16: Guts on Guts. Funny Concept

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Okay, so those are the five main new characters. Enjoy!
Andy lets out a bark of laughter before putting his hands on my hips. Right as he's about to kiss me again, I hear a voice that really annoys me at this very moment.
  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Elijah's voice cuts. And I sigh, dropping my head onto Andy's chest. Oh boy.
We turn to look at Elijah, who is glowering at Andy Biersack, of Black Veil Brides, one of the biggest glam metal bands of the decade, with the power of the brightest fire pit from the deepest depths of hell. He marches over to us, and shoves Andy back a little bit. I roll my eyes. "Let's get one thing straight," Elijah spits at Andy, who raises an eyebrow at me. I shrug. "If you hurt my baby sister, I'll rip off your,"
  "ELIJAH!" I screech, and clamp my hand over his mouth. He makes a noise of protest, but throws his hands up in surrender. I turn to Andy, who's trying to hold back his laughs, and mouth 'overprotective', causing Elijah to shove my hands away with a withered look on his face.
"Whatever, see you at home," Elijah grumbles, making sure you emphasize the fact that only my presence is necessary.
   Once Elijah is out of sight, Andy walks back over to me, and laughs out, "let's let him think we were about to have our first kiss."
  "You mean there will be more?" I question, a smile making its way to the corner of my lips. Andy smirks and puts his hands of my waist.
  "Plenty more."

*  *  *  *  *  *

  We walk back to my house, hand in hand, and I'm surprised to see I ran almost two miles. How does that even happen?! At school, our mile is twice around the perimeter of the school, and we have to go up this hill to reach a lamppost about twenty seconds into the run. Fun fact? I almost die before I reach the lamppost!
  When I tell Andy this, he snorts, and says, "hard to believe. You're faster than Bryan Stars, and he's the only one who's beaten me in a race." I nearly choke on my spit as I recall that particular interview.
  The ruby red front door is propped open for us, and even from halfway down the street, I can see Jada pacing. I sigh, knowing I'm going to get what I like to call The Organ Crusher. That's a hug by the way. I try to just stop and turn around, but, sadly, Jada sees me, and freezes. At this point, I know I can't run: he's giving me puppy dog eyes. I look down. Don't  you dare look, Blade, you here me? Don't look, don't look, don't look--
  Damn it. Why didn't I listen to me. I look up, and the eyes have gotten worse. I sigh, and SLOWLY walk the rest of he way to my front door. I kindly let Andy go in first.
  "Hey, just so you know, if I never walk through that door, it was nice knowing you." Before and can question me, Jada swipes me up like a rag and squeezes me in what's supposed to me a hug, but I call it a slow, torturous murder. Seriously, I think I can feel every individual organ busting open, spreading guts on my guts. Hah. Guts on guts. Funny concept.
  Jada sets me down a minute and a half later (trust me, I counted) and my hands go to my knees. When I can stand, I look and Elijah and Dakota. "Do you see bruises??" I asks, showing them my abdomen, and both roll their eyes. I huff and looks at Jada.
"I'm sorry I ran, but really, it's okay that you're the army. There's skype, and Kristen---wait, Kristen, where are you staying?" I ask, and turn to look at her, as does Jada, who is also curious.
"Um, well, my parents threw me out when they found out, so I guess a hotel...." She says, and I immediately shout out:
"Hell no you are not sleeping in a trashy bed when you have a fetus growing inside of your tummy!! And no dancing!! Oh, shit, we are down two of our most powerful dancers!"
"Okay, though half of what comes out of my daughter's mouth comes from that part of her brain that's all rainbows and brings fraught to me," Mom cuts in, earning a complaint from me. "I agree with her on this. My grand baby isn't going to be without me, neither is its mother and my daughter-in-law. You're apart of the family now."
Kristen sniffles. "But then where am I going to go?"
"I'll get us an apartment," I say confidently. "I'll just have to pick up another shift so we can afford food and stuff, but we can do it."
"But then you won't be able to dance in the crew! And you're rarely there as it is! Then they'll be down two powerful dancers and the number one dancer!" Jada argues, and Kristen nods.
"Well, we can't live here with the Michelson's forever! Plus they've done so much already, providing us with food and shelter!"
Dakota and Elijah want to say something, but they're cut off by Mom. "I can take on a few shifts at the diner, and try and find another job as well. It could help."
"And I'll work too! I may be pregnant, but I'm not useless! I still have my job at sefora, and I can get another as well," Kristen cuts in, and you can tell Jada is trying to keep his mouth shut.
"Plus, there's the money I'll get for serving our country," Jada says, a small hint of bitterness in his tone.
"Look, we'll make it through this. It'll be okay." We all take a deep breath. "But, Jada, we do need to recruit for the crew."
"Yeah." He swipes a hand down his face. "Yeah, I know. We'll start tomorrow morning. Call everybody back."
And so, I spend the next few minutes calling up everyone, and advertising on Instagram.

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