Hell On Earth

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"Aurora, can you and Stella come into my office please" my dad asked me

I nod my head and text Stella to come downstairs because dad wants to talk to us. Didn't take long for her to see the message then head where we.

I told her follow me into dad's office because that's where he wanna talk to us at.

Stella my older sister, she's only 7 months older than me though. Our daddy was pounding on our mom right after she had Stella.

"Thank you Aurora, now that I have y'all girls together we have to have a serious conversation" Our dad said to us.

"Okay? What's up?" I asked him while my sister just looked at me.

"Y'all life in danger so I hired some people to watch over y'all 24/7" Our dad said to us

"Yeah no" I said, about to walk out his office

"Aura, I wasn't asking" my dad said to me

"I don't care, I'm not having someone watch me everyday all day for lord know how long" I said to my dad

"Aura, stop being so dramatic" Stella said to me

"I'm not being dramatic I'm just not being watched like a damn baby" I said

"You always making shit harder then it has to be" Stella

"Just because your a push over doesn't mean I have to be one" I said

"Aurora that's enough" our dad said, slamming his hand against his wooden table. Me and Stella both jumped from the loud bang that echoed through the room.

"I don't wanna hear another thing from you Aurora about the situation and Stella I don't wanna hear another thing about Aurora. Do I make myself clear?" Our dad said to us

I nod my head not really wanting to say anything else because if I do we probably gonna have a yelling match.

Me and my dad get along like me and Stella get along but I always been closer to my mom or grandparents while Stella was a full time daddy's girl.

At some point I tried being close to my dad but I soon found out that me and my dad are too much alike.

"Yes we heard you" Stella said

After our dad told us we can leave now I grabbed my keys and went straight home. I love my dad but I moved out so I don't have someone watching my every move like a damn child.

I get home and instantly flop on my couch because I had a long day before my dad told me to come over.

I'm not gonna lie I stayed on my couch like this for a good few hours because I didn't feel like moving.

But at some point I had to become my phone started ringing so I grabbed it from my back pocket to see my two best friends FaceTiming our group chat.

I answered it and instantly hear my girl best friend Bella yelling at my guy best friend Clayton.

"Why every time y'all call one of y'all always yelling?" I asked them

"Because he's always pissing me off" Bella said

"You mad because I said I know a nigga when I see one" Clayton said

"How many times do I have to tell you we not niggas Clay" I told Clayton

Clayton always calling us "niggas" or "lil nigga" because he swears we don't act like females, we act like niggas.

"How many times do I have to say stop acting like some niggas and I'll stop calling y'all niggas" Clayton said

I get up and walk into the kitchen placing my phone up so they can see me while I cook myself some food.

"Just shut up Clay" Bella said

I laugh and shake my head listening to Bella and Clayton go back and forth about the same topic like they always do.

"Y'all done now?" I asked them

"No because why you let this bald headed hoe say I'm broke like the niggas she fuck with" Clay said

"Because you is broke with that 5 dollar hoe you swear finna be your wife" Bella said

"Well she got a point you do be messing with some broke ass hoes" I said

"At least I got hoes what y'all got?" Clay asked us

"I got money" I said, twerking

"I got a nigga" Bella said

"You a side bitch that nigga not yo nigga" Clayton said

At some point I just let Clayton have it because he was eating us not gonna lie.

While Clay kept going in on us I kept cooking till my food was done. I love cooking it's literally my love language.

They kept on while I was stuffing my face with the food I just made. At some point Clay and Bella saw the fork against to my lips and stop talking.

"Why y'all looking at me like that?" I asked them while I took a bite

"Because you made some food but didn't tell nobody" Bella said

"Huh, yall not here to even get any" I said

"Bet, on my way" Clay said

Next thing I know they both hung up the phone. I shook my head while I kept eating. I don't know why they coming over like I didn't look the door. And I'm not unlocking it either.

After I finished eating I took a shower and got ready for bed. I did end up hearing Clay and Bella knocking on my door but i didn't open it.

I just looked on my ring doorbell and watch them freeze outside in the cold because I wasn't getting out my comfortable and warm bed.

It stayed like that till I feel asleep to the sound of them cussing me out.

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