15 Fair Decision

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You felt yourself heat up as the air was beginning to tense. Everyone was looking at you, waiting for you to say something - anything.

You could not be more aware of the weight the decision you needed to make carried.

You weren't even sure whether it was real - it felt too of a fantasy tale, that all four princes would request you as their personal maid. Perhaps you had eaten something gone bad, and this was only the result of your hallucinated mind.

But Masashi's hand was still placed upon your shoulder, and you knew the touch was real. If it was only an illusion, you knew it would not send that many sparks down your arm and skin.

And if he gripped you, the rest must've been real as well. What other reason would he have, then, to showcase such a behaviour?

He wants to let everyone one I'm his possession, crossed your mind briefly. But it was not entirely true, you were not his possession - because just then, you saw how easily you still can change your mind, with everyone asking you to and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. No, the dark haired prince that had claimed you as his own maid, was gripping on you because he was afraid that you'd slip by to the other princes, to one of his brothers if he wouldn't ground you beside him.

Your eyes skimmed across the room, resting briefly on all of the four boys around you.

Yu was looking at you with a wide, hopeful smile, eyes shining like when the sun reflects on crystal clear ice.

Michiaki had his chin leaned against his hand, elbow on the table. His eyes bore into yours with an intensity you could not really describe. There was something smug about his facial expression.

Osamu, the grey of his hair and eyes, the shy and sweet brother, kept looking softly at you with a slight lift of one of the corners of his lips.

And lastly, Masashi, whom you had already promised yourself, he was looking at you with a mix of certainty and insecurity. Perhaps he thought you'd choose him since you had already done so, but the thought was clashing with another, that he was reminded of the qualities of his brothers that would perhaps seem more likeable to you.

You brushed his hands off of your shoulder and his pupils dilated just by a millimetre of space.

You cleared your throat, everyone's attention springing up.

In the past, you'd have definitely chosen Yu over Masashi, the youngster with hair of pale sun and eyes of freezing blue being much more pleasant company, feeling much more like an equal, a friend. But you had found Masashi has a soft spot within himself, too. You had somehow found Masashi's power, demanding and alluring, pulling you in closer to the arrogant boy.

As for the other two, you could not really tell. You didn't know them at all, and deciding simply by their looks was not an option - they could lie, and you were never really one to judge based on appearance.

You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing vocal left your mouth, and you closed it again.

You didn't want to disappoint anyone. You wished your parents were here to help you. They always seemed to know what to say.

Unfortunately, you did not quite inherit this trait.

You wondered whether it still wasn't too late to run away from them. But that wouldn't solve any problems - the primary reason you had even come here was the money income that you'd receive, making you able to help your parents. You definitely couldn't back off right now.

Besides, it was no lie that having these four handsome princes - albeit some too arrogant - all wanting you as their personal maid was flattering.

You know you needed to finally say something, although you weren't sure how long the silence lasted for.

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