18: Ashley!

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They had our favorite cake: red velvet. I'm surprised anyone got a sliver between the three of us Birthday Dorks. We LOVE red velvet cake.
"Presents!" Jada shouts, and I pause halfway into stuffing my face with cake. Jada laughs at me, while I roll my eyes. "ihhhhn" is how the word 'fine' ended up coming out, causing everyone to laugh.
  I wipe my hands on a napkin, and trot over to the spot in between the twins, and sit down. I lay my head in Elijah's lap, and lay my legs across Dakota. She just puts he arms over them, while Elijah starts to mess with my hair. I see Andy, and watch him look at Elijah, and his hand playing with my hair. Something passes in his eyes. Jealousy? But why? It's not like I'm important.
  My thoughts are interrupted by the realization of Dakota and Elijah's presents. I spring up and race to Dakota's room, swiping the back from under the bed, and zoom back to my previous spot, sprawled across the twins.
  Everyone's silent before Dakota breaks it. "Okay, flash." I stick my tongue out at her and take out the two boxes. Here, I say, handing them to them, making me do the scissors with my arms. The laugh and take their presents, not waiting to open them.
  Elijah grins, and pulls on his baseball cap, backwards like he always does, and thanks me for the tickets.
As he's folding the flannel, Dakota is squealing over her SFX brushes, and color contacts. She pulls out the dye and cheers. But when she pulls out the necklace, she freaks. "I love this fluffing movie!!!" She shrieks, and I pull the matching R2D2 necklace from under my shirt, and wiggle my eyes at her. She whacks my stomach lightly. My brother hands me three bags and says grumpily, "these are all from me," letting me know exactly what he got me. I fail to choke back a laugh as I reach for one, and open it to see the first three things on my list: peace tea, kitty vans, and a new ghost town car buckle belt. I open the next to see the next four: monster, caramel popcorn, vinyl records of mullet head rock, and matching cassette tapes for my car.
The final box had the last three items from the list: Black Veil Brides posters, a Black Veil Brides hoodie, and BVB pins. I blush and put the other boxes on top of that one, and the band laughs, while Andy winks at me.
Before I can react, Mom hands me a huge box, and because I'm lazy and I don't want to sit up, I swat at the paper until it peels, and I can push it off the box. I almost die, and I fangirl at the SFX makeup kit box, which comes with spirit gum, latex, scar wax, a zombie palette, multiple cream and grease based palettes, an alcohol activated palette, multiple brushes, a metal SFX spatula, and other products.
After a few minutes, I've calmed down, and Elijah hands me a bag.
"Happy Birthday, B." I pull out a jar full of cash labeled 'Warped Tour!!', new tshirts from Get Scared, Five Finger Death Punch, MCR, and Attila. He also got me some makeup palettes I have no doubt Dakota picked out, some new dance socks/shoes, and three new septum pieces.
  I smile, and get ready to thank everyone, when Dakota says, "I have a gift for you, but it's not here. Let's go for a drive." We're all confused, but get up and start to head out, but she adds, "bring all of your stuff!" I frown but do as she says, picking up my platforms I'd retrieved from my brothers truck and walking barefoot to the front door.

*. *. *. *. *. *

Dakota drove my car, while Kristen, Andy, and I rode in back, Mom in shotgun. On the way to wherever the hell we're going, Andy drops his hand in mine and whispers in my ear, "I got you a present." I smile and try my best to hide my blush.
  "You didn't have to--"
  "I know, but I did. Please don't be exacerbating, and let me give it to you." I roll my eyes, but nod. I lean my head on his shoulder, and he laughs. He wraps his arms around me and I sigh, in content. Any bvb girl's dream, right?
I guess I fell asleep at some point, because Andy gently shakes me awake and murmurs in my ear, "we're here." He gets out first, leading me out by my hand. Once we're out, I spot Mom, who gives me a knowing smirk. I blush. Mother!!! But Dakota directs the attention towards her.
  "Get all of your things, and someone cover Kristen's, Natalie's, and Blade's eyes."
  "Okay," Andy says, and as I cover  my eyes, I feel Andy scoop me up and I yelp, not prepared for the act. He laughs, and I feel someone set my stuff on my lap.
   "Elijah! Let me down!" I hear Kristen screech, while Mom shrieks, "Jada!!" Letting me know they've both endured similar treatment.
  I feel myself being carried up a flight of stairs, and hold onto Andy for dear life with my free hand.
  I hear Dakota grumble under her breath, along with keys rattling. I furrow my eyebrows. What's going on. I hear a door open, and I can tell we've entered a place.
  "Set them down there. You can sit too, if you want," Dakota offers. And I feel Andy sit on the couch, adjusting me to where I'm on his lap. I feel the couch--at least I hope this is a couch--dip beside me--to my left? No right! No, left, right?
  "You can uncover your eyes now, girls," Dakota announces proudly, and I pull my hands from my face. I gasp, my eyes welling up with tears.
  "W-Where are we?" I ask, hoping what I'm seeing isn't real.
  "Your new apartment. Happy Birthday. " I get up and walk around while Dakota continues to babble. "The first year is paid off, and all of the furniture is bought, and it's close to home, so--"
  "Dakota," I say, and turn to look at her. She stops talking. I fling myself into her arms and sniffle out, "thank you."
  She has a wolfish grin spread across her face. "No problem. But just know that this is all your getting because it took three pay checks from both jobs to pay for this."
  I gasp and whack her over the head, "why the hell would you do that for us!?"
  "Because your my family, and I can't stand seeing my family hurting. It's all paid for in cash, and i don't know if you were listening, but the apartment and its water and light bills are all paid off for the year. This is my gift to you. And Natalie. And Kristen." I smile at her.  Wait, Kristen? There's something I'm forgetting....
  "Wait!" I yell, and everybody jumps up in surprise. I race to the door, but then stop. I turn. "Um, how do I get to my car? I left something there. Andy laughs, and stands.
"I'll show you." I blush and nod, while he starts to lead the way out of the complex. I mentally take note: I'll be living here after all.
  We reach the car, and I unlock it pulling the bag from the mall out of the car. As I turn to leave, I see Andy's ice blue eyes. "I still haven't given you your gift," he says, making me smile. He walks towards me and kisses me gingerly on the lips, prolonging it's ending as long as possible. Once he pulls back, he says, "I'll start with the once that can be given," making my eyebrows furrow. What can't be given?
  He pulls out a box, in it is a shirt that says 'my boyfriend can scream' and another one that says 'I only date band members' which I immediately recognize both from Bryan Stars' district line. I laugh and start to say thank you, when he says, "there's more. Look." I look inside the box to see a skeleton hand choker and a small purple and black rose ring. I gasp at how...expensive they look. "Andy, I--"
"I'm not done, this is the last gift, and I need your permission to give it to you." I frown at this. "But, let's start heading back first," he says. I hesitantly take his hand and allow him to guide me back up to the apartment.
Right as I'm about to push out the door, I hear his voice ask, "will you be my girlfriend?" I freeze.
Wait, what?
I turn to look at Andy, who had his hands in his pockets, staring straight into my eyes. I suddenly start to see black and remember to breathe. I take a breath and choke out, "p-pardon?"
"Will you be my girlfriend? I know it's kind of soon, but I just feel like when I'm around you, I--" he's cut off by me, flinging myself into him in a hug. Andy stumbles, but quickly recovers and returns the right hug.
  "Yes," I answer, and before he can respond, we hear someone shout, "finally! That took forever!"
  "Ashley!" We both snap. The curtain closes again. I smile at Andy, and he takes my hand once I let go of him. We start to walk, but he stop and grand my chin, turning my face towards his so he can kiss me. I blush when he lets go, causing him to laugh. I nudge him and guide him back into the apartment.
  When we walk in, everyone pretends to not know what just happened. Ashley wolf whistles. Okay, almost everyone. Andy leans over and shoves Ashley, who then shuts up. I settle down on the floor across from the love seat Jada and Kristen are sharing, making Jada raise and eyebrow.
  "Need to borrow Kristen," I say, and she nods, standing up. I lead her out of the room and into the first room I see, which is thankfully the bathroom. I hand her the shirt, and after a few tears, we both have changed into our shirts with the word 'Army' slathered across the chest. We walk out and over to Jada. He sees the shirts and open his mouth to say something, but quickly shuts it. Soon his eyes fill with tears. We hug him while I say, "there's one more," and pull away. Once they see the onesie, they're completely in tears.

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