〖 three 〗

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Dear Diary,

I have become fond of watching news programs in the time I have been here. Well, not really. They're just always the only thing on the television in my hospital room.

There is not much else to do around here, so sometimes I will pick up a health magazine from the lobby (which I can only read for about five minutes at a time, they are SO BORING).

Otherwise I am resting or picking out designs in the paint strokes on the wall opposite my bed. There is one that looks like a woman or an elephant depending on how you look at it.

I seldom go on walks, because I don't have the energy, but I do enjoy them. And, of course, I write in here as well.

Days here are quite dull, but it's not all bad. It would be better if I could go outside, though. It's winter right now so I'm not allowed, but my nurse said I might be able to once it gets warmer.

Love, Nene

Love, Nene〖Tbhk AU〗Where stories live. Discover now