Write Your Wrongs

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"Finally I can go homeeee" I said, with the most happiest tone ever.

I woke up from my coma a few days ago and I been hating it ever since mostly because I hate hospital and I hate this food they been trying to feed me.

Braxton and Sehvahn been by my side nonstop since I came here.

"Slow your roll baby girl. You gotta sign yourself out" Sehvahn told me

I nod my head while I gave Sehvahn and Braxton a kiss on their cheeks as I slowly walked to the front desk on the 4th level.

The doctor told me I'm lucky to be alive even luckier to be pregnant with twins that are healthy as can be.

As I signed my release papers I saw a little girl sitting by herself. She looked scared so I decided once i got done signing my papers I'm gonna go over there and see if her mom here.

And that's what I did. The nurse told me to have a good day as I walked over to the little girl seeing she had tears rolling down her honey tone skin.

I tried my best to bend down but it terribly failed because of how big my stomach is getting. So I just sat down next to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her

"Yes-s-s" she told me

"Where's your mommy?" I asked the little girl again

"She left me here. She told me this my new home" she told me

"Oh no! Have you ate at least?" I asked her again

"No-o-o the hospital told me they'll find me something to eat" She told me

"Well I have some snacks in my room. Do you want them?" I asked her

"Yes please" she told me

I grabbed her hand and walked her to the room having Sehvahn and Braxton staring at us.

"Who's the little girl, baby girl?" Sehvahn asked me

"Her mom left her here" I told them

"You tried finding her mom?" Braxton asked me

"Hell no, if she left her here she clearly don't want her no more so I'm gonna call my grandpa while you and Sehvahn give her some snacks while I'll figure this out" I told them

They gave her some snacks while I called my grandpa. I told him about the situation and he told me to ask what her name is so I did and she told me it's Mary'Lee Saint as she ate.

Tatum was just staring at her like he's never seen a little girl before.

I told my grandpa her name. He said he'll make some calls so just take her back home with us till he calls her back.

I tried telling him as much as I wanna help her I can't take her home with me the hospital won't just let me walk out of here with a little girl the whole hospital seem.

He told me by the time we leave he'll already have called the hospital. Sometimes I be forgetting he really has the whole state in his hands.

I hung up the phone after he told me a few more things like "don't be over doing it". I don't know why everyone think I'm gonna be over doing it.

I just got released from the hospital after being shot of course ima milk this till I can't no more.

"How's the snacks Mary?" I asked her

"Their good" Mary told me

"That's good. I have a very important question for you" I told her

"Okay" Mary said

"Do you wanna come over my house and have a sleepover?" I asked Mary

"Is mommy gonna be mad at me?" She asked me

"Of cause not. I don't think anyone can be mad at that sweet face" I told her

That sad face she had turned happy.

"Before we leave you should meet Tatum" I said, putting my hand out towards him

"Hi" Tatum said, tugging on my legs to pick him up so I did.

"Hii, I'm Mary'Lee" Mary said

"I'm Tatum but Daddy calls me Lil man, Dada calls me buddy and Mommy calls me handsome" Tatum said

"I wish I had a nicknames" Mary said, frowning a little

"Who said you couldn't. What about we call you Lee Lee or baby bear?" I asked her

"I like them thank you ma'am" Mary said

"You can call me Aurora" I told Mary

"No, her name is mommy Lee Lee" Tatum said

"Can I call you mama instead I don't want my mommy to mad" she asked me

"You can call me whatever you want" I told her


"Mommy can I show Lee Lee my room?" Tatum asked me

"Yeah. Daddy about to make dinner so go play till it's ready" I told them

Their little feet ran into Tatum room as I watched Sehvahn attempt to cook. Braxton was laughing right along with me.

Sehvahn was getting annoyed by us but I don't care because I get to see Braxton and Sehvahn cook for the next few months.

I know I probably should sad or mad that I got shot but me and my kids are okay plus I don't have to do nothing for a few months.

Sehvahn ends up giving up on cooking so Braxton and me ended up door dashing some Wendy's because whatever Sehvahn was trying to make didn't seem edible.

The food didn't take long to come since Wendy's right down the street.

"KIDS THE FOOD IS HERE" I yelled upstairs

They ran downstairs out of Tatum room to the dining room table. Tatum and Mary had the biggest smiles on their faces. It made my heart warm.

"Well well well what got the most amazing kids so happy?" I asked them

"Tatum as so many toys" Mary said

"Yeah his dads and grandpa tend to spoil him a lot" I told her

"I wish I had a lot of toys like Tatum" Mary said, seeming a little down

"Maybe after dinner we can go shopping and get you some toys" I told her

Her smile got even bigger than before.

"Mommy can we all come?" Tatum asked me

"Yeah but you and Mary gotta eat all your food" I told them.

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