13 The Return

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Masashi's signature smirk greeted you the moment you stepped out of the carriage into the royal courtyard. Back in the village, when a mercenary came, you gave him a letter to deliver to the royal family - just a few hours after, a carriage suddenly stood in front of your home, awaiting you to drive you back to the palace, your new home.

After a set of hugs and farewells with your parents and a quick, simple occasional hug from some women from amongst the villagers that came to see you off, you were ready and prepared to return. You were ready and prepared to face the dark haired prince again, and kind of looking forward to seeing his younger and much nicer brother.

“I take it you missed me?” he nudged at you, motioning a servant to show you to your new room, to carry the humble little bag you had with you. Masashi walked through the halls and corridors with you. You had not yet seen the pale haired brother of his, the baby prince.

“You wish,” you mumbled back. It had only been four days ago that you were walking these same halls, going home.

Perhaps he did not hear, perhaps he just chose to move on with another topic, but suddenly he turned serious, began explaining how's it going to be, what will your duties be as a maid.

“You'll start working as my maid from tomorrow. Today, you can rest, walk around, meet the other servants and do whatever you please. Also, I will have to introduce you to my family, properly. You'll learn more about the duties as you do them, the other girls will help you if you wouldn't know something, but it's not hard - you'll just have to do what I tell you and be at hand whenever I'll need you.”

His shoes clacked against the stone.

“You will live right next to my quarters, and there's also a door joining my room with yours so that you can always quickly come when I need...” his voice slowly drifted off as you no longer paid any attention to him, looking around you at the tall paintings hanging on the walls, the tapestries, windows and the pooling light underneath them, the-

Masashi's body swirled around. “What are you doing? Go inside already.”

Snapping back to reality, you realized you were standing in front of your new room, the servant having already left, leaving your belongings on the bed inside the room. Only the tall prince stood there, looking at you irritably, as if you were wasting his time - you rushed inside, embarrassed of having caught you absent minded like that.

The room itself was simple, yet cozy looking. There was one bed, one closet, a desk with a chair, a lamp hanging down from one wall and a window overlooking the city. Carpet lay under your feet and there was a chest at th foot of the bed. A little room for bathing and washing up joined the bedroom with a door, another door on the opposite wall joining your room with that of the prince. You didn't dare open that door, not yet - you weren't sure whether he wouldn't mind you peeking into his privacy when he didn't call for you there.

And then, suddenly - you're working for Masashi. You are Masashi's personal maid. Will you have to adress him as 'Your highness' now? Bow whenever you see him? You'll be his employee from now on, not a host... Will he act differently towards you now, too?

“Like it?”

You snapped your head at him, wide eyed like a deer caught in headlights. “Yes, Your highness,” you forced yourself to bow slightly.

The dark eyed prince looked at you oddly, head tilted to one side. “What are you doing? It's so weird, you trying to be polite. Call me Masashi and act normal, just like before.”

You straightened up and glanced at him, surprised. “Oh, okay.”

“The others will not dare to lecture you about proper manners even if they think the way you talk to me is unfit of a maid and they cannot kick you out of here, so don't worry.”

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