The Tour book by @Nerdybirdy02 and TRS books by @_thatbandnerd

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Hey guys! I know I haven't updated In the End in a while, but I swear I'm working on it! I just want to say something first.

1: NerdyBirdy02 _thatbandnerd have been my readers since day one, along with my best friends. This book was partly dedicated to them and this is basically an update about them

2: NerdyBirdy02 's book The Tour is a fan fic basically about a lot of my favorite bands (including bvb) and the book is now #16 in what's new/ Andy Black !! If you haven't read it, please please please check it out cause it's super gr9

3: _thatbandnerd 's The Relapse Symphony series is one of the best series I've read on Wattpad, and her first book is almost at 1k!! You all should really read it, because I think it's better than this book tbh 😊

That's really it, and expect a new ITE chapter soon! Byes! •~<

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