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Okay, so right now I am awkwardly sitting in the car with my parents while they drive me to my cousin’s house. I guess I can understand why they're upset. Me not wanting to live with them and all. But who could blame me? If any one I knew got the opportunity to go live with one of their idols, they wouldn't say no. Don't get me wrong, I do love both of my parents to pieces. They're the best parents a girl could ever ask for. Letting me have my freedom, but also knowing when to watch out for me and make sure I was in good hands. My parents always made sure that I knew they loved me more than anything.

I guess that's why they stayed together so long. I knew they weren't happy together. They never really acted like they were too happy to wake up to each other in the morning. The only reason they stayed together so long was because they saw how most of my friends turned out after their parents scarred them with dirty divorces and emotional court hearings. But they were only sticking through it for my sanity, and I didn't want that. They both deserve happiness, and if that is with someone else, then so be it. Its not going to make me love them any less or cause me to think that they love me any less. So one night about a year ago I sat them both down and told them that I know what was up, and I was going to be perfectly fine if we weren't all together anymore. In fact, it would make me happier to see them with someone who truly made them happy. So after a few more months of them trying to get along, they just couldn't do it anymore and finally told me that they were splitting up. And I have to say, I was a little relieved.

"Are we there yet?" I tiredly dragged out, intentionally annoying my parents.

"No, we still have about 15 minuets." My dad answered back.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I dramatically groaned in the back seat. 

My parents knew how much I loved Ed Sheeran for years now. I also have a very strong love for the well known boy band, One Direction. They could keep my up all night on YouTube and Tumblr watching their videos, listening to their music, reading stories about them. I literally knew each of these boys better than I know the back of my own hand. That is really creepy to say, but I am a huge fan. I have all of their dolls sitting on my dresser, their cut outs in my spare room, and blogs dedicated to everything 'One Direction'. 

The only downside to all of this was that I had never had any contact with Ed. He probably didn't even know he had a distant cousin who is one of his biggest fans, much less ever event thought about the side of the family he never met. My mum told me that she was talking to Ed's mum and she brought up her dilemma that she was moving and knew that I wasn't going to be willing to join her. So Imogen, his mom, voluntaries him to take me in until I was on my own. I kind of felt bad that I didn't even know if he was willing to do this for me or if he was just doing it because he didn't have the heart to tell my parents no. I feel like I'm going to be invading his personal space. 

What if he doesn't like me?

What if things get really awkward and I don't know what to say to him?

What if I pass out when I meet him?

What if he thinks I'm ugly?

What if he really doesn't want me there?

Why hasn't he texted me to tell me he’s excited to meet me and he’s excited about having a room mate? 

Oh God. Why am I doing this to myself? Now I'm having hot flashes and my hands and profusely sweating. I really just freaked myself out. If i wasn't already nervous enough about meeting him, i definitely am now! 

"Jessicaaaaaaaaaaa," my dad dragged out my name like he had been trying to get my attention for twenty minuets. "Were here, come help he get your bags out." 

Oh geeze. Oh God. We’re here. What do I do. What do I say. How do I stand.

I get out of the car with all of these thoughts racing through my head at a thousand miles per hour. I looked up the driveway at the flat. It wasn't as big and fancy as I was anticipating it to be. It looked like any regular home where any regular people would live. Tan paneling along the sides of the two story building with bright blue shutters and a lighter, more washed out blue front door. 

Just then, the front door opened, revealing a tall, strong man. Someone I would've been intimidating by if I wouldn't have recognized his ginger hair and maroon pullover jumper as no one other than the infamous Ed Sheeran himself.

Only in my Wildest Dreams (A Niall Horan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now