〖 seven 〗

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Dear Diary,

I was feeling much weaker last week and could only write once. This week, I've been much better.

My parents have not visited me yet, but I'm pretty sure they told my friends. I don't know if I want my friends to visit.

Akane Aoi-chan is my best friend, and yet I never told her about being sick. I know she will be mad at me and may not come to see me but I respect that because I should have said something.

Minamoto Kou-kun is an kouhai whom I unintentionally became friends with. He is a very sweet boy who is often overly generous. I enjoy his company, although he says weird things about "evil spirits" and "exorcism" all the time.

Those two are probably the only ones my parents told, but if they told more, I believe it would be Aoi Akane-kun (Aoi-chan's childhood friend/guy who has a serious crush on Aoi-chan/kind of friends with me) and the rest of the Minamoto siblings (Teru-san, Tiara-chan). Potentially our neighbors, too, although I cannot say for sure.

Even if it is hard, after talking about each of them I think I do want my friends to visit eventually. Maybe not right now but soon.

Love, Nene

(P.S. I have decided to start putting dates on these entries. 1/26.)

Love, Nene〖Tbhk AU〗Where stories live. Discover now