4: Hey There, Trainer Girl

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My shift ended about ten minutes ago, and now, Mom, the Twins, and I are heading to my next job. The Culpepper family had left a very generous tip, like $200 generous. they'd also written a note that Elijah is now reading aloud.

So far, it's Mrs. Culpepper's apology for her behavior and both the drummer's and her gratitude for helping them with a slight watch issue with Ski and a baby name.

Elijah reads out the date I start before saying, "that's it." I nod at him and smile at him through the review mirror before focusing my attention back onto the road.

As soon as we pull up to Sea World, Everyone loads out of my car. I quickly grab my spare member pass from a compartment before handing it to my mom, saying, "Go to the front and give them this. Tell them you're my mom." Mom nods and Dakota leads her to the main entrance and goes with her, while Elijah follows me back stage. Without a word, he heads to the seating area and goes to save seats for everyone like usual. I clock in and change Into my wet suit, slipping on a blonde wig for the kid's sake, before starting to play with the animals, as well as train them for the show today.

* * * * * *

"Good afternoon, Everyone, and Welcome to the Shamoo Show! I'm Blade, One of the more frequent trainers, and today I'm going to be conducting the show!" I exclaim to the crowd in a fake cheery voice. I hear Elijah burst into laughter in the front row, and I shoot him a glare that makes him try to suppress the sound. Luckily, the rest of the crowd is too loud from their clapping and cheering to notice. I survey the crowd with a smile when, suddenly, my eyes land on a certain group of people and my eyes widen. I see five of my senpais, sitting in the front row, next to my family. The Twins are chatting Mom's, who is sitting in between the two's, ear off and is oblivious to the group. But where as the Twins have NO idea who they're sitting next to, Mom is staring straight at Black Veil Brides, completely ignoring Dakota and Elijah, only acknowledging them every now and then with the nod of her head. Jinxx suddenly looks at me, and his face suddenly displays a look of horror once he realizes I recognize him. Soon, Jinxx is slightly shaking his head and holding a finger to his lips, trying not to make big movements to catch anyone's attention. I smirk and nod my head, before continuing my greeting.

"We're glad that you all came out today, and I know Shamoo is happy to see you." I pause so everyone can hear the kids' squeals, and the crowd laughs. "Today, we have the Sea Lions--" I pretend to be cut off by their Barking and gasp when they come in. I fake scowl at them before continuing, "--Hey! it's not your time to come out!" I point to the door, and like we practiced, they swim away, looking quite sad, pausing every now and then to look back at me, causing the crowd to laugh every time.

I roll my eyes before calling, "Oh, fine. come over here Goofballs!" The Lions immediately perk up and backstroke to me, and I lean over while they swim up so I can kiss the tops of their heads. The crowd cheers while the Sea Lions swim away happily.

"Anyway, then we'll have The Dolphins-" I then again stop short right as their string of noise fills the Shamoo stadium right before they come swimming in on their tails. "You guys too?! it's not time yet!" I groan. They make a laughing sound and launch into the air, earning an 'ooooh' from the crowd. They swim back, and I continue to list the animals, only stopping for the animals to "interrupt" me. The only animal I don't say is the killer whale's, because he's the star of the show and featured at the end.

Now, let's start the show!" I cheer into the waterproof headset as the crowd erupts in cheers. Soon, the Sea Lions re-enter the pool and I back flip into the cold water beneath the stage. Through the glass, the crowd watches as the Lions swim in spirals around me. I swim deeper and swim Dolphin style: My feet don't kick apart and my hands are pointed together in front of me. I swim like a mermaids in a way, or so I have been told. (A/N: My sisters tell me this all the time and they sent me a clip of an old Nickelodeon show, H2O I think? Well they say I swim like that) As I swim, they continue to follow me. swimming in circular motions around me, creating a funnel of bubbles around me.

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