22: That's a No No Word!

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^^ Ruby Jones, and no, not Ruby from Once Upon A Time. This chapter goes out to _thatbandnerd and NerdyBirdy02

   *one month later*
   I'm woken up by a gentle kiss on my lips, two arms sliding around my waist while this is happening. I smile into the kiss and pull away.
  "Hey, babe," I murmur sleepily, making Andy chuckle. We've been going strong for the past month, and he's been staying over at my apartment lately. "How's Ski?" I ask.
   "Still sleeping. She's refusing to sleep anywhere but your been-bag chair again," he says, a small smile playing at his lips. Andy and Ski have grown close as well, and I find it really cute.
   "I have to get up don't I?" I grumble, burying my face into my pillow. Andy chuckles, placing a feathery light kiss on my shoulder.
   "Sorry, beautiful, but yes. Mason wants to meet you and your Mom at the park today."
  I sigh. Yes, this is Mason, my twin brother. We've been talking lately, and Mom has agreed to meet him. Both of us have. I haul myself up and literally roll off my bunk, landing with a shriek. Ski jolts awake, and Andy has to bury his face in my pillow to try and silence his laughter.
"You know, you're a jerk," I grumble, picking myself off the floor.
"That's a No No word!" Ski shrieks, and I laugh.
   Andy laughs. "You're right, that is a no no word." I glare at him.
  "Ski, honey, let's go shopping today. I told you if you got good grades on your progress report, we'd go. "
   "YUSH! Me love!" Ski shouts, faking a posh voice. I laugh. Sadly, school had started. Thankfully, I had enough credits not to go anymore. So I'm now full time. Well, partly full time. I quit all of my jobs, except my Hot Topic job, and I promised to help out at the diner when I can.
But mostly, I'm a dancer. Lately, G&BOMR has grown, publicity wise, and scouts have started coming to our shows. We've also been entered into a few world wide competitions that we're preparing for. Mostly, we've been looking for a decent company to take us in. Once we find one, we'll all be paid more.
I'm snapped out of my haze by a child, who's name starts with a S, and ends with a KI, flings herself at my face.
"Alright, alright, child! Go get ready while I do!" She grins, and skips away.
Andy sighs. "Blade, we need to talk." My heart stops. Is he going to--"I'm not breaking up with you," he rushes out, making me relax. "But, I'm going on our annual UK tour, the Blackmass Tour. We all are. "
The boys and I have all become a family, and I feel my heart sink.
"When do you leave?" I ask in a small voice. Andy's eyes soften.
"Friday, in seven days." I sigh.
"Okay. Don't find a girl too soon on tour," I joke, but Andy finds this far from funny.
In a matter of seconds, Andy steps down from my bunk (literally steps, he doesn't have to jump off the ledge) and gathers me in his arms.
"Hey," he starts, cupping my cheek with one hand. I lean into it. "You're my girl. No one else. Okay?" I smile and nod. "In fact," he pauses, letting me go and sticking his head out of my room. "Natalie! Would you like to go shopping with us?"
"Yeah, Aunt Nat! Please?" Ski begs. Mom comes out of her room.
"Sure, give me five minutes."
Once Andy stick his head back in the room, I frown.
  "What's your little scheme, Biersack?"
   Andy mischievously grins, picking me up bridal style, making me squeal.
  "That's a surprise."

*. *. *. *. *. *

  "Ready, Ski?" I call out, sliding into my trusty old black and salmon adidas. I've paired them with my leather high waisted shorts, my white 'this is my cat costume' tee, and a pale sand colored summer cardigan that touches the bottom of my shins. My wild maroon beach waves are framing my face, bolder due to my matching lipstick, darkly natural style eyeshadow, and my signature heavy cat eye. I grab my small joker wallet and stuff it in my back pocket, clipping the chain to my belt loop.
"Ready!" The small girl shouts.
"So am I!" Mom calls.
Andy comes into my room then, dressed in black skinny jeans, a black Ramones muscle tee, and a red and black snap back. He let his hair go brown, and has recently shaved half of his head.
  I blush, hoping I wasn't caught staring. Apparently, I wasn't, or he just decided to let it go, grabbing my hand and leading me out of my room, past my French doors.
  Ski, dressed in a sparkly blue tutu, a pearl pink spaghetti strap tank top, and black flats, is practically bouncing in front of the front door.
Andy laughs, and opens the door, letting Ski race out while dragging my poor mother with her.
Andy takes my keys and slides into the driver's seat of my muscle car, waiting to start the car until I'm in the passenger's seat, and Mom and Ski are in the back. Once we're all buckled in, Andy he drives us to the mall.
Once we arrive, Ski is out of the car and prancing in front of my car door.
"Ski, sweetie, I need to get out of the car in order to buy you clothes, and you're in front of the door."
"Oops sorry, Blade," Ski giggles, and we laugh.
First, we hit up children's place, then Macy's, then JCPenney's. From those three stores alone, Andy has to carry loads of bags, like, both of his tattooed arms covered in shopping bags, to the car and come back in.
Mom volunteers to take Ski to get shoes, while we, meaning Andy and I, go hit the stores rated PG-13, a.k.a. my work. Hah. I bet you thought Spencer's. No. That store is rated R. I quickly hand Mom money for Ski, and they head off.
Andy drags me to the piercings and tattoo shop, the place where I got my lip and septum done.
"Andy, what are we doing here?" I ask, and he smiles.
"While I'm gone, I want people to know you're taken, and I want people to know the same for me." I smile.
Before I can respond, Ruby Jones, a.k.a. the daughter of the shop owner, the girl who did my piercings, and a high school friend/fellow nerd, interrupts me.
"Hello, what can I-- BLADEN JULIET ANDERS, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, YOU AMAZING PIECE OF FLESH?!" The girl screams, almost giving me a heart attack.
"Um...Hot Topic?" I ask breathlessly, clinging to Andy's arm.
"Oh, well that's fun," she says, making me question for the millionth time if this child is bipolar. You should probably know, Ruby dated Mason, my twin brother. Before you all start hating, she didn't know he was abusive. Not only that, but she's kind of got it rough. Her Dad was on a trip in Russia when her met Eliza and Ruby's Mom, Katy. Yes, this is the Katy who works at Fantastic Sam's. She was his one night stand, and when she moved to America when she found she was pregnant, they got married. When the Ruby was five and Eliza was seven, their parents split, and Eliza went with Katy, while Ruby went with her father. But she's happy, and Eliza and her are working on patching things up.
"hi, could we each get to tattoos?" Andy asks.
" sure thing, sugar," she says, using the nickname she calls everyone. It's weird to think that if Katy raised her, she would have the thick Russian accent as well. "BRB, gotta tell the ol' man, he'll think it's Christmas," she jokes, and with a wink in my direction, she's off.
"Well she's...." Andy trails off.
"Forward?" I supply.
"That's the word. I couldn't tell if she was trying to flirt with me, trying to flirt with you, both, or neither."
"There's Ruby for ya," I answer.
"So, it's Bladen Juliet Anders?"
"Oh, quiet, Andrew Dennis Biersack."

*. *. *. *. *

In the end, no pun intended, we got hand and arm tattoo Both hurt like a b*tch, but I didn't flinch, nor did I have to squeeze Andy's hand. Perks of being abused all your life. I did hold and Andy's hand though, but that's of course because he's my boyfriend, and my senpai, in music terms. That would be weird if it were more than that. Ewww, I just grossed myself out HARDCORE.
We leave the shop, after long conversations with Mr. Jones, who really was over the moon to see me, right in time to run into Mom and Ski.
"Ready to head out?" I ask Mom, and she nods.
"Ski, Andy's taking you back to the apartment, since you have no counseling today. Wake up Kristen for me, 'kay?" I ask, and she nods.
Kristen treats Ski like a daughter, doing her hair for school, packing her lunch, picking out her clothes. What can I say? it's her mama bear coming out.
As soon as they think we're out of hearing distance, I hear Ski say, "Mortal CombatX and Gummy Worms?"
"You're on," Andy replies. I grin. I love those two.
mom and I walk to the park, a 15 minute walk, and when we see Mason, we know something is wrong. Mason is limping, pacing as best as he can, and has a blackeye. He sees us, and his eyes widen.
"He found out I'm meeting with you guys, and he's on his way--"
"Hey, Blade!" I hear Dakota's voice shout, and turn to see the twins coming towards us. No no no no no no.

But it's too late.

Dad is here, and he's in bad shape. His blond hair, normally neat and cropped, is sticking up in weird angles, shaggy. His hazel eyes are wild and crazy, like an animal. The thought scares me to the bone. Dad pulls a small pistol out of his creased suit, scaring the life out of me.
Mom slips in front of me protectively. I vaguely make out of familiar Impala turning onto our street, the shortest way back to the apartment. Dad takes the safety off.
"Well, if it isn't the two girls. Looks like my good for nothing son was telling the truth when he told me he had changed." Dad points the gun at Mason, and fires. I scream, feeling as if the bullet was piercing me, and not my twin. When Mason falls, I push past mom, and rush towards my dead twin. I'm vaguely aware of Dad aiming at me, but I never feel the bullet hit me.

But it all happens too fast.

I turned to face Jeff, my father, as my mother's corpse falls, fear evident in my expression.

But, for the second time, I escaped death, due to the fall of another. I sink to the ground, holding the body while the police show up, shooting my dad's arm. I'm vaguely aware of it all happening, and the police arresting him, the paramedics taking my mother and my twin. But I'm not focused on them, or the sobbing Dakota. While I go numb, I focus on Elijah, and his empty eyes, staring into my own, while his blood falls on my hands.

I don't remember the questioning. I just remember running with Andy calling my name, after the police told me they were done, and that they had to take the body from me.

So there you have it. There are imply three chapters left, including the short one in publishing tonight too. I might hold off on releasing the last two though, just for the suspense of it. You're welcome.

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