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"Babe, are you okay?" I realized Harry was asking me with worry on his face. This caused Niall to step closer and catch the full attention of Ed and the other boys as they all looked at me and Kaity placed her other hand on my back, trying to keep me balanced.

I laughed and tried to play it off like I was perfectly fine. "Yeah! I'm just -" I couldn't finish my sentence before I felt Ed's hands under my arms holding me up from falling backwards.

"She just hasn't had enough protein today so she’s a little light headed, that's all. I'm going to run her to the wash room and well back in a bit!" Kaity said quickly before pulling me away. But not before she blew Ed a kiss, which I'm guessing he returned because she smiled as we sped walked down the isle to the bathroom.

Awesome first impression, Jess. Just great.


"No, Kaity! I am not going back out there." I sternly said to her. "Especially not after that. God, that was embarrassing. I completely made a fool of myself." She wiped away another one of my sad little tears with a tissue.

"Jessica Kay. Stop being so dramatic." She knew I knew she meant business when she used my middle name.

"Mary Kaitlin." I said back, just to be annoying. But it didn't bother her as much as it bothered me. As long as I didn't say it in front of other people, she really didn't care. She just didn't want anyone else knowing her real name. She preferred Kaity. All she did was wipe away another tear.

"Your cousin is out there, nominated for a huge award, and is probably nervous out of his mind. He invited you to this thing, which meant he wants you to be here for this. Now, you're going to extremely upset him if you're not out there when they call his name."

I sighed, knowing she was right. She always had a way with words. "I know. I’ll go back out there. I just don't want to sit next to the boys. I’m not even going to make eye contact. Were still playing hard to get, remember?" I giggled quietly. She smiled at me, and helped me hop down off of the counter.

"That's my girl. Now, Ed is probably sitting next to them. Do you want to sit in between me and Ed?"

I smiled shyly. "I mean, if you don't mind me getting in between you and your man tonight." I said as I winked at her. This earned me a slap on the shoulder.

"Oh shut up! He doesn't even like me like that! She said, trying to hide her smile and her blush.

"Oh come ooooooon Kaity." I pursed, giving her a 'seriously?' look. I suddenly grabbed her shoulder and shouted, "LISTEN!", making her jump.

"Shit, Jessica! What?! Listen to what?!" She said worriedly.

"I can hear the bells, well dontcha hear em chime?" I dramatically started singing 'I Can Hear the Bells' from Hairspray to her.

"Oh my god, shut the fuck up!" She said, cracking up. We would always sing this to each other freshman year when hot guys would talk to us in the hallways. She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bathroom before I could continue my song.

We got back to our seats and Katy was right, Ed was sitting next to the boys. Liam was on the end, then Zayn, Louis, Niall, Harry, and finally Ed. I looked at them out of the corner of my eye, just to see all of their eyes following me back to my seat. Christ, that's embarrassing. I tried to look like I wasn't even interested in them as I sat down in my seat next to Ed. I hoped it was working because in this moment, all that was going through my head was, 'holy mother of satan' 'what would happen if I sat on one of their laps' 'we would make cute babies' 'wow, that chest tattoo makes me want to take my shoes off and jump on the back of some peoples seats'. But I kept a serious composure. At least I hoped I was. The show had already started, so everyone was pretty much silent except when the host would make a corny joke and the audience would all fake laugh. Ed leaned over to me and asked if everything was okay now. I told him that I was all good, and I'm sorry for running off. He told me it was no big deal, and that everyone was really worried about me. Me? Worried about me? One Direction. Worried. About me? I made a little snort sound, which caused Harry to look my way with a crooked little smile on his face, trying to keep from laughing at the ridiculous noise I had just made. Good lord your face is like a pool of beautiful.

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