20: We Couldn't Decorate Shim's Room

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  I rub the droplets out of my eyelashes, and hug Kristen tighter, putting my head back in the nape of her neck. We're currently driving back from seeing my brother off, and Kristen and I have been sobbing messes. It's six forty-five--about fifteen minutes until Andy picks me up. Mom is in back with us while Dakota is driving my car back to the apartment, which they walked to. Elijah stares at us sympathetically from the passenger seat. Today is a sad day.
We pull up to the complex, and head up to the top floor, which as it turns out, is where our apartment---one of the only two on the floor---is located. Kristen, as soon as the door is unlocked, flees to her room without a word, while I decide to go and get ready for my date.
  I slide into my fishnets, and my high waisted shorts, not really caring. I throw on the cream colored crop top from the festival and redo my tear smeared make up. I put my thick eyeliner on, not bothering with eyeshadow, and put Vaseline on my lips. With that, I slide into my kitty platforms right as a knock on the front door fills the air.
   I tuck my hair behind my ear as I grab my phone and head out the door. Andy has a concerned face on. This I notice as soon as I open the door. He smiles as soon as he sees me, and boy is that smile enough to lighten my day about ten notches. He grabs my hand and leads me to his car, a black one from a brand I don't recognize.

*. *. *. *. *. *

  I laugh as Andy scoops me out of the car, spinning me around. Earlier, we simply ate dinner at a restaurant and got to know each other better, as cliché as that sounds. But, I do feel like I know him better. I know about how her grew up, his favorite spots in Cincinnati, Chance, his love for cats, and what lead up to him being the lead singer of Black Veil Brides. All I can think is that this boy is an angel. He's managed to take away the pain of Jada leaving, even if we both know it's temporary. 
  Andy takes my hand, heading me to the top of the hill where we're currently located, and pulls me to a stop. I look up at him while he tucks my hand to his shoulder, putting his free one on my waist. I grin up at him and put my other hand on his shoulder. We sway to the music radiating from the city below.
  While dancing, we simply talk. It seems that there isn't any shortage of things to talk about, and I don't think we'll ever reach one. I haven't known him long, or at least really known him, but, I can't help but fall in love with him.
  At some point, I ditch my shoes, and Andy ditches his leather jacket while we both lay on the grass, looking at the sky. I can't help but feel that this is the definition of perfect.

*. *. *. *. *

I'm woken up by my phone ringing. I reach my hand out and slap at the frame of my bed, searching for my phone.
"Hello?" My raspy voice asks, while I close my eyes and snuggle back into the warmth of my sheets which I call heaven.
"Hi, Blade? It's James Culpepper, Ski's dad. And the drummer of Flyleaf. Do you remember me?"
I shoot up and manage to tumble over my bed's ledge, falling a good four and a half feet to the floor with an 'oof!'
I scramble for my phone and clear my throat, exclaiming, "oh yeah! Hi, Mr. Culpepper!" I hear him trying to control his laughter, making me blush.
"Please, call me James. I just was calling to tell you that our tour starts tomorrow, this Tuesday. I just wanted to make sure you're going to watch Ski."
"Of course, every Tuesday and Thursday for two months," I inform, and he responds with, "thank you. We'll pay you for both months when you come over tomorrow. Thanks, Blade, sorry to wake you up." I hear a laughing James-fluffing-Culpepper hang up the phone. I smile and stand, getting ready for another day of work.
I walk into my bathroom and quickly shower, using my blue and black temporary hair dye shampoo, and decide that I want to actually permanent dye it today.
I step out of the shower, put on my undergarments, and walk into my bedroom, heading to my closet. I pick out a black and blue Supernatural crop top, not caring for an undershirt to hide my sports bra, and black high waisted shorts, along with my old beaten up black converse. I quickly change and rush back into the bathroom, my makeup in tow.
   I slick on black lipstick, not bothering with a lip ring, and put a gold septum piece in. I do a natural looking eye, and thick eyeliner, like always. With that, I throw my hair into a ponytail and head out of my room.
   Andy and I picked up groceries on the way back from the date, fatuous as that sounds, but Andy didn't have the heart to let me walk home from the store I'd requested her drop me off at. I smile at the memory, cooking over easy eggs and bacon while I do so. I slide the bacon and eggs onto a plate and slide it onto the table. I quickly take two of the six eggs and eat them, avoiding the bacon while leaving everything else for Kristen and Mom. I scribble a note saying I've gone to work and that I'd pick up Mom before our shift at the diner. As I start to slip out of the kitchen, Kristen comes in fully dressed.
  "Did you cook?" She asks, and I nod my head towards the table. She quickly polishes off two eggs and three pieces of bacon before asking me, "can you give me a ride to the mall? I have to work this morning."
  "Sure," I say with a grin, and with that we make our way to my '67. The drive to the mall is filled with Kristen and I planning the baby's closet. We were a bit down that we couldn't decorate shim's room,(yes, shim, a she/him since we don't know the gender) so we focused on the fact that we could plan the outfits.
   We're just pulling up when I see Elijah's truck. I turn to Kristen. "I have to go, but we'll discus baby outfits on the way home too, okay?" She laughs and nods, climbing out of my baby. Man that sounds wrong.
Anyway, I skip over to Elijah and Dakota, who is thankfully sporting her usual bright seaweed/lime green neon hair. We say our hellos and head up to Hot Topic.
  "I call register!" I shout, rushing into Hot Topic.
  "I call Customer Service!" Dakota adds.
  "Damn it! I don't want to shelf!" Elijah complains. We giggle.
  "I had it last Monday," I reason.
  "And I had it last Friday. Your turn," Dakota sing-informs, causing her twin to shove her shoulder. Dakota and I skip into the store, while Elijah follows behind, grumbling under his breath. I quickly make my way over to the worker's room, clocking in. I then prance over to the register, grinning from ear to ear. I quickly start to check out the customers, humming Second and Sebring, which is what's playing throughout the store, and finally look up.
I think I'm dead.
I loved meeting my boyfriend and all

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