〖 twenty-six 〗

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Dear Diary,

I have imagined a hundred faces for the boy in my dreams yet none of them feel right. In most of them, he has brown eyes that seem to light up like the sun. I like to think he smiles very often but even that might not be true. He might have a scar on his left cheek.

His hair is choppy and he has bangs. I do know that for a fact.

When I think of him, I think of the sky, but oddly, not the color blue. I picture more of a firey sunset or dusk or the evening star (which I have learned, from the only non-health-related magazine that I found here, is Venus).

I am longing to be with this boy but I don't know his name or even what he actually looks like. Could he be real? Could he be out there, somewhere, waiting for me?

If I survive this, am I meant to assume this boy is my true love? Perhaps you, whoever is reading this, hopefully countless years after this day, are sitting by my side on a comfortable couch in a home we share, and you are that boy?

Is it too selfish to hope for that?

Love, Nene


〖 End of Part 1 〗

Author's Note: Part 2 is expected to be published in February. Thanks for reading! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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