〖 one 〗

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 Dear Diary,

In the days I have been here I've found myself falling for a boy whom I've never met. Sometimes I see him when I close my eyes for a moment or when I look at the sky outside my window. But mostly, I see him when I'm asleep.

He has a special smile. His back is always turned to me, but I know he does.

The dream ends before I can see his face.

Perhaps I have met him before but don't remember. I have been forgetting a lot more lately; the doctors think it's because of the stress. I'm not stressed, so I don't know where they get that from.

The room I'm in is calming.

I do wish to see the boy again.

Love, Nene     

Love, Nene〖Tbhk AU〗Where stories live. Discover now