3 Second Visit

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There was a bustling crowd in the middle of the humble square, it if even could be called a square; a big, wide road paved with cobblestones, lined with small houses on each four sides. Dust was rising around the people's feet and made your nose itch.

“Make way!” someone shouted from the middle of the loud, chattering crowd, who split into two at the person's command. A new sight could be seen in front of you; a pair of carriages, just like the one you had seen days before.

Royal carriages pulled by horses blacker than the deepest night and whiter than fresh snow. Decorated with silver carvings, big round black wheels and silk fringes hanging down from the sides of the roof, with dark red silk curtains spread across the tiny windows so that you couldn't see inside...

The door opened and a servant in a simple suit rushed to hold it open for whoever was getting off. The horses kicked at the muddy road impatiently.

At first, the black, raven like hair blended in with the pure black of the carriage, but the moment the person straightened up on the cobblestones in front of the carriage and the raven hair sparked in contrast to the almost white sky, you immediately knew who was standing there, even though you still were quite some distance away. Your feet carried you closer to the crowd and the prince until you could make out all his features clearly.

Hair blowing wildly around because of the wind, with blue tints from when the sunlight caught them. Carved Cheekbones and heart shaped lips. A tight button up of dark blue silk and black wide pants. Even dressed so simply and casually, he looked hot and fine, the shirt fitting across his slender frame to emphasize all his muscles. Even dressed so casually yet rich and expensively, there was no doubt this was the prince you met days ago. The prince who had asked you to be his maid.

His face flew upwards.

His dark, black orbs burned you to coals.

You had completely forgotten of the power his eyes held. When you caught his gaze, the breath left your lungs at once and you were unable to breathe. It was like his eyes were pinning you in place and prohibiting you from even the slightest movements like inhaling and exhaling. You were only able to take a deep, relieving breath after he shifted his focus of attention, this time turning back to look at something behind his shoulder.

Did he remember who you were? You nervously shifted on your feet; was it even a good idea to be here? Wanted to go get some berries, you desperately reminded yourself, but your legs remained glued to the ground where you stood.

Masashi stood aside to let the servant close the little door. From the second carriage, no one stepped out, the dark red curtain remained spread across the little window of the side of it, preventing anyone to see inside.

And then, his eyes found yours again, getting closer and closer to you. Caged by the intensity of his gaze again, you stood there helpless until he was right in front of you. The other villagers watched with curiosity.

“We meet each other again, little girl,” he said as he neared, the honey like voice filled with mockery filling your ears. You frowned a little at the remark; he knew your name, so why did he need to use these ridiculous nicknames to address you? “I hope you hadn't missed me too much or regretted your decision.” His servant - neither Goerge or Sameel, but someone younger with no greying hair - trailed closely after him.

You couldn't deny the scrutinizing gazes of the people around made you uncomfortable. Tongue tied and at loss for words, you stood dumbfoundedly staring back at him, feeling the blood rushing to your cheeks.

“I see I've left you speechless,” he smirked, one corner of his lips quirking up into a lazy, lopsided smile. “Just try not to fall too hard, little girl.”

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