Am I caughting feeling?

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It's been a few days since me and Sehvahn kissed and it felt like me and Braxton kiss. I don't know how to feel to be honest. One minute I'm mad at Sehvahn for talking to another bitch but at the same time I don't care if he is.

But I do care but I don't. Lord my head been spinning since me and Braxton kissed now it's spinning even more since me and Sehvahn kissed.

I hate it I really do because me kissing them wasn't supposed to happen but it did and I don't regret it weirdly.

Today Braxton and Sehvahn told me and Tatum they gotta handle some business so we got told not to go nowhere and keep the doors lock they won't be "gone" long.

I didn't feel like arguing with them so I just agreed with them and went back to my room where Tatum was.

"Mommy, you cheated" Tatum said, while pouting

"Noo I didn't" I said

"Yes you did mommy" Tatum said

"Buddy i didn't cheat mommy just really good at the games but guess what the more you play the better you'll get at it and you'll beat me one day" I said, giving Tatum a hug to make him feel better.

Me and Tatum been playing games for a few hours and Tatum keeps cheating in every game but I'll catch him and make him play right which causes him to lose.

"Okay mommy" Tatum

I told Tatum to watch some Tv while I find another game for us to play. Tatum picks out some kid movie I never heard of before.

I let him watch it while it found a game I know Tatum could win in. We been playing Monopoly and Uno you know games that takes force and strategy.

While I looked I heard the front door open. But it's weird because I know I locked the front door and nobody has a key to my house. Not even my dad. I went back into my room telling Tatum we gonna hide and seek but he's has to be quiet till I find him.

I grabbed a knife i have in my nightstand and quietly walked out my room. I walked through the house and saw nobody was there till I felt a pair of hands tried to grab me but I stabbed them in their lower stomach.

Whoever tried to grab me let go of me groaning in pain. I ran to my room and locked the door behind me. I told Tatum to come out while I grabbed my phone and wallet. Not having an enough time to grab anything else but Tatum but before I knew it.

Someone was banging on my bedroom door loud and hard so I told Tatum we was gonna play another game called ran and hide.

I told Tatum we gotta climb out the window to start the game. So I lift Tatum up and helped him get out the window. I tried hurrying because whoever was trying to get in was breaking the door down so I helped Tatum get down safely then I jumped out.

I picked Tatum up and took off running. I didn't know where to go. Wait actually I do I just remembered my dad have safe houses for times like this.

I remembered one of them is like a 30 minute walk but with me running it only took us 20 minutes to get there. Once we got there I remember where the key was hidden I told Tatum to watch tv in the living room while I called his dad.

Tatum nodded his head then went over to the couch. I took my phone out my back pocket and called Sehvahn.

"What's good" Sehvahn said

"Sehvahn someone tried to break into my house" I said

"WHAT? Where the fuck y'all at? Y'all good? Where Tatum? He good?" Sehvahn kept asking questions but i couldn't answer them because i heard banging on the door again so i dropped my phone and grabbed Tatum fast as i could. I opened the back door and ran once again.

This time i really didn't know where I was going but i know I had to keep Tatum safe even if something happened to me I have to keep Tatum safe so I just kept running and running till i couldn't ran no more.

We ended up at a hotel that was a good distance away from my house and the safe house. I'm so happy I always keep emergency money on me.

I paid for a few nights then the people gave me my room key. I took me and Tatum to our room and locked the door behind us.

Once we was in the room I tried putting Tatum down but he wouldn't let me.

"Mommy, I'm scared" Tatum said

"Hey, theirs nothing to be scared about. Mommy always gonna protect you. I promise" I said, putting Tatum down on the bed.

"But daddy says I have to protect you mommy" Tatum said

"We protect each other but you did amazing job at following what mommy asked you to do we safe now" I said, wiping the tears off Tatum face.

"Mommy what if daddy hurt?" Tatum asked me

"I don't know if he is but I know your daddy loves you so much he'll always try his best to come back to you" I told Tatum

"Mommy you wanna know a secret?" He asked me

"Sure" I said

"Daddy told uncle b that he'll always protect you and me because we his family" he said

"Your daddy loves you so much so I know he'll always protect you" I said

"You too mommy" he said

I kissed Tatum forehead and told him to watch some tv while I go down the hall to get us some snacks from the store they have inside the hotel.

I told Tatum ima lock the door and don't open it for nobody because mommy has the key. He nods his head and i walk out.

I went down the hall towards the store. Once I got there I got some snacks I know Tatum would like and some I liked.

Once I got done picking out our snacks I paid for them and was about to walk back to the room but I heard my name from the front entrance.


I looked closely and saw Sehvahn and Braxton at the front deck cussing them out.

I dropped all me and Tatum snacks on the ground and ran into Sehvahn arms.

Sehvahn and Braxton face expressions completely changed when they saw me. Braxton asked me where Tatum was so I told him the room and gave him the room key. Braxton rans to the room while I'm stuck frozen in Sehvahn arms.

Sehvahn picks me up and takes me to this waiting area in the hotel lobby. I didn't notice he put me on his lap till I looked down.

"Aye y'all good? Did anything happen to you or Tatum?"

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