. I began crying when he was unresponsive. I checked his pulse, gone. Evan ran towards us and dropped down next to me.

He looked at my tear stained face. I was sobbing uncontrollably, he began crying as well.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's gonna be okay." Evan told me, bringing me into a tight hug. I could tell by his voice, he knew it wasn't going to be okay. We both sat there, hugging each other and crying next to our best friend.

A doctor finally arrived and put Cam into a body bag. I couldn't look at him, I turned towards Evan. His face was full of shock, hurt, anger, all of the emotions in on. He stared at the body bag that carried his best friend.

Evan looked at me, he hugged me again and we just stood there. There was nothing we can do, he was gone. The sad part is, we couldn't even say goodbye.


I felt a tap on my knee, I looked over and saw Evan looking at me concerned. I gave him a sad smile to show I was okay. But I wasn't, the one person I loved the most in this world was gone, forever.

Evan gave me a side hug from his seat next to me. I turned around in my chair and wrapped my arms around him tightly. He was the only person I had left in this world.

We all talked about our memories with Cam. And Evan told them how Cam was planning to propose to me after the show. I started sobbing after he said that.

Me, Evan, Sam, Corky, Layla, and one of Cam's other friends carried his casket to his burial sight. While he was being lowered into his grave, we played 'So Numb'. It expressed how were all feeling.

I just wanted to jump in there with him. Die with him. But, I just stood there, Evan hugged me as we both cried.


I was standing off in the distance, not in view of anyone at the funeral. I heard footsteps behind me.

"We did it" I heard Sam say as he came up behind me.

"I told you to shoot around him! And NOT to kill him!" I whisper yelled so the others didn't hear me.

"What? I swear you said to kill him" Sam told me, looking confused.

"Whatever" I said and walked away.

"Where are you going?! You know?! I actually liked Cam! I killed him for you! The least you could do is be grateful!" Sam yelled, we were a good distance away now.

"You killed a person Sam! Can't you see that?! I asked you not to kill him!" I said as I turned around quickly.

"I'm going to go to prison if someone finds out! But no! You don't care!" Sam argued back.

"Just shut the fuck up! I told you to shoot around him to scare people! So no! It's not my fault!" I yelled back at him and continued walking. Sam stayed silent this time.

We were TORN apart.


you guys are gonna be so mad at me😭😭😭 I'm sorry😭😭torn is now over and I will be focusing on 'Who Is He?' and 'An Amazing Sight'. Love ya🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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