13: Oh, So You're Not Ignoring Her!

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Let the video introduce a small piece of the story. Ps, not spoiling anything, but I use the actual words Andy uses, with a few added in. Also, the cover takes place in this chapter. Ok bye! 
   I hastily wipe the tears from my face and pull away, stuttering," I-I didn't see you there." I mentally slap myself at my stupidity, but try my best to let it go. Andy stares at me worriedly, and says," it's no problem. What's wrong?" I look around for any familiar faces, and to my relief don't see any other that the one in front of me. Andy's face lights up in realization, and adds," the guys and your family all started to head to our stage. We're the only ones left. What's wrong, Blade?" I blush at the sound of him saying my name, and quickly hide in my hair.
"N-nothing. It's stupid," I mutter, sniffling away the rest of the tears. I feel my hands being gently pulled away from my face, and my chin being lifted. Suddenly, I'm staring at Andy Biersack's beautiful face.
  I'm about to scold myself for the that thought when he uses his thumb to wipe away the last of my tears. I'm positive that I look like a tomato right about now, but I don't think he notices. Andy is too busy trying to figure out what's wrong.
"Talk to me," he murmurs gently, and after a few seconds, I nod. I pull away, and he lets go of me, but holds onto one of my hands. I may be permanently flushed after today.
  As we walk towards his stage, I try to be as vague as possible. "So, my brother and I got into a pretty bad fight. He insulted me, and I slapped him. It was about.." I trail off, not wanting to say my dad.
  "About?" Andy nudges, raising an eyebrow.
  "How I'm anti-social," I blurt. It's not a complete lie. My brother and I have fought about it many times, but never how we fought today. "Anyway, what he said was a low blow and I slapped him. Hard. Across the face. He bled a little." I leave out the part about possibly quitting the crew. He probably doesn't even care, and is just asking because I'm a fan and he thinks he has to.
"Well, remind me not to get you mad," he jokes, in attempt to lighten the mood, and I give a small smile. "If I'm being honest, he was being uncouth, and probably deserved it. Still, he's your brother. You two will make up. " I nod, feeling a bit better.
"Now, I want to talk to you about something," he starts, lifting up my arm. My stomach sinks as his fingers start to trace my scars, and I avoid his eyes. "Blade," he calls, and I look at him. "Life gives you enough scars, you don't need to manufacture your own," he tells me gently, and tears well up in my eyes. I nod, and he halts, drawing me into his arms. He hugs me tightly, and I hug back. Part of it may have to do with the fact that this might be the only time I get to hug my senpai, but I know that it's mostly his words that make me hug him back. After a few moments, we start walking again, and Andy takes the arm holding my hand and wraps it around my shoulder, making me walk like I'm trying to do the pledge of allegiance. I laugh and place my head on his arm, causing him to look down on me.
  We finally reach the stage, which happens to be inside. And pulls away and slides a backstage pass around my neck. " walk towards the center stage. Your family's waiting. " I smile at him and take off, stopping when I find the twins and my mother.
  " hey!" I exclaim, and they all hug me.
  " oh, so your not ignoring her!" I hear Jada exclaim, and tense. Elijah glares over his shoulder, and says," sorry if we take the side of the child who got left behind on the house of hell while the other one got to leave." Jada flinches, as do I. That was pretty cold.
  We don't have time to say anything else before CC runs on stage. Everyone erupts in cheers, and he plays a little something on his drums.
  Next, Jake runs on, and plays the opening chords to beautiful remains. He is followed my Jinxx, who is holding his violin while his guitar is on his back. He plays a few notes to lost it all. Then, Ashley appears, with a big fat lipstick stain on his cheek. The girls cry out, and I roll my eyes. He's just finishing his little solo when Andy comes out, causing the whole crowd to surge forward and smash the front row into the stage. I wince as the air is shoved out of my body.
  "Helllllo Los Angeles! We are Black Veil Brides, and thank you for coming to this show! We are so happy to be here, and we hope you enjoy! This is beautiful remains!"
"This song is dedicated to a friend of ours who's in the front row! She is struggling with a problem that a lot of bvb army faces, and I just want to say that I'm f*cking proud of all of you ! This is saviour!"
As the chords start, Andy kneels down and offers his hand to me. Tears well up in my eyes, and I give my hand to him. He hoists me up onto the stage, and squats down next to me as I dangle my legs on the edge of the stage. He never once drops my hand, nor does he break eye contact with me while he sings.
  After the song ends, Andy calls into the microphone, "I want you to all near what I told this girl earlier: life gives you enough scars, you don't need to manufacture your own. We love you all, and don't want to see you guys go too soon. " I glance at mom and see shock. When I look at Jada, I have to look away almost immediately. Hurt, shock, anger, betrayal. The list goes on. I smile at Andy through my tears, and he leans over and kisses my cheek. My heart stops. Somebody pinch me. The whole crowd squeals, either fangirling or cursing my soul to the depths of hell.
He lifts me by the waist, making me squeal, and gently sets me back on the ground below the stage. "Alright, this next song is called new religion!"
After new religion , Black Veil Brides played coffin, knives in pens, and days are numbered. 
  "This next song is called Walk away!" Andy shouts, and everyone cheers. I've avoided Jada and Mom like the flu, and Elijah decides he wants to get drinks right now. I start to follow, but a hand flies around my waist. I spin around to see a man completely intoxicated, probably late thirties, early forties, standing there. Mom, Dakota, and Jada are too busy enjoying the concert to notice, and Elijah isn't back yet.
  "Hey there, girlie. Need some company?" The man slurs, breathing the stench of alcohol in my face, forcing the odor to fill my nostrils.
  "No, not really," I try politely, coughing as the bile smell suffocates me.
  "You do? Great!" The trashed guy shouts, his wild, animal like eyes full of delight. I whimper as the man pulls me to his side with a bone crushing force. The whimper catches my mother's attention, and she pales. I shake my head at her and mouth 'stay' and finish the message off with a reassuring smile. My breath hitches in fear and disgust as the drunkie buries his face in my neck, breathing in my scent. I whimper once more, causing him to chuckle.
   "Boo!" He suddenly complains loudly, lifting his head and faces the band. He startles me severely, making me shriek in fear, a sob following.
  "Boo! You guys suck! Put Memphis Mayfire back on!" I'm confused, but don't show it. Memphis Mayfire? They aren't even here! Ashley hears the drunkie's outburst, and confusion erupts on his features. He searches the crowd for the constant booing, and spots the creep holding me.
  As soon as his eyes land on my tear-streaked face, they widen, and he beckons Andy over with his bass. The singing Andy walks over to Ashley.
  "Boo! Put on Memphis Mayfire!" The man shouts again. This time, Andy heard him, and rolls his eyes. "Boo!" The monster yells again, shaking me this time. "C'mon, girlie, BOO!" I shriek again, and sob louder, causing the man to shake me again. Andy also hears this, and stiffens. He makes a questioning face at Ashley, who nods in my direction. Andy doesn't get it.
  "Boo!!" The monster screams again, this time with more ferocity. I steal a glance at my family, to see that both Elijah, who had to have gotten here when I was dealing with the drunkie, and Jada are now aware of the situation and are being retained my Dakota and Mom.
"Boo!" He shouts again. He practically throttles me. "You bitch! Help me!" He booms, making me Yelp.
  Andy searches for the source of the annoying dishing, and finally spots this drunken monster. The man is pleased by the recognition and flicks Andy off. "You guys suck! Get off the stage!" This idiot screams.
  Andy laughs and shakes his head. Thank god for Jinxx and Jake's guitar solo, otherwise, the crowd would be right here with the heckler. Andy finally spots me, and that's where his eyes remain. He clenches his jaw, and cuts off the music.
  "Yeah, it finally ended! Right, girlie?" He thunders. I just let out newly shed tears. "Am I right, girlie?!" He roars, taking my bad wrist in his free hand, and squeezing. I scream out in pain. Mom and Dakota are practically sitting on the floor trying to contain my brothers. (From here on, this <the character dialogue between Andy and the heckler> is an actual quote, so I'm just sensorineural the cus words)
"I suggest you let her go, you jerk," Andy calls out in the microphone, his eyes ablaze with fury. "
"Not gonna happen, mother f*cker! Now get of the stage and put Memphis Mayfire back on!"
Andy lets out a dry laugh. "Are you gonna be real embarrassed when a 'mother f*cker wearing mascara knocks your f*cking fake ass out right now?" Andy's taunt sends a feeling of a tirade over the crowd. The drunkie gulps. "Why don't you come up here and play the guitar right now?" The monster shakes his head, earning him some serious ojo from Andy, who is already launching into a speech. "God, I am so sick of people like you, man! You think you're so f*cking good, come up here! We have given you--- we have stopped out whole show for you so that you can play guitar right now! Come up on the stage, right now, and play the guitar to show us how it's done," Andy continues. The petrified man holding me shakes his head, his grip on me loosening. I quickly rush into Jada's arms, which instinctively wrap around me somewhat loosely. I reach a hand out and grab Elijah's hand, calming him down. I peak over to the stage to see Andy staring at me in relief. He then turns his icey gaze back onto the heckler, while I avert my gaze to my mother and Dakota. They're both heaving, trying to calm their heart rates.
"We have stopped the whole show, so that you can play the guitar right now. And yet, every single f*cking time we do this, you don't have the f*cking balls to come up here and do anything!" Andy rants. Jinxx and Jake lift up their guitars, offering. I hide again in Jada's shoulder.
  "Come on! Split the f*cking crowd, and come up and play the f*cking guitar, you little virtuoso mother f*cker!" Andy yells, throwing the microphone back into the crowd, so the heckler can talk. The man gulps. Andy walks off stage and comes back with a water bottle, trying to cool down. Ashley smirks and yells, "grab the microphone dude! Talk in the mic! He threw it at you do you can talk! Talk into the mic! It's right behind you!" But the heckler doesn't move. When he does, it's to glance at me, and rip me out of Jada's grip. I let out a scream of bloody murder, and Mom and Dakota scramble up to hold my brothers back once more. The action makes Andy fume even more. He takes a deep breath.
  "Look, man, I'm not trying to be all aggressive, but if someone wants to ruin our show, I want them to show us how much better they are than us, because we get to be up here because people want to see us play. Now you can f*cking leave, or play the guitar right now," Andy growls, getting worked up again. In the mean time, I've been trying to wrench my arm free. As the drunkie's grip gets tighter, I clench my teeth to somewhat silence my scream. "Now, let. Her. Go!" Andy shouts. The man spits on the stage. "That's it, somebody's gotta get this mother f*cker out of here," Andy states, before jumping of the stage and landing right in front of me.
  He only manages to just rip me from the heckler and shove him away, hard, keeping me firmly tucked behind him. After that, fans start to shriek and surge forward, along with security. Andy gently shoves me into Jada, who's arms tightly wrap around me protectively, before trying to get through the crowd and over to the drunk.
  Security grand Andy and drags him towards the stage. "Come on! Come on!" Andy yells at the frozen heckler, before CC finally pulls him back on stage.
  Security takes the drunkie out of the room, and Andy takes a few minutes to calm down. Once he succeeds, he calls into the microphone that bouncer du--Yani retrieved, " sorry guys! To make up for walk away, here's youth and whisky!"
(Kay, no more quote!)
*. *. *. *. *
When the concert ends, Jada finally lets me go. I sigh in relief and complain.
"My organs are bleeding!" Jada lets out a bark of laughter before shaking his head. Then, the wort thing imaginable settled around us.......AWKWARD SILENCE.
After a few minutes though, Jada sighs and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. "I-I'm sorry, B, I just freaked! I thought maybe if you talked to Dad, h-he wouldn't...well he wouldn't hur---"
"It's okay, Jada, I said things I shouldn't have said. Besides, the crew doesn't keep secrets." After our allusion of an apology, we walk backstage together, along with the twins and Mom.
As soon as they're in sight, I skip over to Black Veil Brides, who are all sitting around in a lounge. "Blade! Are you all right?" Ashley asks, being the first to spot our group as we walk in.
"I'm fine, Ashy, thank you for helping, though," I say shyly.
He looks at me with a funny face. "Me? I wasn't the one who practically decapitated the dude with a mic!" Ashley comments, throwing the last part in Andy's direction.
  Ashley looks at Andy over his shoulder and snickers. "Quick, get out your phone," he says in a hushed tone. I quickly comply. "Turn on your video." I do as I'm told.
"Wait, why I ask after I hand him my phone.
  "Because Andy and CC are drunk." With that, he runs off with my precious white iPhone 5c and scrambles onto the couch behind CC, getting a clear view of Andy. I sigh and take off my headdress. Mom takes it and puts it on.
  Currently, CC is giving Andy lessons on how to play the air drums, and Ashley is filming the whole thing.
  "So you like, turn your thumbs in," CC hiccups.
  "Like this?" Andy questions, completely trashed.
  "Yeah, man! And then like, tuck your arms in, and just go for it."
  "I feel like a T-Rex, Andy admits. "I just wanna go: too-too-too-too-too-too-too-too" while he is making the really bad drum imitation, he rotates from side to side, shaking his hands like he's actually playing the drums, all while keeping his arms tucked into his chest.
  "Yeah, you gotta keep a tight pocket, open the snare," CC mutters, probably not even understanding himself.
"Yeah, keep it tight, Andy agrees.
"Keep it tight, keep it Ringo!" CC howls, making Jada snort and cover his mouth.
"T-Rex! Trumpets!" Andy adds, forcing Ashley to stop recording so that he can crack up laughing. He taps a lot of buttons on my phone, and I begin to grow cautious.
  "What are you doing?"
  "Downloading Instagram, so I can post this. I suppress a smile.
  "An insta-what? " I feign curiosity. He stares at me in shock.
  "That's it. Now that I've posted the video, I'm making you an Instagram." All of BVB seems intrigued by this, all wanting to help make my Instagram.
  "Her Instagram name," CC muses, wobbling over to the group they've formed around me in the floor. I start to feel like I'm in a cult due to the fact that I'm the only one still standing, so I try to make my way over to the spot next to Mom. But, Fate is bittersweet, and decides to trip me and make me fall flat over Andy's lap. I squeak and try to scramble up, but Andy just laughs, and lifts me before setting me down in a sitting position on his lap. Spot next to Mom? HAH. What spot?
  "Oh! How about Purdygirl247?" Ashley throws, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
  "Down boy!" I shout, earning me a bark of laughter from Andy, along with my brothers.
"How about Drummerchick97?" CC suggests, and everyone shakes their heads no.
"Why 97?" Jinxx asks curiously.
"7 and 9 are my favorite numbers," CC shrugs.
"Same!" I exclaim, causing CC to shoot up and shout, "whatever we come up with must end in 97!" Everyone nods in agreement while I just sit in a god's lap, pouting.
  Dakota, who decides to go along with my joke, says, "well, her dance group is Grooms and Brides of Music Rebellion, so we should add something like that in there. Oh, and for some odd reason no one can grasp, her fans call her Lexi, so it's sort of become her stage name. " I shoot her a fake sour look.
  "Traitor, you're supposed to be on my side. " she just shrugs.
The boys keep arguing until Andy shouts, "when she was on stage, they kept calling her Lexi Bride right? So how about Lexi_Bridesveilblack_79?" It seems everyone liked that one, making a pleased look grace Andy's face.
  "Okay," Ashley starts. "Now the Bio. "
  "I got this," Dakota says, snatching the phone away. Once she stops typing, she said, I also put the GABOMR merch page as her website. "
  "What's her birthday?" Jinxx asks.
  "Same as Elijah's and Mine. June 20."
  "That's in like, two days!"
  "We already have her number..." CC mumbles before looking up at me and asking, "Hey, Blade, are you a boy or a girl?" Oh. He's waaaaaay more drunk then I expected. I turn to Andy and mutter, "one moment" before standing up in front of CC.
  "I have this," I flip my hair, pulling it to the front of my shoulders, "these," I push up my breasts, "and a V," I state, motioning downward. "I think you can guess." Dakota has to bite her fist, the one not holding my phone, to suppress her giggles, and CC, Ashley, and Jinxx give me a look of shock. Jake and Andy are dying laughing, so I think it's safe to say that Andy is having a f*cking giggle day.
  Elijah, who has been drinking this whole time and is slightly tipsy, and Mom high five me, also chuckling lightly, while I act like nothing happened. Jada is surprised, to say the least. I smile innocently at him, and he just shrugs it off.
"Done!" Dakota declares, and she runs to me.
"Don't be mad," she starts sheepishly.
"What did you do?" I ask cautiously.
"While you were looking outside the window this morning, I took a picture of you. You blinked, but it came out really really good," Dakota rushes out. The boys all log onto their instagrams, CC and Andy getting guidance from Jinxx and me (since Andy decided to lift me back onto his lap,) and follow me. They see the picture and make amazed sounds. I look at it and am shocked. She made me look so....pretty. My headdress feathers practically sparkle from the sun rays that had come through Dakota's window, adding a peaceful affect.
  "How many filters did you have to put on this one?" I joke.
  "None," Dakota deadpans.
  "You're kidding right?"
  "Nope," she answers, and then logs onto her own Instagram. I decide to do the same, and go back and follow the boys. But before I can, Elijah stumbles over to Andy and I.
"Hey, Blade, I want you to meet Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides. Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides, this is Blade." We stare at him for a couple of seconds before cracking up.
Once I calm down, I go back to the task at hand. For my profile picture,  Dakota used the picture Jada took of me last year. We were street dancing at a skating park, where we used to rehearse before the studio because of the bright lighting, and Jada decided he wanted to take a picture of me with my phone. He caught me in mid backflip, and you can see my joyous expression.
  I click on the home button to see the boys have all reposted the picture Dakota posted of me from this morning. I read each one.

Ashleypurdyinc: my girl @lexi_bridesveilblack_97 from Grooms and Brides of Music Rebellion! Follow her ;)

Jinxxed4life: hangin out with our favorite dancer! Follow @lexi_bridesveilblack_97 please!

Ceesespieces: chilling with this crazy chika! Follow @lexi_bridesveilblack_97 from Grooms and Brides of Music Rebellion!

Andybvb: today was another great show, besides the minor details. Thank you, Los Angeles for being amazing! Just chilling with the guys and @lexi_bridesveilblack_97 of Grooms and Brides of Music Rebellion. Go follow her!

I laugh at them and say, "you guys, thanks, but I know what an Instagram is, I was screwing with you guys. The crew takes turns taking on Instagram every three days. "They all, except for Mom, Jada, and the twins, gape at me, making me giggle.
  "Then why don't you have an Instagram?" Ashley asks disapprovingly, and I shrug, earning me five groans and four chuckles. 
  Almost immediately, my phone starts to go off. I drop it like it's possessed with a Yelp, and all of Black Veil Brides looks at me weirdly. "That's why," I answer, motioning to the phone made in the depths of plutonian's shore.
   "Wow, my phone doesn't even go off like that," CC states.
  "She's more popular than the rest of GABOMR combined. It's why we chose her to be the frontman--or front-woman. That, and the rest of us were too lazy to do it." The last part earns Jada a slap in the back of the head before I return to giving my phone some serious ojo.
  I sigh and slowly making my way over to my phone, Quickly picking it up and turning off the notifications. I sigh in relief and cradle my phone to my chest. "Okay, guys, we have to go," I say sadly.
  "Um, no we don't," Dakota says warily, staring at her own phone.
  "What is it, Koda?"
  "Weeeeeelllll," she tries to stall, but I rip her phone out of her hands. I gasp at what I see. Nora calls, and I answer.
  "Nora? Care to explain?" I ask, frightened.
  "Bladen? I-I thought he left, but Mason and your father are waiting by Elijah's truck, and all of the other cars are gone besides Zarah's, Jada's, and his silver Porsche. "

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