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Wow, what a good day today turned out to be. I locked my phone and turned over and squirmed down farther into the covers so only my head was showing out, and I drifted off into sleep.


It has been about three weeks since I moved in with Ed. We have spent countless hours playing games together, watching movies, and going out to eat and shop. He has become like a brother to me. With all of his crazy antics and jokes we've gotten really close. He tells me all of his problems and I come to him with any issues I'm having at school or with my friends or Mitch, my boyfriend. After going on to Ed about all the problems Mitch has been giving me lately, he doesn't try to hide his dislike for him. Don't get me wrong, I love Mitch with all my heart, but he has been acting really sketchy lately. With all of the taking hours at a time to text me back, or cancelling our plans because he has to 'work'.

I trust him with everything. He is my whole world and I have no idea what I would do without him. I have never been this close with a boyfriend before. But I am constantly worried about him not being faithful. Every single boyfriend I have had in the past has cheated on me and then broke up with me when i found out. I just have really terribly bad trust issues with boys. I got so used to being used and not being the only girl in the relationship that when I would find out, I would just say okay and shrug my shoulders. Yeah, it really upsets me and brings back all those feeling of not being good enough for anyone, but you just somewhere down the road get used to being hurt. But Mitch told me he would never do that to me and he’s going to show me that not every guy is like that. So I reluctantly let my walls down so we could be together.

Ed even lets me have him and Kaity over sometimes. We all sit in the living room and play video games or watch movies together or something. I even get this vibe sometimes that Ed has a little thing for Kate. When he first laid eyes on her I could see him go weak at the knees and his eyes widen. He gave me a little look, knowing what I was thinking, and mentally told me to keep my mouth shut. Also, I know when Kaity likes someone and is flirting, but trying to play hard to get at the same time. And this was definitely one of those times. I thought it was super cute though, how they would obviously flirt with each other, but both of them were too nervous to make the next move. So I made it apparent to bring her around more often, hoping something will eventually happen between them.

Right now Ed and I were sitting at the Subway across town eating lunch because he said he had something he wanted to ask me. Of course me being the overly paranoid person that I am, have already had every negative scenario play out in my head. I cant help but thinking, "he’s going to ask me to move out."

We sat down at a table and began unwrapping our sandwiches simultaneously.

"So, you wanted to ask me something?" I blurt out a little too fast and anxious.

"Oh yeah!" He remembered, taking a bite of his sub. "Don't worry, Jess. It’s nothing bad. I know how you get." He said while still chewing causing me to smile and relax a little. He set his sandwich down, very dramatically cleared his throat, slowly joined his hands together, and looked at me and in a very stereotypical British accent, asked me, "How do you feel about award shows, Miss?"

My eyes widened excitedly as I placed my sandwich down to express my giddiness more by throwing my hands up to my head.

"Are you asking me to go to an award show with you??????" I shouted probably a little too loud for the couples and families sitting around us, causing them to curiously turn and look to see what all of the drama was about.

"Yes, I am. But! You have to promise not to act like that!" He whisper shouted at me, laughing at the same time. "You have to be on your absolute best behavior. You're going to wear a long dress with your hair all done. Which means you have to stay quiet, stay in your seat, don't ask other people for their autographs, or embarrass me in any way possible."

I have been known to embarrass him from time to time while were out in public. He knows me well enough to know that sometimes I can get a little carried away and too excited about things. "Okay, I promise ill stay calm and not make you look bad. I know you try to be professional at these things." I say, attempting to reassure him, but not doing a very good job.

For a few minuets I rambled on to him about what I want to wear and how I wanted to do my makeup. When I could tell he was getting tired with me about on about girly things he had no interest in, I asked him more about the show its self.

"When is it?" I asked, trying to get him interested again.

"Its in four days, so we have to get busy getting prepared."

"What are you nominated for?"

"I'm in the category 'best male singer/songwriter." He states matter of factly, with a huge satisfactory grin on his face.

"Oh WOW! That's an awesome category to be nominated for! I know you're going to get it. Theirs no question, if ands or buts about it. That's all you." I go on and on with excitement for him telling him how I knew he could do it and stuff.

One question popped in my head, causing me to completely stop in the middle whatever I was saying and ask curiously, "Who all is going to be there?"

He rambled his brain for a few seconds; I'm guessing trying to remember who all was on the guest list. "Little Mix," he starts, counting on his fingers, "Jessie J, Adele, Elly Jackson, Tinchy Stryder, Tinie Tempah, Ellie Goulding, and a whole bunch more. Those are just the ones I could think of right off the top of my head."

He started acting suspicious. Looking around trying to hide his smile adn avoiding eye contact with me at all costs.

"I think there's something you're not telling me, Mr. Sheeran." I say, trying to get him to crack.

"Maybe there is. Maybe there isn't." He says, trying to make me wonder even more.

"I think you should tell me who else is going to be there before i make a scene right here in the middle of the restaurant." I threaten.

One Direction. Please say One Direction. One. Direction. 1D! 1D! 1D!

"Well, okay. But Jessica, you have to stay quiet and calm when I tell you. Got it?"

I shake my head vigorously, probably putting myself on the verge of giving myself whiplash.

"We have seats right next to the One Direction boys." He states plainly, just throwing it out in the open. I felt like someone punched me in the stomach and i was about to be sick. One Direction. I would actually be sitting next to them. I would be within touching distance of them. Yeah, I had always dreamed about it and thought 'what if'. But now that it was actually going to happen, I didn't know what to do with myself. "The boys and I are pretty close, and I know how much you love them, so I pulled a few strings and got our seats right next to theirs." He stopped talking and looked at me for a few minuets, letting me collect myself and get my breathing back under control. "Then after the award show," he continued, "I told them it would be okay if they stayed at my place until their tour starts back up." He rushed to get it all out.

Okay, what? WhaT? WhAT?! WHAT!??!! This cannot be happening. Oh my God. Jesus. Oh sweet lord. What is happening. I grabbed my heart dramatically, looking around at the ceiling to keep myself from hysterically crying tears of excitement. He could tell I was either about to throw up or start screaming.

"Okay, its time to go, Jess." She says, hurrying to get up out of the booth and grabbing our trash and throwing it away and rushing out the door to get to his car not giving me a chance to publically embarrass him.

Oh my God, I cannot want to get home so I can call Kaity and tell her everything that just happened. I pulled out my phone and texted her;

Kaity. Emergency. Meet me at Ed's place in 10! Not a second late!

Okay, so in four days I'm going to meet the boys I have been completely head over heels for since they were on X-Factor. Not only am I going to meet them, but I'm going to lIVING WITH THEM. As if living with Ed wasn't good enough as it is.

Only in my Wildest Dreams (A Niall Horan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now