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"Jessica, we have to talk to you about something very important." My dad states making me very nervous like he always does when he uses my whole name instead of 'sweetie' or 'Jess' or one of my nicknames because I know I've either been caught doing something i shouldn't have been doing, or I'm about to get some bad news.

I sit down at our dining room table with my chair angled facing my parents, giving them my full attention.

My mom began, "As you know, your father and I have been talking about moving for a while now."

I relax a bit knowing that I wasn't in trouble for doing anything mischievous.

"Yes? Did you all finally decide to move out and find separate places?" I inquired.

"Well yes. But see, the problem is-"

"I'm moving to the States, and your father found a very beautiful place in France." My mum quickly stated, cutting off my dad.

"Sooooooo are we are just selling our house? You're just going to throw this on me and expect me to pick where I want to live and be perfectly okay?" I carry on, getting a little carried away. I began to ramble about how I'm okay with them not being together, but making me move away from all of my friends and family is something I'm not going to stand for.

"Well no sweetie!" My dad tried to stop me from hurting myself from rambling on so much. "If you like, you can live with either of us. But we've also made arrangements for you to stay here if you prefer."

I narrow my eyes and slightly tilt my head to the side. "I'm listening." You state for him to continue.

"You know your cousin, Ed I believe his name is? Well your mum had talked to his mum and Ed said that he would be thrilled to have you stay with him if you need a place to stay until you get your own place."

Just then everything inside of my body turned and knotted up and I felt like i was going to be sick. But in a good way. Ed Sheeran? Ed? Sheeran? Ed Sheeran. Okay, I always knew that Ed was my cousin somehow by marriage, but I never thought that I would actually get the opportunity to actually get to meet him, much less live with the boy. After all of the countless hours of trying to get tickets to see him in concert and listening to his music and spending hundreds of dollars on his merch I definitely was not going to pass the opportunity up.

"So let me get this straight," I sarcastically speaks to her parents, "you're telling me I can either leave all of my friends, leave my school right before I graduate, and live with one of you two in a place I've never even heard of and have to start all over; or I can move in with Ed - Freaking - Sheeran and go to award shows and concerts and maybe if I'm lucky, meet One Direction? You're kidding right? Why'd you even feel the need to ask?"

Both of my parents kind of looked upset about my decision. But my dad sighed and just said, "Well I understand that you want to stay here with everyone you know. So I guess if that's your decision, you better go start packing. We have to be out in a week."

I hopped up from the dining room chair and hugged my parents and told them I loved them and I was always going to even though we weren't going to be living in the same house together anymore. I was really anxious to get downstairs to my room so I can call my best friend, Kaity and exasperate about how excited I was.

Only in my Wildest Dreams (A Niall Horan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now