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Just then, the front door opened, revealing a tall, strong man. Someone I would've been intimidating by if I wouldn't have recognized his ginger hair and maroon pullover jumper as no one other than the infamous Ed Sheeran himself.


Okay, I could feel the blood rushing through my veins and my face getting hot. I knew that I probably looked like a complete idiot just standing there with my moth agape staring at him. I had to act cool. Act cool, Jess. I turned around trying to pretend like I didn't see him. I walked back to the back to the car to get my bags out. I knew my dad was trying to say something to me, but I couldn't hear him because the blood was pumping so hard in my ears that I couldn't hear anything. I saw him look away from me and look at someone behind me and smile and mouth something like, 'hey man! It’s nice to meet you!' and shake his hand. Okay, here goes nothing, I'm going to turn around and meet Ed Sheeran. Trying to act confident, I twirl around to face him.

"Hey! You must be Jessica. I'm Ed." He says excitedly with a huge grin plastered on his face, making eye contact with me.

"H-Hi. Yeah, b-but you can call me Jess." I blew it! I stuttered! I must look like an idiot. He must have noticed my embarrassment because he was visibly trying to make me less nervous by placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Were going to have tons of fun. You're going to feel right at home." He comfortably says with a genuine smile on his face. Oh my God I just love you.


After a long goodbye and I love you session with my parents, I finally got all of my stuff put away in Ed's guest room. I had calmed down a lot once I kind of got settled in. I was no longer feeling like I needed to constantly check and make sure I didn't accidentally pee my pants or anything. I felt like I wanted to stay in my room forever so I wouldn't have to go down there and save myself some embarrassment or just being an awkward person all around. But I decided, if I wanted to get over that, I might as well go ahead and go on downstairs and associate with him.

I joyfully hopped down the stairs and into his living room where he was lounged out on the couch in some sweats and a tee. I gracefully placed myself on the other couch and piped, "Whatcha watching?"

He took his eyes off of the television and looked at me. "The third 'Pirates of the Caribbean' is about to come on. Care to join me?"

"Are you kidding? These are some of my favorite movies." I said, trying to act as relaxed and normal as possible, placing my sock covered feet onto the coffee table. I was already in my pajamas as well, wearing my Disney World tee shirt and some yoga pants with my long, straight hair still down. I still wanted to look somewhat presentable.

"Do you want anything? Popcorn? A beer or a pop?" He asked, placing his feet on the floor standing up and beginning to walk into the kitchen.

"A beer and some crisps if you have them." I had never had a beer before. I was going to try and act as grown up as possible.

He returns not 2 minuets later and hands me exactly what I asked for, and then plops down beside me, giving me enough room to put my legs on the couch if I would want to.


We didn't even realize the movie had ended until the 3 o'clock news came on. It was really three in the morning. We had talked through the whole movie about anything and everything. He told me everything from what he had for breakfast yesterday morning, to his biggest fears and regrets. I told him everything about my parents, to how I had looked up to him and his music since forever, and my complete love for One Direction, which made him laugh way more than he should have. We played chubby bunny with pretzel sticks, which was just as disgusting as you may think. We talked about the tattoos we had and which ones hurt the worst and took the longest. I told him where to get the best pizza in the world and he told me what donut shop had the best donuts. 

I don't know why I was so scared to meet him. He was literally the easiest person to talk to. I felt like I had known him for years. We were joking around and playfully pushing each other and laughing. Only too soon did he yawn, and I noticed that his eyes were tired and he looked like he could pass out at any second now.

"I'm getting pretty tired. I might go hit the hay. Catch some z's. Get the-"

"I get it," he says, laughing. "I think I'm going to go on to bed too. It was nice talking to you, Jess! Sleep tight." He got up and grabbed the remote to turn off the television. I tiredly got up and walked to the stairs and up to my room, not wanting to be the last one out of the now pitch black living room. God, I'm terrified of the dark. 

I walk into my new room and close the door behind me, keeping all of the lights on as I crawl into bed and under the covers. I pick up my white iPhone off of the bedside table and take it off of the charger. I hit the 'home' button to check any texts or calls I might have missed. 

Best Friend (307) 

Really Kaity? Three hundred and seven text messages? 

Boyfriend <3 (3)

Oh whoops, I forgot to tell him I was leaving my phone to charge. I mentally face palmed myself for probably worrying the poor boy to death. I unlock my phone to bring up his text messages. 

'Hey baby, i hope u got settled in ok. Txt me whn you get all settled in.'

'Babe is evrything ok? Did i do something?'

'Jessica im rly sry if i did something. Plz tlk to me? I love you? /:'

I always thought it was so cute when he thought something was wrong and he got all worried. It makes me feel like he really cares. I smiled to myself as i messaged him back.

'Hey Mitch. I’m really sorry, i left my phone to charge and I was downstairs watching movies. I promise you didnt do anything wrong. No need to be worried. Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite. I love you! xxxxxxx'







I was going to go through all 300 text messages from Kaity, but when I realized they were all spam trying to get my attention, I locked my phone and turned over and squirmed down farther into the covers so only my head was showing out, and I drifted off into sleep.

Only in my Wildest Dreams (A Niall Horan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now