5 The Arrival

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Was this really such a good idea?

You had never been away from your father and mother, especially not for days. You were so used to always thinking that you need to take care of them that you were anxious about how they would do with only your father, who cannot even properly walk without limping, taking care of your poor sickly mother. She was still asleep when you came to say your goodbyes to her, but you imagined she had heard, at least.

Biting your lip, your leg bumped erratically against the carriage floor. The road was a little bumpy, making you sometimes swing from side to side or back and forth, causing you to collide with Masashi's body. You tried not to notice it, though.

In the other carriage were your simple belongings, which could have honestly fit in with you two into the first carriage. You had thought at first that you were to ride in the second one by yourself, but he apparently meant it only to carry your things. Which were only your one pair of the best dress and shoes all passed down to you from your mother, who could no longer wear them.

Or maybe he just wanted you to sit close to him, a voice nagged from the back of your head.

“Can't you keep still?” the boy next to you suddenly asked, irritation present in his voice.

I swear, does this boy ever feel something different than annoyed and irritated? You frowned.

“Sorry, I'm just nervous,” you gave a poor excuse, but it must've been enough to satisfy him as he pushed no further.

You tried to keep your leg in place and not move it up and down, bumping it against the floor, and for a while, you were able to sit still. Only fidgeting with your fingers, you let the thoughts of your family overtake you again.

And without you realizing, your leg subconsciously began to bump the floor again, moving up and down in fast movements.

You could feel his eyes fixated on you, but you didn't dare to look back at him to see his expression; you knew he was only frowning again, anyway.

“What's up with you?” he asked again, this time putting his hand on your knee to really stop you from thumping your leg so much.

“I'm worried how my da will do and if he'll be able to take care of ma, and I'm worried whether ma won't get worse, and I'm just so nervous that I don't know what's happening there right now, and-” you caught yourself, realizing you had started rambling too much.

Warmth seeped into you from Masashi's hand. You looked down to the ground, not wanting to look at him as you were too embarrassed after your outburst.

“Y/n,” he called your name to get your attention and when you gazed up at him, his eyes softened. “I'm sure they will be alright.” His voice surprised you with the words he used. There was no mockery in it, you thought you could actually hear…sympathy? His thumb caressed your thigh just above your knee as his hand moved slightly upwards on your leg.

The way he said your name… The way he tried to comfort you…

Despite yourself, you blushed. It was only a hint of redness on your cheeks, but a blush nonetheless.

Looking at your feet again, you heard him snicker and could already picture that annoying smirk on his damned good looking face. “Remind me again, who said never to blush because of me?” he teased, but it didn't sound as mean as before, you thought.

You scowled at his words and when you remained quiet, he decided to speak up again.

“Besides, I'm sure your parents are glad to finally have such an annoying and foolish little girl off their shoulders at least for a while.” There was a faint smile on his lips as he looked out of the window, pulling the small silk curtain more to the side to get a better view of outside.

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