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I counted before I pulled the trigger of the gun aiming at the paper targets that were hanging. As every shot I let off hit the target directly in their chest or head.

"Mhm, I thought I'll find you here" I heard a voice from behind me. Turned around and saw my grandpa standing behind me with a smile on his face looking proud.

"Yeah, I needed some fresh air while Sehvahn and Braxton took Tatum to a doctor appointment" I said

"And why are you not there?" He asked me

"I told them I wasn't feeling well" I said

"Playing hooky like your mom used to I see" he said

"Not hooky just needed some time to myself" I said, turning around to face him

"Come. I know a place that'll help" he said


"Why is two black people in the middle of woods walking to where exactly?" I asked my grandpa

"I swear, you and your are mother twins" he said, rolling his eyes while we walk up this hill.

"I'm just saying I know you remember the horror movies we used to watch" I said

"I ran this whole state you safer then the First Lady so get your ass up this hill" he said

"Fine" I said

We keep walking up this hill till we reached the top. I hope this was worth it I don't even know if my pregnant butt supposed to be walking up hills.

Once we got to the top I must say the view is beautiful. It looked like something you'll see in the movies. The grass looked greener than green paint. The river looked crystal clear with a tint of blue reflecting off of it.

The grass was long and healthy like nobody ever walked over it before.

"Your mother discover this place when she first found out she was pregnant with you" he said, staring at the beautiful lake.

"It's beautiful" I said

"Yeah but not as beautiful as my beautiful granddaughter" he said, pulling me into a side hug

"Thanks but where are we here?" I asked him

"You said you needed some fresh air so I brought you here the most beautiful place that has the best fresh air" he said

"Why did mom come here?" I asked him

"Because your mother was just like you. Y'all make the most beautiful mothers but always let the problems of the world fall onto y'all shoulders" he said

"I miss her so much" I said

"I know but would have been crying if she saw how wonderful you turned out" he said

"You think so?" I asked

"I know so she loved y'all more then live itself. I remember the day your grandmother found out she was pregnant with your mother. She had tears in her eyes saying she loved her already" he said, kissing the top of my forehead

"Pa I'm already in love with this baby but I'm scared I'm so scared" I said, feeling myself get emotional

"Don't! You already the best mother. Let me and your niggas handle Tommy. You just stay relaxed and calm because everything gonna be handled sooner than you think" he said as we both looked at the water

"Grandpa, can you turn a light on before I fall" I said

My grandpa turns on the lights to see Sehvahn and Braxton on one knee right in front of me. I turned my head to see my grandpa house was decorated with blue and sliver balloons that said marry me.

My eyes started to water when I saw that. My grandpa grabs my hand and leads me closer to the boys.

"We wanted to make it special and what's more special then the place you grew up in" Braxton said

"Your pops got handled a few days ago so did Stella but I don't think you wanna hear that so but I hope you wanna hear this" Sehvahn said

"Some people know they found the love of their life within years but why wait years when we have ours is right in front of us" Braxton said

"We love you and our kids so what we trying to say is will you marry us?" Sehvahn asked me

"Yes yes yes YES" I said jumping up and down

I hugged my grandpa then hugged both boys crying my ass off. They both placed a blue diamond ring on my ring finger perfectly going together.

I could see them having the biggest and brightest smile on their faces ones I never saw before.

"I told you that everything was gonna work itself out real soon" my grandpa said

"Oh my gosh thank you grandpa for everything" I said, hugging him again

"Of course. I'll always be here and do whatever makes you happy now make sure you take care of them boys the right way don't let nobody tell you your moving to fast because I married your grandma within 4 months of dating her and we was joint to the hip till she died" my grandpa said, hugging me tighter

"You know I won't" I said, hugging him tight one last time before I went over to Sehvahn and Braxton.

I loved it the whole proposal. It was everything I ever wanted happened right in front of me. I mean the decorations and the rings are perfect but the way I saw how soft Sehvahn and Braxton was made me know deep down I was doing the right thing by saying yes.

I mean look at them their perfect in every way and even if they wasn't they still would be in my eyes. I can't believe I'm engaged to them and I'm pregnant and I'm a mom to Tatum.

It feels like I'm in a messed up fairy tail sometimes but they pull me out making me feel like this messed up fairy tail is all I want.

Sehvahn and Braxton end up grabbing a beer in the kitchen with my grandpa while I stare at my beautiful rings till I left some little arms wrap around my legs.

I looked down to see my handsome baby boy Tatum.

"Mommy, daddy and dada said you said yes" Tatum said

"I'm guessing you was in on it huh" I said

"Yes granddad said it was a secret I couldn't tell you mommy" he said

"It's okay and yes I said yes to your dads" I said

"Yayyy, you gonna have the same last name as me mommy" he said

"Yeah so will your little brother or sister" I said

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