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Sehvahn~point of view

"Rob, why the fuck we at a warehouse?" Me and Bro asked

"It's a perk of having the whole state in your hand. I know who shot my granddaughter and their in this warehouse" He said, getting out the car walking through run down metal door.

"Do we follow him?" Braxton asked me

"Nigga fuck yeah. Our wife in a hospital fighting for her and our kids life. Whoever it is we getting it back in blood" I said, hopping out the car walking towards the door.

Bro hesitated at first but once I was inside he was right next to me.

"You right! Whatever plans we have about leaving can wait. But don't do no stupid shit like kill them before we can get what we need out them" Braxton said, rolling his eyes

"A nigga did that shit one time and y'all won't let it go" I said

"Im just saying" Braxton said

We walked into a room that was pitch black till Rob turn the light on and we saw Stella bitch ass on the ground getting her back blown out by Baby girl bitch ass bro.

"Well since we know these pussy ass bitches no need for introductions" I said, grabbing my glock and pointing it at Stella while they got dressed.

"Sehvahn, put that shit down. I have my own ways of getting information out of people" Rob said, grabbing a chair and sitting down right in front of them.

"So we already know each other but I feel like we need a better introduction. So I'm Rob and these two niggas behind me is my soon to be sons in law." Rob said

Rob~Point of view

"Mhm. Hey-y-y granddad-d" Stella tried to say to me but I quickly put my finger over my lips letting her know this not the time she speaks yet.

"Aht aht ahtttt, I'm not talking yet. Now back to what I was saying. Earlier today my sweet sweet granddaughter was having a baby shower and while we was cleaning up she stumble walking over to us with a gun shot wound in her back. So whoever starts talking first lives" I said with a smile on my face

Sehvahn and Braxton both looked at me crazy but I knew exactly what I was doing. Stella turn on this nigga in a heartbeat so all I need her to do is tell me he shot Aurora.

Of course I knew it wasn't him. I had people ask around about the silent shooting and some people kindly came forward and said they heard Stella talking to some nigga about putting a hit over Aurora head.

I was thinking about retiring out of the game but moments like these make me reconsider. It's fun playing with people heads and they don't even know it.

As I waited for one of them to speak nobody did so I thought to myself  why not put some fire under their asses.

"Since nobody wanna speaks I'll just talk and you two tell me when I should stop. Stella you been staying at your pops old house since he died?" I asked her

"Yeah-h-h" she stuttered

"Mhm well you might wanna find somewhere else to stay because I'm getting it destroyed" I said

"You can't do th-at-t-t" she said

"But yet I can just like Aiden here has a girlfriend that's about to lose her job and both of them about to lose custody of their son" I said

"Look please leave my little boy of out this" Aiden said

"Well I would but you see I have a grandson that's crying for his mom in her best friend's arms right now and two other grandsons that's fighting for their life right now along with their mother so you see I don't feel like playing fair. I honestly want blood and I know my future sons in laws want the same but if someone starts talking I can make everything go alway with just one call" I said, pulling my phone out while looking at both of them.

I waited and waited but nobody said nothing once again. I know Sehvahn and Braxton are getting in patient so was I so I said fuck up. They tried taking Aurora away from us so I'll take everything away from them.

"Alright since y'all wanna act like yall in love or something I'll" but I got cut off by Aiden.

"Look I can't lose my little boy. Stella paid me 30k to kill Aurora at her baby shower" Aiden said

The smile that faded off my face once appear again my face.

"Perfect" I said, standing up. I look at Sehvahn and give him a head nod.

He pulls out a his strap and put a bullet in Aiden head. Stella was crying hovering over his dead body.

"Why did-d-d you-u-u kill him-m" she said while crying

"I lied I just needed him to tell me what I already knew. Now for you you'll go tell his girl how you slept with your brother then say you're the reason why he's dead and the reason why her son is taken away from her. I'm sure that's enough reason for her to beat your ass" I said, turning away from her.

"I'm your granddaughter-r" she cried out loud as she tried to hug me but I pushed her off.

"No I'm Aurora grandfather. You're dead to me but out of respect for your mother and Aurora so let this be your one and only warning. Touch Aurora in anyway I'll be the reason why you won't see the sun light a day in your life again" I said

I told Sehvahn and Braxton let's head out so we can head back to the hospital.

"You and Aurora are crazy as fuck" Sehvahn said

"What are we supposed to be?" I asked him

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