11 Time To Go Back

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Another day passed, and then another. Your time there was usually spent with the dark prince, Masashi, sometimes Yu, his more enthusiastic, brighter brother coming to join. If that happened, the raven head would usually fall back a couple steps, but you could feel the daggers his eyes sent as they stared at you two intensely piercing your spine. Most of the time, the prince - or princes - were just giving you a tour of the vast palace, leading you through halls, ballrooms, stairways and corridors. The building seemed to stretch on forever, never finding the edge walls in which there would be doors finally leading outside. Behind every door you passed, there was always another room of sort waiting to be uncovered by your eyes.

Even though you felt exhausted after a whole day of walking, trying to remember all the directions and learning about the royal family - Masashi usually answered with short, curt answers, not even trying to hide his displeasure from your constant prying while Yu told you everything without you having to ask at all - they fed you well, and you began to like all the dresses and enjoy warm baths with foam and herbal, rosy oils.

Still, you missed your parents and the old life. Sure, living in such luxury was nice, but you probably couldn't live like that for more than those few days - it was abundantly enough, seeing how life was like for those born lucky. After a few days, you wanted nothing more than to go back to your old village, to your home.

You had to be honest, too. The dark prince did not seem very enthusiastic and wholehearted when he spent the whole day with you, much less when there was even Yu. But then again, he looked like that all the time. Did you really think, in the tiniest, most hidden corner of your heart, that he will look at least a little more appeased now that you came?

You knew - you had no effect on him. None that he'd show, anyway, but you doubted that he was hiding his real emotions from you.

After all, who were you that you'd have so much worth as to make him feel something?

Of course, he chose you to be his maid and invited you to the palace after declining. Of course, Yu said they never previously had maids, so what have you really done to have changed his mind?

He told you the reason when you asked - because you were not interested in him, so no feelings would get in the way of work. But... was that actually all? It seemed too small, insignificant and stupid of a reason.

Moreover, it was all weird. First, he was acting like he wanted you to work for him so bad, practically begging to come with him to the palace. Afterwards, he glared at you with such a powerful, concentrating gaze whenever you found yourself in the presence of the two princes - fairly, often, given they were the only ones there to spend time with you , their host - which made you feel like he wanted nothing more than to see you gone.

You couldn't understand, no matter how much you thought.

Just what was his deal?

Even today, the day of your departure. He had an unreadable look on his face the whole time you ate breakfast. You wished to know what was actually going on behind the scenes, in that dull head of his as he stared and stared, still, unmoving.

He was the complete opposite of Yu, who did not hesitate twice to show how much he disliked the fact of you leaving. Ever since morning, when you shared your last breakfast together, he kept going on about how he wished for you to return, to change your mind perhaps about becoming Masashi's maid.

But you always replied with a firm no. You would not return. You would not become the raven head's maid. You would leave today, and never think back on your choice.

You had to admit, though, you were a little sad to see Yu for the last time, to know how sad it makes his feel that you were leaving. Besides, it was actually a nice feeling, knowing you had left a mark of your presence on someone's life and somewhere, in a very wicked corner of your soul, it warmed you to know that you could make someone feel that way.

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