"I do"

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"Baby girl, your for real?" Sehvahn asked me

"Yes, let's get married like tonight" I told him

Once the shock of what I said wore off he called Braxton over telling him what I told him making him be in shock as well.

"Okay y'all can pick up y'all jaws now" I told both of them, making them mug me.

"Wanna see how long it takes for my dick to be in your mouth?" Sehvahn said, making me shake my head instantly.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry" I said

"Good girl, now you sure you wanna get married tonight?" Braxton asked me

"I'm sure, I'm more sure than anything else that's been going on with wedding planning" I said.

"Let's do it" Braxton said

"Nigga what?" Sehvahn asked him

"If this what she wants than what's the point of talking her out of it" Braxton said

"She's pregnant! All her emotions are off" Sehvahn said

"Hey, I'm right here I can clearly hear what y'all saying about me" I said, rolling my eyes

"She pregnant not dead! Let's give her what she wants" Braxton said

"Alright" Sehvahn said, throwing his arms in the air.

Flashback over

"Is it bad I'm kinda nervous?" I asked Bella as she styled my hair.

"Noo, I'm sure Sehvahn and Braxton are nervous too" Bella told me

"Mama, are you busy?" Mary asked me as she walked through the door looking so adorable. She had a dark blue dress with a big bow on the back. She looked like a princess.

"Never for you" I said to Mary

"Okay well can I talk to you without aunty Bella here?" Mary asked me

"Yeah of course. Give us a minute Bella?" I asked her Bella

"That's fine, I gotta make sure the boys not killing each other anyways" Bella told me

I laugh a little as Bella walked out leaving me and Mary alone.

"Okay, now what's up?" I asked Mary

"Well I wanted to ask you something" Mary said, playing with her fingers as she put her head down.

"Okay and what's that?" I asked her

"Did Tatum call you mommy soon as you met him?" She asked me

"Kinda yeah but why you ask?" I asked her

"Well I been having a lot of fun since I got here and Tatum always calling you mommy. I asked him if you was always his mommy and he said no but he said your his real mommy because you love him so I guess I'm asking if you be my mommy too" Mary asked me

"What? Of course I'll be your mommy. Don't ever be afraid to tell or ask me something I'll always be open ears and open arms" I told her as I pulled her into a tight bear hug.

"Okay mommy" Mary said, making me have the biggest smile on her face.

"Alright baby bear let's get this wedding started" I told her

"Alright, let's show everyone how the Hills do things around here" My grandpa said, as I locked my arm with his.

He walks me down the small church isle showing Sehvahn and Braxton standing next to each other with Tatum in between them.

They all looked so handsome. Honestly I didn't know if we could get married tonight but everyone band together and pulled it off.

My grandpa pulled some favors by getting us the church and with the suits and dressed. Honestly everything looked amazing for how soon it got pulled off.

As my grandpa walked me down the aisle I start to full heat coming from cheeks as I stared at Sehvahn and Braxton. Gosh I feel like little girl who has a crush again.

Of course their eyes was glued on me but it was okay because mine was glued on them too. We finally reach the boys so my grandpa gives me a kiss on the cheek then walked over to his seat.

"Everyone may sit" The pastor said

"Now, everyone is seated. Will you Braxton Brown take Aurora Hills as your faithful wife?" He asked Braxton?

"I do" Braxton said with a smile on his face

"Will you Sehvahn Saint Watson take Aurora Hills as your wife also?" The pastor asked Sehvahn

"Hell yeah shit I mean I do" Sehvahn said, making everyone laugh in the church well just me, the kids, my grandpa, my uncle, my best friends and the boys moms with their siblings.

"Now will you Aurora Hills take Braxton Brown and Sehvahn Saint Waton to be your faithful husbands for better or worse, sick or healthy, rich or poor?

"I do" I said

"This where y'all would usually do your vows but under these circumstance their not enough time so under the power of this church and state I pronounce you Wife and Husbands. You may now kiss the bride." The pastor said.

Next thing I know Sehvahn and Braxton grabbed me then spinned me around with Sehvahn placing a kiss on my lips than Braxton did the same.

All our family cheered as we walked down the aisle. You're probably thinking to yourself where's our wedding rings and why was the wedding so short.

Well the pastor was booked and busy weeks in advance but since he knew me and my grandpa he did us a favor so he did a quick wedding for us even though he had a whole other wedding to be at so I'm very thankful for him.

And we do have rings but the boys said I gotta wait till we get home to get my ring because it's custom made. The boys rings are family heirlooms from my grandpa and his great grandpa and yes of course it's basically just white silver band on both with diamonds surrounding it.

My grandpa gave me them a few weeks ago saying since I'm getting married now I'll put them to more use than him just staring at it.

"MOMMYYYY" Tatum yelled as he jumped into my arms.

"Yesssssss" I said as I held him next thing I knew Mary jumped on me too making me catch her with one arm.

"How you do that?" Sehvahn asked me

"Oh Uncle Mike made me learn how to play football when I was younger because he wanted a nephew" I told him

"Aye but you cool or whatever" Uncle Mike said

He gave me a side hug as I held the kids.

"So when the party gonna start?" Uncle Mike asked me

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